119 research outputs found

    Women’s basketball at the Olympic Games

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    The article refers to the evolution of Women Basketball Olympic Tournaments, trying to present and analyze these tournaments by associating the information related with the study of basketball to mapping representation. In the first part, the authors refer to a number of papers able to approach the research of sports as a result of the common study of specialists in physical education and sports, and also geography. There are also presented the main events that determined the inclusion of women basketball in the Olympic Games program. The gradual evolution of Women Basketball Olympic Tournaments, the participation of national teams, the medals obtained are presented and analyzed by associating the map with different ways of graphical representation

    Challenging the Status Quo: Steel Producer Case Study on the Enterprise Value for M&A

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the enterprise value determinants, in order to help the interested parties make correct (investment) decisions by studying industry cases of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). In order to understand and identify value-adding opportunities for the companies, the paper investigates a divestiture within a major international steel group. The research questions refer to the understanding of the relationship between the enterprise value and market capitalization of the selected companies acting in the steelmaking field, including other factors such as the revenue, EBITDA, EPS or ownership structure. In order to understand how the enterprise value is determined, we have analyzed relevant theories, including Tobin’s Quotient (Q) for a company/ aggregate corporation, for the study of the relationship between the market value and its replacement value. If used empirically, Tobin’s q helps avoid issues of estimating shareholders’ risk-adjusted required return by the market prices. However, Q is not (yet) used in practice in the valuations of companies, because of the lack of the necessary input data. Besides using the graphical visualization of the share price, we have used the datasets available for several years on the value of several mature steel producing companies, market capitalization, and other indicators. The methodology also includes Market Comparable method and own spreadsheet calculations. After analyzing the evolution of the share price for the global steelmaking leader (ArcelorMittal), between 2009 and 2018, we have not identified any growth potential; the market value of ArcelorMittal is a proxy for the market value of its assets

    Non-dental oral cavity findings in gastroesophageal reflux disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is known as the most prevalent gastrointestinal disorder in the United States, leading to substantial morbidity, although associated mortality is rare. Based on the appearance of esophageal mucosa on upper endoscopy, GERD is divided into erosive esophagitis (ERD) and nonerosive reflux disease (NERD). Heartburn and acid regurgitation are the typical symptoms of the disease, although some patients may present atypical manifestations such as epigastric pain, nausea, asthma, chronic cough, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sleep disturbances, otitis, and sinusitis. Other signs, such as oral mucosal lesions may result from GERD by direct acid or acidic vapor contact in the oral cavity. Oral manifestations such as tooth erosion, periodontitis, gingivitis, palatal erythema, ulceration, glossitis, oral acid burning sensation, halitosis, xerostomia have recently been reported in GERD patients. A considerable percentage of the patients are affected by oral manifestations before the onset of gastrointestinal symptoms, although in most cases the gastrointestinal signs and symptoms dominate the clinical picture. The injured oral mucosa negatively impacts the quality of life, especially functional limitation, physical inability and psychological disabilities, thus leading to social isolation. There is plenty of non-standardized information on the oral mucosal changes in GERD. In this context, we aimed at synthesizing and analyzing the current available evidence on non-dental oral cavity lesions and complaints that are present in patients diagnosed with GERD

    Occupational Risk Management in Industry

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    Occupational risk management is part of the occupational health and safety at workplace. Occupational risk management has a specific component relating to the assessment of the risk and a common component of all types of management including: planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling. Managers must understand the legal and moral liability of their job in ensuring a healthy and safe workplace and to make all necessary efforts to achieve and maintain this goal. Although this action is the responsibility of management, employees also have a role as important in ensuring health and safety at the workplace. The case study approach, this paper aimed to determine if employees respond to the important efforts being made by the organization to reduce the level of risk in the workplace and improve security. The case study was based on questioning of one total of 64 employees in the industrial sector in Galati area Romania. The questionnaire had a total of 24 questions chosen so as to show how well the respondents understood the occupational risk management, the attitude towards risk assessment at the workplace, how vigilant are at the workplace, if they understood measures security and the extent to which they meet

    Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the breast: a case report

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    Neuroendocrine breast carcinomas represent a rare subtype of breast cancer. Their definition, prevalence and prognosis remain controversial in the literature. Regarding the presentation, there are no differences from other breast carcinomas and clinical syndromes related to hormone production are extremely rare. Refinement of the classification of neuroendocrine neoplasms of the breast is needed in order to improve the reproducibility of their diagnostic criteria and to define their clinical significance. This article presents the case of a 44-year-old female patient diagnosed with invasive breast carcinoma with neuroendocrine features, according to the 2012 World Health Organization (WHO) definition, with focus on presentation, clinical manifestations, diagnostic approach and differential diagnosis

    Cementtel stabilizált talajminták teherbírása tengelyirányú nyújtóerő esetén

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    Stabilizált talajok alatt hidraulikus kötőanyagokkal (pl. cement, mész) kevert többnyire agyagos földtípusokat értünk. Stabilizációs eljárásokkal jelentősen fel lehet javítaní az illető talaj fizikai és mechanikai tulajdonságait. A közlekedésből származó terhelés összenyomást eredményez az útszerkezet felső részében, míg az alsóbb régiókban nyujtóerők lépnek fel. Csakhogy ezen szerkezetek esetében a nyujtóerő által generált teherbírást kiiktatják a számításokból azáltal hogy egy vastag (1,5 – 2,5 m) réteget használnak. A Kolozsvári Műszaki Egyetem laboratóriumában 40x40x160 [mm] méretű cementtel stabilizált talaj prizmákat teszteltünk tengelyirányú nyujtóerő hatására, hogy fel tudjuk mérni a nyujtóellenállás esetleges jelentőségét az útszerkezetek tervezésében


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    Problem statement: In this research, we want to present an experimental study demonstrating that dynamic games bring the lesson of physical education and sport a plus in terms of the results of the school curriculum control tests, but not only they have an important role in combating absenteeism at sports classes. The study was conducted during the first semester of the school year 2017-2018 at the “Mihai Viteazul” Campia-Turzii Secondary School, in the 8th grade, by introducing dynamic games of physical education and sport. The pupils’ evaluation was carried out with the help of compulsory control tests, in order to track the influence of the games on the results obtained. Objectives: The objectives are the implementation of dynamic games in physical education and sports lessons in the 8th grade, specific games for each subject of the lesson and quantification of the effectiveness resulting from their application by means of periodic verification. Materials and methods: school materials such as the meter, mattresses, milestones, the timer were used, and as a human resource, the two eighth grades were divided into the control class and the experiment class. Conclusions and recommendations: Following the experiment, positive results were recorded in both classes, specifying that the results of the experimental class had a higher improvement than the control class results. REZUMAT. Studiu privind eficiența folosirii jocurilor dinamice în lecția de educație fizică și sport la clasele a VIII-a. Introducere: În lucrarea de față, dorim să prezentăm un studiu experimental prin care să demonstrăm că jocurile dinamice aduc lecției de educație fizică și sport un plus din punct de vedere al rezultatelor probelor de control din programa școlară, dar nu numai, acestea având și un rol important în combaterea absenteismului la orele de sport. Situația problemei studiate: Studiul s-a realizat pe parcursul semestrului I, al anului școlar 2017-2018, la Școala Gimnazială „Mihai Viteazul” Câmpia-Turzii, la clasele a VIII-a, prin introducerea în lecțiile de educație fizică și sport a jocurilor dinamice. Evaluarea elevilor s-a realizat cu ajutorul probelor de control obligatorii, cu scopul de a urmări influența jocurilor în rezultatele obținute. Obiective: Obiectivele sunt implementarea jocurilor dinamice în lecțiile de educație fizică și sport la clasele a VIII-a, jocuri specifice pentru fiecare tematică a lecției și cuantificarea eficienței rezultate în urma aplicării acestora cu ajutorul verificării periodice. Materiale și metode: s-au folosit materiale din dotarea școlii precum metrul, saltelele, jaloane, cronometrul, iar ca resursă umană, cele două clase de a VIII-a au fost împărțite în clasa control și clasa experiment. Concluzii și recomandări: În urma experimentului efectuat s-au înregistrat rezultate pozitive la ambele clase cu precizarea că, rezultatele clasei experiment au o îmbunătățire mai mare față de rezultatele clasei control. Cuvinte cheie: educație fizică, jocuri dinamice, clasa a VIII-a