34 research outputs found

    Державна Комплексна Система Спостереження За Станом Земель Є Складовою Правової Охорони Земель

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    The article examines the main legal forms of land protection, defined concept form data, their subjects and objects, the basic legal framework, the main features and important issues. Grounded as the need to create a special fund from which the landowners and land users will receive funds for actions they commit for the protection of land and soil.В статті розглядаються основні правові форми охорони земель, визначено поняття даних форм, їх суб'єкти і об'єкти, основну нормативно-правову базу, головні особливості та важливі аспекти. Обґрунтовується також необхідність створити спеціальний фонд з якого землевласники і землекористувачі будуть отримувати кошти за заходи які вони вчиняють по охороні земель і ґрунтів

    Механізм Правового Регулювання Земельних Відносин В Україні

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    The article analyzes the problems of implementation mechanism of regulation of land relations in Ukraine. Presents the views of leading Ukrainian and foreign researchers and analysts presented topics. The main current problems concerning the mechanism of regulation of land relations. Also, the basic causes that affect the implementation of legal regulation of land relations in Ukraine. In the context of consideration of the mechanism of protection regulation, the legislative requirement regarding the use of land for their intended purpose, which is traditional in the law of land, is important, but its theoretical definition has long been absent in land law. An important role in the implementation of the tasks of legal protection of land is played by the state through the implementation of a number of its functions, which are enshrined in the current legislation [3, p.600], in particular by: legislative regulation of land relations; development and implementation of national and local programs for rational land use, enhancement of soil fertility, protection of land resources in conjunction with other environmental protection measures.У статті проаналізовано проблеми реалізації механізму правового регулю­вання земельних відносин в Україні. Представлено погляди провідних україн­ських і зарубіжних дослідників та аналітиків на представлену тематику. Роз­глянуто основні актуальні проблеми щодо механізму правового регулювання земельних відносин. Також визначені основні причини які впливають на реалі­зацію правового регулювання земельних відносин в Україні

    Правове Регулювання Охорони Земельних Правовідносин України

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    Ukraine has international obligations regarding the provision of adequate environmental protection not only technical, but also legal measures. Considering the given circumstances and the facts that harm lands somehow violates the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine, legal protection of the object is a natural, socio-caused and timely step. These measures combined with general social activities and provide a comprehensive prevention and preventing the damage lands. Material resources for the implementation of the legal protection of land is formed, found its legal expression, but can not say that they are sufficient. Among other things, it is also one of the important issues in the field of environment protection of our country. Although jurisprudence has long debated the question of what amount of material and moral damage, which is caused by damage to the land, is significant, it should be noted that the positive effects of legal protection of land dominated uniquely negative. In particular historical traditions of social justice and support the need for legal measures to protect the lands of Ukraine.З огляду на розвиток інституту правової охорони земель в Україні слід за­значити, що у всі часи історичного розвитку України будь-які зміни у викорис­танні земель стосуються та будуть стосуватися цілої низки інтересів людини і суспільства в цілому, що обумовлене, перш за все, різноманітність функцій,що виконує земля, та її значення для розвитку суспільства в цілому

    Calcium Metabolism Indicators in Patients with Generalized Periodontitis and Hypertension

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    The objective of the study is to determine the level of calcium in patients with hypertension of the II degree and generalized periodontitis of the II degree.There were examined 30 patients with hypertension of the II degree with generalized periodontitis of the II degree. Patients’ age ranged from 35 to 54 years.  These patients were in the main group. Treatment of patients included taking the medicine “Ca-D3 NIKOMED”.The control group included 10 patients without general somathic pathology and with healthy periodontitis of the same age.  The results obtained were subject to variational and statistical processing.The analyses were carried out before and 3 months after the treatment. The level of general Ca in patients with generalized periodontitis of the II degree and hypertension of the II degree before the treatment was 1.66±0.03 mmol/l (p<0.001) (norm 2.15-2.5 mmol/l). In the patients of control group this figure was 2.33±0.04 mmol/l (p<0.001).After 3 months the level of general Ca in patients with generalized periodontitis of the II degree and hypertension of the II degree was 1.87±0.03 mmol/l (p<0.001).The level of ionized Ca in patients with generalized periodontitis of the II degree and hypertension of the II degree before the treatment was 0.36± 0.01 mmol/l (p<0.001); after the treatment the level of ionized Ca was 0.41±0.01 mmol/l (p<0.001). The level of ionized Ca in control group patients was 1.03±0.02 mmol/l (p<0.001).We can conclude: according to the analysis of levels of general and ionized calcium in serum of patients with generalized periodontitis of the II degree and hypertension of the II degree we can conclude that these indexes are lower than normal; patients with generalized periodontitis of the II degree and hypertension of the II degree have increased levels of general calcium and ionized calcium in serum after taking the drug “Ca-D3 NIKOMED”during 3 months

