4 research outputs found

    Paleoecology of the large carnivore guild from the late Pleistocene of Argentina

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    The paleoecology of the South American fossil carnivores has not been as well studied as that of their northern relatives. One decade ago Fariña suggested that the fauna of Río Luján locality (Argentina, late Pleistocene–early Holocene) is not balanced because the metabolic requirements of the large carnivores are exceeded by the densities and biomass of the large herbivores. This conclusion is based on the calculation of densities using allometric functions between body mass and population abundance, and is a consequence of low carnivore richness versus high herbivore richness. In this paper we review the carnivore richness in the Lujanian of the Pampean Region, describe the paleoecology of these species including their probable prey choices, and review the available information on taphonomy, carnivore ecology, and macroecology to test the hypothesis of “imbalance” of the Río Luján fauna. The carnivore richness of the Río Luján fauna comprises five species: Smilodon populator, Panthera onca, Puma concolor, Arctotherium tarijense, and Dusicyon avus. Two other species are added when the whole Lujanian of the Buenos Aires province is included: Arctotherium bonariense and Canis nehringi. With the exception of D. avus and Arctotherium, these are hypercarnivores that could prey on large mammals (100–500 kg) and juveniles of megamammals (>1000 kg). S. populator could also hunt larger prey with body mass between 1000 and 2000 kg. The review of the “imbalance” hypothesis reveals contrary evidence and allows the proposal of alternative hypotheses. If high herbivore biomass occurred during the Lujanian, a higher density of carnivores could be supported than as inferred from the power function of body size and population density

    Hypsodonty in Pleistocene ground sloths

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    Although living sloths (Xenarthra, Tardigrada) are represented by only two genera, their fossil relatives form a large and diverse group. The evolution of hypsodonty, the crown height of a tooth, has traditionally been viewed as a response to dietary shifts toward abrasive vegetation. But recent work indicates that hypsodonty is also due to the higher prevalence of grit and dust in more open environments. The teeth of sloths are both high−crowned and open−rooted, or hypselodont, but distinctions between the selective factors acting to produce differing degrees of hypsodonty have not been rigorously considered. A comparative analysis of hypsodonty was performed in eleven species of Pleistocene sloths. It suggests that differences in hypsodonty may be explained by dietary preferences, habitat and habits. Among mylodontids, morphologic and biomechanical analyses indicate that hypsodonty was unlikely to be due solely to feeding behavior, such as grazing. Some mylodontids (e.g., Scelidotherium leptocephalum, Lestodon armatus, Glossotherium robustum, Mylodon darwini) were capable diggers that likely dug for food, and ingestion of abrasive soil particles probably played a considerable role in shaping their dental characteristics. Increased hypsodonty over time in Paramylodon harlani, however, is apparently due to a change in habitat from closed to more open environments. Geographical distributions of the megatheriids Eremotherium and Megatherium indicate differing habitats as possible factors in hypsodonty differences. In summary, among Tardigrada hypsodonty is apparently affected by diet, habitat and habit. The absence of enamel must be responsible for much of the hypsodonty observed in xenarthrans, which obscures the interpretation of contribution of each of the mentioned factors

    Dazai Osamu ve "Beklemek" Öyküsü - Ummakla Oyalanmak Arasında Gizemli Bekleyiş

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    The tendency for the mean body size of taxa within a clade to increase through evolution (Cope’s Rule) has been demonstrated in a number of terrestrial vertebrate groups. However, because avian body size is strongly constrained by flight, any increase in size during the evolution of this lineage should be limited – there is a maximum size that can be attained by a bird for it to be able to get off the ground. Contrary to previous interpretations of early avian evolution, we demonstrate an overall increase in body size across Jurassic and Cretaceous flying birds: taxon body size increases from the earliest Jurassic through to the end of the Cretaceous, across a time span of 70 Myr. Although evidence is limited that this change is directional, it is certainly nonrandom. Relative size increase occurred presumably as the result of an increase in variance as the avian clade diversified after the origin of flight: a progression towards larger body size is seen clearly within the clades Pygostylia and Ornithothoraces. In contrast, a decrease in body size characterizes the most crownward lineage Ornithuromorpha, the clade that includes all extant taxa, and potentially may explain the survival of these birds across the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary. As in all other dinosaurs, counter selection for small size is seen in some clades, whereas body size is increasing overal

    Dietary Flavonoids Interaction with CREB-BDNF Pathway: An Unconventional Approach for Comprehensive Management of Epilepsy

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