3 research outputs found

    The Physical Geography Course Of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804): The Contribution For The Geographical Science History And The Epistemology [o Curso De Geografia Física De Immanuel Kant (1724-1804): Cosmologia E Estética Na Construção Epistemológica Da Ciência Geográfica]

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    There is a relative weakness about our knowledge concerning Kant philosophy and the constitution of the modern geography and, consequently, the scientific one. That relation, whenever studied, happens - many times - in an oblique or tangential way, this means that it lies almost exclusively confined in the act of notifying what Kant offered, for approximately four decades, "Physical Geography" courses in Konigsberg, or, that he was the first philosopher teaching the subject at any College, even before the creation of Geography chair in Berlin, in 1820, by Karl Ritter. Not overcoming the early spread of that act itself only made us throw a curtain over the absence of a major understanding about Kant's tribute to epistemic justification of modern and scientific geography. To open a breach in this curtain indicates to lighten the role and place of "Physical Geography Course" in the Kantian transcendental philosophy. So, we began from the assumption that the "Physical Geography" has always shown for Kant as a knowledge carrier of an unmeasured philosophic sense, once it showed the possibility of empiricization of his philosophy. Therefore, a "Physical Geography" would be, for Kant, the empiric basis of his philosophic thoughts, because it communicates the empirics of the world invention; it made him build metaphysically the "earth's surface". Likewise Geography, in its general surface, has given a particular tribute to the empiric validation of Modernity (since the XVI century), the "Physical Geography" introduced itself as an empiric basis to Kantian philosophical reflection about "nature's metaphysics" and the "world metaphysics" as well.17103111Borowski, L.E., (1993) Relato de la Vida y el Carácter de Immanuel Kant, , Madri: TecnosBurtt, E.A., (1983) As Bases Metafísicas da Ciência Moderna, , Brasília: Editora Universidade de BrasíliaButtner, M., Kant and the Physico-Theological Considerations of the Geographical Facts (1975) Organon, 11, pp. 231-249Clavier, P., (1997) Kant. Les Idées Cosmologiques, , Paris: Presses Universitaires de FranceCohen-Halimi, M., Le Géographe de Königsberg (1999) Géographie. Physische Geographie, pp. 9-40. , KANT, Immanuel, Paris: AubierDe Quincey, T., (1989) Os Últimos Dias de Immanuel Kant, , Rio de Janeiro: Forense UniversitáriaVon Humboldt, A., (1953) Quadros da Natureza, 2. , São Paulo: W. M. Jackson IncKant, I., (1982) Crítica da Razão Pura, , Lisboa: Fundação GulbenkianKant, I., (1990) Primeiros Princípios Metafísica da Ciência da Natureza, 70. , Lisboa: EdiçõesKant, I., (1995) Crítica da Faculdade de Julgar, , Rio de Janeiro: Forense UniversitáriaKant, I., (1999) Géographie. Physische Geographie, , Paris: AubierKant, I., (1984) Histoire Générale de la Nature et Théorie du Ciel, , Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. VrinMarcuzzi, M., La "Géographie Kantienne": Délimitation de la discipline (1999) Géographie. Physische Geographie, , KANT, Immanuel, Paris: AubierMarques, A., A Terceira Crítica como culminação da filosofia transcendental kantiana (1998) Crítica da Faculdade do Juízo, , KANT, Immanuel, Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional - Casa da MoedaPascal, G., (1996) O Pensamento de Kant, , Petrópolis: Editora VozesSchiller, F., (1989) A Educação Estética do Homem, , Numa série de cartas. São Paulo: IluminurasDa Silveira, R.W.D., (2008) As Influências da Filosofia Kantiana e Morfologia Em Alexander Von Humboldt. Dissertação, , Mestrado em Geografia - Instituto de Geociências, CampinasVitte, A.C., A geografia física: Da conformidade-a-fins à paisagem (2008) Caderno Prudentino de Geografia, (30). , ano, no prel