18 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Reactivity of a Nucleophilic Palladium(II) Carbene

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    Two formal palladium carbene complexes, [PC­(sp<sup>2</sup>)­P]­Pd­(PR<sub>3</sub>) (<b>3</b>: R = Me; <b>4</b>: R = Ph) were isolated and characterized from [PC­(sp<sup>3</sup>)­H<sub>2</sub>P] ([PC­(sp<sup>3</sup>)­H<sub>2</sub>P] = bis­[2-(di-isopropylphosphino)­phenyl]­methane, <sup>i</sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>P-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>-CH<sub>2</sub>-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>-P<sup>i</sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>). Structural studies and DFT calculations indicate that the interaction between palladium and carbon is best described as a single bond, associated with nucleophilic character at that carbon atom. The characteristics of <b>3</b> were probed by reactions with electrophiles (MeI), acids (MeOH and HCl), and <i>para</i>-toluidine

    C–H Activation Reactions of a Nucleophilic Palladium Carbene

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    The reactivity of a nucleophilic palladium carbene, [PC­(sp<sup>2</sup>)­P]­Pd­(PMe<sub>3</sub>) (<b>1</b>; [PC­(sp<sup>2</sup>)­P] = bis­[2-(diisopropylphosphino)­phenyl]­methylene), toward the C–H bonds of CH<sub>3</sub>COCH<sub>3</sub>, CH<sub>3</sub>CN, Ph–CCH, fluorene, and 9,10-dihydroanthracene was investigated. All surveyed substrates reacted with <b>1</b>. However, there was no detectable reaction of <b>1</b> with Ph<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>. It is proposed that the p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub> values of the studied C–H bonds govern their reactivity toward <b>1</b>: our results show that substrates with a p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub> higher than 29, such as Ph<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>2</sub> (p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub> = 32.2), do not react even with prolonged heating

    Ag(I) and Tl(I) Precursors as Transfer Agents of a Pyrrole-Based Pincer Ligand to Late Transition Metals

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    A PNP ligand, PN<sup>pyr</sup>P ((PN<sup>pyr</sup>P)H = 2,5-bis­((di-<i>iso</i>-propylphosphino)­methyl)­pyrrole), which employs a pyrrole unit as a central anionic nitrogen donor, was designed. The corresponding group 10 metal chlorides as well as iridium and ruthenium compounds were isolated. In order to conduct this work, [(PN<sup>pyr</sup>P)­Tl] and [(PN<sup>pyr</sup>P)­Ag]<sub>2</sub> were synthesized and characterized. The thallium and silver species were paramount in the formation of the iridium and ruthenium complexes, which could not be isolated using (PN<sup>pyr</sup>P)H or the corresponding lithium pyrrolide salt. Interestingly, the solid state molecular structure of [(PN<sup>pyr</sup>P)­Tl] indicates that the metal center engages in an η<sup>2</sup> intermolecular interaction with the backbone of a neighboring pyrrole molecule instead of the expected bonding to the phosphine arms

    An Adaptable Chelating Diphosphine Ligand for the Stabilization of Palladium and Platinum Carbenes

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    Group 10 metal carbenes are proposed in catalytic transformations; however, their isolation remains difficult without the presence of a heteroatom donor. The adaptable cis and trans coordinating ligand P<sup>ter</sup>P (1,2-bis­(2-(diisopropylphosphino)­phenyl)­benzene) is key in stabilizing two-coordinate palladium and platinum(0) precursors. Reacting these precursors with di-<i>p</i>-tolyldiazomethane ((<i>p</i>-tol)<sub>2</sub>CN<sub>2</sub>) leads to the formation of the unprecedented trigonal-planar diarylcarbenes [(P<sup>ter</sup>P)­MC­(<i>p</i>-tol)<sub>2</sub>] (M = Pd, Pt), upon transformation of the trans coordinating ligand into a wide-bite, cis-coordinating ligand. Both palladium and platinum diarylcarbenes were characterized by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy. The unusual stability of the platinum analogue allowed its characterization via X-ray crystallography. Furthermore, the reactivity of the palladium and platinum diarylcarbenes with Ph<sub>2</sub>SiH<sub>2</sub> and CH<sub>3</sub>I was investigated