    Influence of the Neuro-Educational Environment on One’s Socialization under Total Digitalization

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    The institute of education is an instrument of advanced development, a means of forming a new shaping socio-cultural pattern, with its specific means of significant socialization potential in the conditions of rapid development of society's digitalization. Only education, in its present dimension - neuropedagogy, is able to conduct successful socialization of an individual by teaching her from the position of the laws of brain functioning; to intensify this process in the conditions of total digitalization in accordance with the laws of brain functioning. Intensive use of formal and informal education in the daily life of today's society and socialization of the population in the digital environment because of its activities in the virtual sphere create a wide space for the realization of opportunities. They are conditioned by the rapid dynamics of information flow as a global factor of modernity, generating both advantages and problems in the educational process, cognitive development, social adaptation of personality; formation of traditional ways of relations; changes in the neural architecture of the human brain in the long term; emergence of risks beyond the limits of the digital space. It was established how representatives of different generations, grouped into appropriate age focus groups and in the process of receiving formal and informal education, are socialized in the digital space. The paper reveals how the cognitive domain of personality changes under the influence of digitalization in the context of the respondents' stay in the educational environment. The specifics of socialization in the digital environment and the reasons for the preference of virtual form of communication were determined. The types of digital danger in the virtual environment were revealed.</p

    Evaluation of Oral Hygiene in Patients with Generalized Periodontitis of II Degree and Stage II Hypertension

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    Generalized periodontitis is the most common form of periodontal pathology, especially in the second half of life. Nowadays, the problem of periodontal disease is relevant due to its high prevalence, tendency to progression, multifaceted influence on the dentoalveolar system and the whole organism as well as uncertain treatment. Therefore, there is a need to find optimal ways of prevention and treatment of this disease. Close relationships between periodontal pathology and systemic diseases, such as hypertension, which affects every 2nd-3rd adult were determined.The objective of the research was to determine the status of oral cavity hygiene in patients with generalized periodontitis of II degree and stage II hypertension.Materials and methods. The study included 30 patients with generalized periodontitis of II degree and stage II hypertension being treated in the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Clinical Cardiology Dispensary; the average age ranged from 35 to 54 years (the main group). The control group included 10 patients of the same age without generalized periodontitis and somatic pathology .The status of oral cavity hygiene was determined using the Green Vermillion index. The diagnosis of periodontal disease was made on the basis of the classification proposed by M.F. Danilevskyi. The obtained results were subjected to variation-statistical analysis using statistical package “Stat Soft 6.0”; classical methods of variational statistics were applied; mean values and their reliability were evaluated.Results. The results of examination showed poor oral hygiene in almost all patients. The analysis of hygienic indices showed the following results: in patients of the main group, the Green Vermillion index was 1.99 ± 0.13 points (p&lt;0.001) which corresponds to unsatisfactory level of oral hygiene. In patients of the control group, this index was 1.10 ± 0.17 points which corresponds to satisfactory level of oral hygiene. According to the index, 9 (30.0%) patients of the main group had satisfactory oral hygiene, 12 (40.0%) patients had poor oral hygiene, and in 9 (30.0%) patients, poor oral hygiene was observed.In the control group, 2 (20.0%) patients had good oral hygiene, 6 (60.0%) patients had satisfactory oral hygiene and in 2 (20.0%) patients, unsatisfactory oral hygiene was observed. There were no patients with poor oral hygiene. The analysis of the indicators of the Green Vermillion index showed that in case of the pathological process exacerbation the oral hygiene status in patients deteriorated.Conclusions. The level of oral hygiene in patients of both groups was low due to incorrect selection of personal hygiene products or their untimely replacement. In patients with generalized periodontitis of II degree and stage II hypertension, the level of oral hygiene was lower than in somatically healthy persons: the worse status of oral cavity hygiene – the more pronounced changes in the periodontal tissues. We can suppose that high blood pressure affects the status of the oral cavity, creates a higher risk and exacerbates the periodontal diseases

