8 research outputs found

    Significantly enriched Gene Ontology (GO) terms among the 199 genes overlapping in the top 1000 list of differential gene expression in both 28 days old (post-restraint) and 213 days old male chickens.

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    <p>The table shows the GO-term assigned by the software DAVID, the number of genes in the category (Count) and the P-value (adjusted for false discovery rate) for the enrichment of the term.</p><p>Significantly enriched Gene Ontology (GO) terms among the 199 genes overlapping in the top 1000 list of differential gene expression in both 28 days old (post-restraint) and 213 days old male chickens.</p

    Social dominance in early stressed vs control male (N = 40) and female (N = 18) chickens.

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    <p>The figure shows the number of tested pairs in which either the early stressed or the control bird was scored as dominant. * : P< 0.05, NS = not significant.</p

    Correlation of differential expression of overlapping genes at 28 (young) and 213 (adult) days of age.

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    <p>The values of the axes represent the fold changes in the differential expression when comparing early stressed males and females. The plots show the correlations of the differential fold changes of the genes overlapping on the top 1000 differentially expressed at each age. The values for the young birds were obtained immediately after a 30 min physical restraint period as explained in Material and Methods, and in the adults they were obtained five minutes after capture and removal from the home pen.</p

    Box plots showing the Open Field activity for early stressed and control females (N = 29) and males (N = 44).

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    <p>The horizontal lines show average values, the boxes indicate standard errors, and the whiskers show standard deviation. Dots indicate outliers. A and B: Latency to leave the start zone (s); C and D: Total distance moved (cm). * : P< 0.05, NS = not significant.</p

    Survival plots for the variable “first head movement” in the tonic.

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    <p>immobility (TI) test. Females (N = 31) and males (N = 46) are shown in separate plots. Solid lines show values for early stressed birds, and dotted lines for control. The treatment effect is significant in males but not in females. * : P< 0.05, NS = not significant.</p