    Aryl and Benzyl C–H Activation of N‑Substituted PNP Ligands

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    The synthesis of the <i>N</i>-aryl-substituted PNP pro-ligands H­(PN<sup>naph</sup>P) (<i>N</i>-di­(2-diisopropyl­phosphine-4-methylphenyl)­naphthylamine) and H­(PN<sup>tol</sup>P) (<i>N</i>-di­(2-diisopropylphosphine-4-methylphenyl)-<i>o</i>-tolylamine) is reported. The corresponding iridium­(III) complexes, [(PN<sup>naph</sup>P)­Ir­(H)­Cl], [(<i>o</i>-methyl-PN<sup>tol</sup>P)­Ir­(H)­Cl], [(<i>o</i>-aryl-PN<sup>tol</sup>P)­Ir­(H)­Cl], [(PN<sup>naph</sup>P)­Ir­(H)<sub>2</sub>], [(<i>o</i>-methyl-PN<sup>tol</sup>P)­Ir­(H)<sub>2</sub>], and [(<i>o</i>-aryl-PN<sup>tol</sup>P)­Ir­(H)<sub>2</sub>], were also synthesized and structurally characterized, along with reaction intermediates, demonstrating various ligand coordination modes

    C–H Activation Reactions of a Nucleophilic Palladium Carbene

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    The reactivity of a nucleophilic palladium carbene, [PC­(sp<sup>2</sup>)­P]­Pd­(PMe<sub>3</sub>) (<b>1</b>; [PC­(sp<sup>2</sup>)­P] = bis­[2-(diisopropylphosphino)­phenyl]­methylene), toward the C–H bonds of CH<sub>3</sub>COCH<sub>3</sub>, CH<sub>3</sub>CN, Ph–CCH, fluorene, and 9,10-dihydroanthracene was investigated. All surveyed substrates reacted with <b>1</b>. However, there was no detectable reaction of <b>1</b> with Ph<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>. It is proposed that the p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub> values of the studied C–H bonds govern their reactivity toward <b>1</b>: our results show that substrates with a p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub> higher than 29, such as Ph<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>2</sub> (p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub> = 32.2), do not react even with prolonged heating

    Flexible Coordination of Diphosphine Ligands Leading to cis and trans Pd(0), Pd(II), and Rh(I) Complexes

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    A series of diphosphine ligands <sup><i>i</i></sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>P–C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>–X–C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>–P<sup><i>i</i></sup>Pr<sub>2</sub> (for ligand L<sup>1</sup>, X = CH<sub>2</sub>; for ligand L<sup>2</sup>, X = CH<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>) was investigated to determine the preference for cis/trans coordination to palladium(0), palladium­(II), and rhodium­(I). Increasing the length of the bridging alkyl backbone from one to two carbons changes the geometry of the resulting palladium­(II) complexes, with L<sup>1</sup> coordinating preferentially cis, while L<sup>2</sup> coordinates in a trans fashion. Coordination to Pd(0) leads to L<sup>1</sup>Pd­(dba) and L<sup>2</sup>Pd­(dba), in which both ligands accommodate a P–M–P angle close to 120°. L<sup>2</sup> was found to coordinate cis in a rhodium­(I) complex ([L<sup>2</sup>Rh­(nbd)]­[BF<sub>4</sub>], where nbd = norbornadiene)