    Changes in the Dynamics of Treating Patients with Generalized Periodontitis and Hypertension Depending on the Method of Treatment

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    Calcium and its compounds play an important role in the regulation of many functions of the body. The concentration of calcium ions in the serum is one of the important constants of homeostasis. The objective of the research was to study the level of total calcium, ionized calcium, and phosphorus in patients with stage II hypertension and generalized periodontitis of II degree of severity, depending on the method of treatment. Materials and methods. The main group consisted of 70 patients with generalized periodontitis of II degree of severity and stage II hypertension who were divided into 4 groups. The comparison group consisted of 30 patients suffering from generalized periodontitis of II degree of severity without hypertension who were divided into similar 4 groups depending on age and type of treatment. The control group included 17 patients of corresponding age with healthy periodontium and without somatic pathology. Results. Twelve months after starting treatment, in younger patients of the main group receiving basic therapy, serum phosphorus level increased by 0.03 mmol /l, and in the older ones, it increased by 0.04 mmol/l. In younger and older patients of the comparison group, serum phosphorus level increased by 0.05 mmol/l. The patients who received basic therapy in combination with the proposed scheme of treatment had higher level of phosphorus than those who received basic therapy only. Twelve months after starting treatment, serum level of total calcium decreased in young and older patients of the main group and comparison group receiving basic therapy. An obvious improvement of treatment 12 months after its starting was observed in all the patients of the main group and comparison group who received basic therapy in combination with the proposed scheme of treatment. Conclusions. The improved treatment scheme was more effective for treatment of generalized periodontitis of II degree of severity in patients with stage II hypertension

    Методологія Дослідження Правової Охорони Земель

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    Functions, principles, system, unity of the legal and technical regulations, problems of funding for the legal protection of land are analyzed and characterized in the article.В статті аналізуються, характеризуються функції, принципи, система, єд­ність правових та технічних норм, проблеми фінансування заходів з правової охорони земель

    Modifications of Wound Dressings with Bioactive Agents to Achieve Improved Pro-Healing Properties

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    The great variety of wounds and the lack of an effective universal treatment method has resulted in high demand for modern treatment strategies. Traditional approaches are often ineffective on a variety of chronic wounds, such as venous ulcers or the diabetic foot ulcer. There is strong evidence that naturally derived bioactive compounds have pro-healing properties, raising a great interest in their potential use for wound healing. Plant-derived compounds, such as curcumin and essential oils, are widely used to modify materials applied as wound dressings. Moreover, dressing materials are more often enriched with vitamins (e.g., L-ascorbic acid, tocopherol) and drugs (e.g., antibiotics, inhibitors of proteases) to improve the skin healing rate. Biomaterials loaded with the above-mentioned molecules show better biocompatibility and are basically characterized by better biological properties, ensuring faster tissue repair process. The main emphasis of the presented review is put on the novel findings concerning modern pro-healing wound dressings that have contributed to the development of regenerative medicine. The article briefly describes the synthesis and modifications of biomaterials with bioactive compounds (including curcumin, essential oils, vitamins) to improve their pro-healing properties. The paper also summarizes biological effects of the novel wound dressings on the enhancement of skin regeneration. The current review was prepared based on the scientific contributions in the PubMed database (supported with Google Scholar searching) over the past 5 years using relevant keywords. Scientific reports on the modification of biomaterials using curcumin, vitamins, and essential oils were mainly considered