4 research outputs found

    Average motion coherence threshold across observers for radial optic flow.

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    <p>In the left panel, the average motion coherence threshold across observers (y-axis) is depicted for the incongruent, congruent and stationary condition (x-axis). The center panel shows the average motion coherence threshold across observers for each visual motion direction (expanding, contracting optic flow). The right panel depicts the average motion coherence threshold across observers for the incongruent, congruent and stationary condition separated per motion direction. In all panels, error bars indicate ± 1 SEM. An asterisk indicates a significant difference between conditions.</p

    Schematic overview of trials used in the experiments.

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    <p>Both panels (A, B) represent the time course (x-axis) of the platform position (y-axis) used in the experiments. In both experiments, each experimental trial comprises two intervals lasting from 0-1s and 1-2s after platform motion onset respectively. In each interval, visual motion is presented (gray areas) between 0.25–0.75s after the start of the interval. It is therefore presented around the peak velocity of the vestibular stimulation. A. In experiment 1, radial optic flow that is either congruent (Cong) or incongruent (Incong) with the platform motion direction (forward) is presented in one interval, while in the other noise dots are presented. B. In experiment 2, leftward or rightward optic flow that is either congruent or incongruent with the platform motion (leftward) is presented in one interval, while in the other interval noise dots are presented. In both experiments, the presentation order of optic flow and noise dots intervals was counterbalanced across trials.</p

    Overview of stimulus parameters used in the current study and two prior studies reporting contradictory findings.

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    <p>Overview of stimulus parameters used in the current study and two prior studies reporting contradictory findings.</p

    Average motion coherence threshold across observers for leftward/rightward optic flow.

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    <p>In the left panel, the average motion coherence threshold across observers (y-axis) is depicted for the incongruent, congruent and stationary condition (x-axis). The center panel shows the average motion coherence threshold across observers for each visual motion direction (leftward, rightward optic flow). The right panel depicts the average motion coherence threshold across observers for the incongruent, congruent and stationary condition separated per motion direction. In all panels, error bars indicate ± 1 SEM. An asterisk indicates a significant difference between conditions.</p