    Synthesis and Reactivity of a Nucleophilic Palladium(II) Carbene

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    Two formal palladium carbene complexes, [PC­(sp<sup>2</sup>)­P]­Pd­(PR<sub>3</sub>) (<b>3</b>: R = Me; <b>4</b>: R = Ph) were isolated and characterized from [PC­(sp<sup>3</sup>)­H<sub>2</sub>P] ([PC­(sp<sup>3</sup>)­H<sub>2</sub>P] = bis­[2-(di-isopropylphosphino)­phenyl]­methane, <sup>i</sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>P-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>-CH<sub>2</sub>-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>-P<sup>i</sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>). Structural studies and DFT calculations indicate that the interaction between palladium and carbon is best described as a single bond, associated with nucleophilic character at that carbon atom. The characteristics of <b>3</b> were probed by reactions with electrophiles (MeI), acids (MeOH and HCl), and <i>para</i>-toluidine

    Three-Coordinate Nickel Carbene Complexes and Their One-Electron Oxidation Products

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    The synthesis and characterization of two new carbene complexes, (dtbpe)­NiCH­(dmp) (<b>1</b>; dtbpe = 1,2-bis­(di-<i>tert</i>-butylphosphino)­ethane; dmp = 2,6-dimesitylphenyl) and (dippn)­NiCH­(dmp) (<b>2</b>; dippn = 1,8-bis­(di-<i>iso</i>-propylphosphino)­naphthalene), are described. Complexes <b>1</b> and <b>2</b> were isolated by photolysis of the corresponding side-bound diazoalkane complexes, exemplified by (dtbpe)­Ni­{η<sup>2</sup>-N<sub>2</sub>CH­(dmp)} (<b>3</b>). The carbene complexes feature Ni–C distances that are short and Ni–C–C angles at the carbene carbon that are intermediate between 120° and 180° (155.7(3)° and 152.3(3)°, respectively). The difference between the two carbenes became obvious when their reactivity toward 1-electron oxidizing agents was studied: the oxidation of <b>1</b> led to an internal rearrangement and the formation of a nickel­(I) alkyl [{κ<sup>2</sup>-P,C-di-<i>tert</i>-butylphosphino-di-<i>tert</i>-butyl-PCH­(dmp)­ethane}­Ni]­[BAr<sup>F</sup><sub>4</sub>] (<b>4</b>), while the oxidation of <b>2</b> allowed the isolation of an unrearranged product, formulated as the cationic nickel­(III) carbene complex­[(dippn)­NiCH­(dmp)]­[BAr<sup>F</sup><sub>4</sub>] (<b>6</b>). Both oxidations are chemically reversible and the respective reductions lead to the neutral carbene complexes, <b>1</b> and <b>2</b>

    Group 10 Metal Complexes Supported by Pincer Ligands with an Olefinic Backbone

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    The coordination chemistry of 2,2′-bis­(di-<i>iso</i>-propyl­phosphino)-<i>trans</i>-stilbene (<i>t</i>PCHCHP) with group 10 metal centers in a variety of oxidation states is reported; different coordination modes were observed depending on the oxidation state of the metal. With metal centers in the 0 or +1 oxidation state ((<i>t</i>PCHCHP)­Ni, [(<i>t</i>PCHCHP)­Pd]<sub>2</sub>, (<i>t</i>PCHCHP)­NiCl, (<i>t</i>PCHCHP)­NiI), η<sup>2</sup> coordination of the olefin occurs, whereas, with metals in the +2 oxidation state, C–H activation of the backbone, followed by rapid H–X reductive elimination, was observed, leading to an η<sup>1</sup> coordination of the backbone in (<i>t</i>PCCHP)­MCl (M = Ni, Pd, Pt). Employing the methyl-substituted analogue, 2,2′-bis­(di-<i>iso</i>-propylphosphino)-<i>trans</i>-diphenyl-1,2-dimethylethene (<i>t</i>PCMeCMeP), forced an η<sup>2</sup> coordination of the olefin in [(<i>t</i>PCMeCMeP)­NiCl]<sub>2</sub>­[NiCl<sub>4</sub>]. The synthesis of the hydride complex (<i>t</i>PCCHP)­NiH was attempted, but, instead, led to the formation of (<i>t</i>PCHCHP)­Ni, indicating that the vinyl form of the backbone can function as a hydrogen acceptor. All metal complexes were characterized by multinuclei NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and elemental analysis