21 research outputs found

    Reologia sanguínia i enfermetats hematològiques

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    Es fa un breu resum del moviment i evolució de la Reo­logia (Ciència que estudia el fluix i deformació de la matèria), per a passar tot seguit a la descripció de la trajectòria històrica i estat actual de la Bioreolo­gia (Aplicació de la Reologia fonamental en els éssers vius), Es comenten algunes aplicacions d'aquesta branca de la Reologia, fent especial èmfasi a la Hemoreologia (Aplicació de la Reologia a la sang humana), analitzant la problemàtica de l'estudi hemoreològic i fent un resum dels treballa realitzats en aquest camp per aquesta càtedra

    Comparison of evaluation procedures used by European external quality assessment scheme organizers for haemoglobin concentration and leukocyte concentration

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    This study aimed to assess currently used evaluation procedures for haemoglobin concentration and leukocyte concentration in European external quality assessment schemes (EQAS). Participating EQAS organizers were asked to complete a questionnaire gathering information on the statistical procedures used to assess the performance of participants, and to analyse an Excel file with 262 results for haemoglobin concentration and leukocyte concentration. Responses were received from the New York State Proficiency Testing programme in the US and from 11 European EQAS: Belgium, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Russia, Slovenia, Spain (two organizers), and Switzerland. Five of the 11 European EQAS use fixed limits based upon experience, biological variation, state of the art, or professional consensus. The other EQAS use variable limits based upon statistical analysis of the performance attained. With the exception of the German, Hungarian, and Slovenian schemes, all European EQAS use consensus target values. The percentage of unsatisfactory results obtained by the European EQAS organizers for the given set of data varied between 0.4 and 15.6% for haemoglobin concentration and between 0 and 19.8% for leukocyte concentration. -® 2008 Springer-Verlag</p

    Comparison of evaluation procedures used by European external quality assessment scheme organizers for haemoglobin concentration and leukocyte concentration206

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    This study aimed to assess currently used evaluation procedures for haemoglobin concentration and leukocyte concentration in European external quality assessment schemes (EQAS). Participating EQAS organizers were asked to complete a questionnaire gathering information on the statistical procedures used to assess the performance of participants, and to analyse an Excel file with 262 results for haemoglobin concentration and leukocyte concentration. Responses were received from the New York State Proficiency Testing programme in the US and from 11 European EQAS: Belgium, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Russia, Slovenia, Spain (two organizers), and Switzerland. Five of the 11 European EQAS use fixed limits based upon experience, biological variation, state of the art, or professional consensus. The other EQAS use variable limits based upon statistical analysis of the performance attained. With the exception of the German, Hungarian, and Slovenian schemes, all European EQAS use consensus target values. The percentage of unsatisfactory results obtained by the European EQAS organizers for the given set of data varied between 0.4 and 15.6% for haemoglobin concentration and between 0 and 19.8% for leukocyte concentration. -® 2008 Springer-Verlag</p