99 research outputs found

    Robust Dynamic Pricing with Strategic Customers

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    We consider the canonical revenue management (RM) problem wherein a seller must sell an inventory of some product over a finite horizon via an anonymous, posted price mechanism. Unlike typical models in RM, we assume that customers are forward looking. In particular, customers arrive randomly over time and strategize about their times of purchases. The private valuations of these customers decay over time and the customers incur monitoring costs; both the rates of decay and these monitoring costs are private information. This setting has resisted the design of optimal dynamic mechanisms heretofore. Optimal pricing schemes-an almost necessary mechanism format for practical RM considerations-have been similarly elusive. The present paper proposes a mechanism we dub robust pricing. Robust pricing is guaranteed to achieve expected revenues that are at least within 29% of those under an optimal (not necessarily posted price) dynamic mechanism. We thus provide the first approximation algorithm for this problem. The robust pricing mechanism is practical, since it is an anonymous posted price mechanism and since the seller can compute the robust pricing policy for a problem without any knowledge of the distribution of customer discount factors and monitoring costs. The robust pricing mechanism also enjoys the simple interpretation of solving a dynamic pricing problem for myopic customers with the additional requirement of a novel “restricted sub-martingale constraint” on prices that discourages rapid discounting. We believe this interpretation is attractive to practitioners. Finally, numerical experiments suggest that the robust pricing mechanism is, for all intents, near optimal

    A Data-Driven Approach to Modeling Choice

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    We visit the following fundamental problem: For a 'generic' model of consumer choice (namely, distributions over preference lists) and a limited amount of data on how consumers actually make decisions (such as marginal preference information), how may one predict revenues from offering a particular assortment of choices? This problem is central to areas within operations research, marketing and econometrics. We present a framework to answer such questions and design a number of tractable algorithms (from a data and computational standpoint) for the same.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER CNS 0546590

    The Price of Fairness

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    In this paper we study resource allocation problems that involve multiple self-interested parties or players and a central decision maker. We introduce and study the price of fairness, which is the relative system efficiency loss under a “fair” allocation assuming that a fully efficient allocation is one that maximizes the sum of player utilities. We focus on two well-accepted, axiomatically justified notions of fairness, viz., proportional fairness and max-min fairness. For these notions we provide a tight characterization of the price of fairness for a broad family of problems.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant DMI- 0556106)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant EFRI-0735905

    Near-Optimal Entrywise Anomaly Detection for Low-Rank Matrices with Sub-Exponential Noise

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    We study the problem of identifying anomalies in a low-rank matrix observed with sub-exponential noise, motivated by applications in retail and inventory management. State of the art approaches to anomaly detection in low-rank matrices apparently fall short, since they require that non-anomalous entries be observed with vanishingly small noise (which is not the case in our problem, and indeed in many applications). So motivated, we propose a conceptually simple entrywise approach to anomaly detection in low-rank matrices. Our approach accommodates a general class of probabilistic anomaly models. We extend recent work on entrywise error guarantees for matrix completion, establishing such guarantees for sub-exponential matrices, where in addition to missing entries, a fraction of entries are corrupted by (an also unknown) anomaly model. Viewing the anomaly detection as a classification task, to the best of our knowledge, we are the first to achieve the min-max optimal detection rate (up to log factors). Using data from a massive consumer goods retailer, we show that our approach provides significant improvements over incumbent approaches to anomaly detection

    Approximate Dynamic Programming via a Smoothed Linear Program

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    We present a novel linear program for the approximation of the dynamic programming cost-to-go function in high-dimensional stochastic control problems. LP approaches to approximate DP have typically relied on a natural “projection” of a well-studied linear program for exact dynamic programming. Such programs restrict attention to approximations that are lower bounds to the optimal cost-to-go function. Our program—the “smoothed approximate linear program”—is distinct from such approaches and relaxes the restriction to lower bounding approximations in an appropriate fashion while remaining computationally tractable. Doing so appears to have several advantages: First, we demonstrate bounds on the quality of approximation to the optimal cost-to-go function afforded by our approach. These bounds are, in general, no worse than those available for extant LP approaches and for specific problem instances can be shown to be arbitrarily stronger. Second, experiments with our approach on a pair of challenging problems (the game of Tetris and a queueing network control problem) show that the approach outperforms the existing LP approach (which has previously been shown to be competitive with several ADP algorithms) by a substantial margin
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