127 research outputs found

    Large deviations of the maximum of independent and identically distributed random variables

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    A pedagogical account of some aspects of Extreme Value Statistics (EVS) is presented from the somewhat non-standard viewpoint of Large Deviation Theory. We address the following problem: given a set of NN i.i.d. random variables {X1,,XN}\{X_1,\ldots,X_N\} drawn from a parent probability density function (pdf) p(x)p(x), what is the probability that the maximum value of the set Xmax=maxiXiX_{\mathrm{max}}=\max_i X_i is "atypically larger" than expected? The cases of exponential and Gaussian distributed variables are worked out in detail, and the right rate function for a general pdf in the Gumbel basin of attraction is derived. The Gaussian case convincingly demonstrates that the full rate function cannot be determined from the knowledge of the limiting distribution (Gumbel) alone, thus implying that it indeed carries additional information. Given the simplicity and richness of the result and its derivation, its absence from textbooks, tutorials and lecture notes on EVS for physicists appears inexplicable.Comment: 14 pag., 1 fig. - Accepted for publication in European Journal of Physic

    Moments of Wishart-Laguerre and Jacobi ensembles of random matrices: application to the quantum transport problem in chaotic cavities

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    We collect explicit and user-friendly expressions for one-point densities of the real eigenvalues {λi}\{\lambda_i\} of N×NN\times N Wishart-Laguerre and Jacobi random matrices with orthogonal, unitary and symplectic symmetry. Using these formulae, we compute integer moments τn=\tau_n= for all symmetry classes without any large NN approximation. In particular, our results provide exact expressions for moments of transmission eigenvalues in chaotic cavities with time-reversal or spin-flip symmetry and supporting a finite and arbitrary number of electronic channels in the two incoming leads.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures. Typos fixed, references adde

    Large deviations of spread measures for Gaussian matrices

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    For a large n×mn\times m Gaussian matrix, we compute the joint statistics, including large deviation tails, of generalized and total variance - the scaled log-determinant HH and trace TT of the corresponding n×nn\times n covariance matrix. Using a Coulomb gas technique, we find that the Laplace transform of their joint distribution Pn(h,t)\mathcal{P}_n(h,t) decays for large n,mn,m (with c=m/n1c=m/n\geq 1 fixed) as P^n(s,w)exp(βn2J(s,w))\hat{\mathcal{P}}_n(s,w)\approx \exp\left(-\beta n^2 J(s,w)\right), where β\beta is the Dyson index of the ensemble and J(s,w)J(s,w) is a β\beta-independent large deviation function, which we compute exactly for any cc. The corresponding large deviation functions in real space are worked out and checked with extensive numerical simulations. The results are complemented with a finite n,mn,m treatment based on the Laguerre-Selberg integral. The statistics of atypically small log-determinants is shown to be driven by the split-off of the smallest eigenvalue, leading to an abrupt change in the large deviation speed.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures. v4: final versio

    Universal transient behavior in large dynamical systems on networks

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    We analyze how the transient dynamics of large dynamical systems in the vicinity of a stationary point, modeled by a set of randomly coupled linear differential equations, depends on the network topology. We characterize the transient response of a system through the evolution in time of the squared norm of the state vector, which is averaged over different realizations of the initial perturbation. We develop a mathematical formalism that computes this quantity for graphs that are locally tree-like. We show that for unidirectional networks the theory simplifies and general analytical results can be derived. For example, we derive analytical expressions for the average squared norm for random directed graphs with a prescribed degree distribution. These analytical results reveal that unidirectional systems exhibit a high degree of universality in the sense that the average squared norm only depends on a single parameter encoding the average interaction strength between the individual constituents. In addition, we derive analytical expressions for the average squared norm for unidirectional systems with fixed diagonal disorder and with bimodal diagonal disorder. We illustrate these results with numerical experiments on large random graphs and on real-world networks.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures. Substantially enlarged version. Submitted to Physical Review Researc

    Invariant sums of random matrices and the onset of level repulsion

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    We compute analytically the joint probability density of eigenvalues and the level spacing statistics for an ensemble of random matrices with interesting features. It is invariant under the standard symmetry groups (orthogonal and unitary) and yet the interaction between eigenvalues is not Vandermondian. The ensemble contains real symmetric or complex hermitian matrices S\mathbf{S} of the form S=i=1MOiDiOiT\mathbf{S}=\sum_{i=1}^M \langle \mathbf{O}_i \mathbf{D}_i\mathbf{O}_i^{\mathrm{T}}\rangle or S=i=1MUiDiUi\mathbf{S}=\sum_{i=1}^M \langle \mathbf{U}_i \mathbf{D}_i\mathbf{U}_i^\dagger\rangle respectively. The diagonal matrices Di=diag{λ1(i),,λN(i)}\mathbf{D}_i=\mathrm{diag}\{\lambda_1^{(i)},\ldots,\lambda_N^{(i)}\} are constructed from real eigenvalues drawn \emph{independently} from distributions p(i)(x)p^{(i)}(x), while the matrices Oi\mathbf{O}_i and Ui\mathbf{U}_i are all orthogonal or unitary. The average \langle\cdot\rangle is simultaneously performed over the symmetry group and the joint distribution of {λj(i)}\{\lambda_j^{(i)}\}. We focus on the limits i.) NN\to\infty and ii.) MM\to\infty, with N=2N=2. In the limit i.), the resulting sum S\mathbf{S} develops level repulsion even though the original matrices do not feature it, and classical RMT universality is restored asymptotically. In the limit ii.) the spacing distribution attains scaling forms that are computed exactly: for the orthogonal case, we recover the β=1\beta=1 Wigner's surmise, while for the unitary case an entirely new universal distribution is obtained. Our results allow to probe analytically the microscopic statistics of the sum of random matrices that become asymptotically free. We also give an interpretation of this model in terms of radial random walks in a matrix space. The analytical results are corroborated by numerical simulations.Comment: 19 pag., 6 fig. - published versio