1 research outputs found

    Seleção de progênies de tomate em Rondônia

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    This study aimed to select endogamic progenies of tomato cv. Yoshimatsu and to conduct a progeny test in the state of Rondônia. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with four replicates and eight plants per plot, spacing 1x0.5 m, with one stem. A significant variation was observed among the fifteen progenies for productivity (2.0-5.5 kg plant-1), seed mass with placenta (18-31.5 g fruit-1), number of fruits per plant (18.8-38.7) and soluble solids (3.4-4.2°Brix). No significant variation was noticed for fruit size, pericarp thickness, number of locules, pH, number of flowers and fruit set, though. P6 progeny showed to be the most productive one (110 t ha-1): average fruit mass was 142.5 g, salad type tomato, 7.5 locules, 3.5°Brix, pH 4.2, 60.9 flowers per plant and 64.2% fruit set. Thus, these data show genetic variability of cultivar Yoshimatsu, being possible to obtain lines and/or cultivars with medium to large fruits adapted to the state of Rondônia. © 2019, Sociedade de Olericultura do Brasil. All rights reserved