5 research outputs found

    Mejora de la eficiencia de un sistema solar fotovoltaico autónomo aplicado a viviendas rurales de zonas aisladas del Perú 2020

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo el análisis de un sistema fotovoltaico para mejorar su eficiencia en la generación de energía eléctrica, este estudio experimental se realizó en un prototipo de vivienda rural, ubicada en la Universidad Tecnológica del Perú – Arequipa, Perú. Para este análisis se utilizaron datos generados por el software SOLAR.WEB® que es parte del sistema solar fotovoltaico que está conectado a la vivienda, estos datos reflejan la energía producida y el consumo total de las cargas (tv, blu-ray, radio, refrigeradora, licuadora, calefactor, lavadora, ventilador, plancha), la cuales fueron programadas (encendido/apagado) con la utilización de temporizadores digitales en un periodo de prueba de 3 meses (marzo, abril y mayo del 2020). La energía obtenida durante estos 3 meses de prueba fue de 314.80 kW h, que económicamente corresponde al monto de 62.96 PEN, considerando estos datos se hizo una proyección anual, obteniendo como resultado el valor de 1515.71 kW h al año cuyo valor en soles es de 303.14 PEN. Teniendo como base estos resultados se realizó un análisis económico del proyecto considerando un periodo de 20 años y 2 escenarios (con y sin fuente de almacenamiento), obteniendo como resultado que el proyecto es rentable para ambos casos.The objective of this research is the analysis of a photovoltaic system to improve its efficiency in the generation of electrical energy, overall this experimental study was carried out in a housing prototype located at the Technological University of Peru - Arequipa. For this analysis, the actual data generated by the FRONIUS SOLAR.WEB® software was used, which is part of the photovoltaic solar system that is connected to the house. Those data reflect the energy produced and the total consumption of the loads (tv, blu-ray, radio, refrigerator, blender, heater, washing machine, fan, iron), which were programmed (on / off) with the use of digital timers in a trial period of 3 months (March, April and May). The energy obtained during these 3 months of testing was 314.80 kW h, which economically corresponds to the amount of 62.96 PEN, considering these data an annual projection was made, obtaining as a result the total 1515.71 kW h per year.Campus Arequip

    A photovoltaic solar system applied to rural household in Peru

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    The present research study aims to improve the efficiency of photovoltaic systems applied to homes in isolated areas. This experimental study was carried using a prototype of a rural house, located at the Technological University of Peru - Arequipa, Peru. The photovoltaic solar system, connected to the prototype house, supplied its electric loads (TV, Blu-ray, radio, refrigerator, blender, heater, washing machine, fan, iron), which were programmed to be turned on and off using digital timers during a period of 3 months (March, April and May 2020). The measured parameters were the solar power, the consumed electrical power and the electrical power of what would be an auxiliary source of energy (electric generator, for example) in case the solar resource is unavailable. The results indicate that the photovoltaic solar system could store the unused solar energy to supply the nighttime electrical loads, ensuring, in this way, the autonomy of the energy system