46 research outputs found

    Efikasnost prirodnog sepiolita u smanjenju prelaska i deponovanja 137Cs u meso i jestive organe brojlerskih pilića

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    The objectives of the present study were to examine the level of radiocesium deposit in meat and edible organs of broiler chickens as well as to investigate efficiency of natural sepiolite in reducing 137Cs deposition in meat, liver and gizzard of alimentary contaminated broiler chickens. Broiler chickens (six weeks of age) were fed with the standard diet and each broiler was given a single oral dose of 137Cs, total activity of 3750 Bq. The broilers were divided into two groups (10 broilers per group). The group 1 was control (received only radiocesium). The broilers of the group 2, in addition to radiocesium received natural sepiolite solution (2 g sepiolite per bird). After 24 hours, all broilers, from each group, were stunned and killed. The samples of meat, (breast and legs), liver and gizzard were taken from each broiler, for gamma spectrometry determination of radiocesium activity. After 24 hours of contamination, 56 % of introduced 137Cs radioactivity was deposited in the meat (breast and legs muscles), 1 % in the liver and 2,4 % in the gizzard of broiler chickens 42 days of age. Natural sepiolite demonstrated insufficient protective action. Compared to the control group, percentage reduction (decreasing percentage) of 137Cs deposition in meat was 16%, in liver 5% and in gizzard 12%.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita stepen deponovanja radiocezijuma u mesu i jestivim organima brojlerskih pilića, kao i da se ispita efikasnost prirodnog sepiolita u smanjenju deponovanja 137Cs u mesu, jetri i bubcu, alimentarno kontaminiranih pilića. U radu su koriŔčeni brojlerski plići (Hubbard) uzrasta 42 dana, koji su dobili po jednu oralnu dozu 137Cs, ukupne aktivnosti 3750 Bq. Pilići su podeljeni u dve grupe (po 10 jedinki u grupi). Grupa 1 je bila kontrolna (dobijala je samo 137Cs). pilići grupe 2, pored radiocezijuma dobijali su, istovremeno, i rastvor sepiolita (2 g sepiolita po piletu). Posle 24 sata, izvrÅ”eno je žrtvovanje svih pilića. Uzorci celokupnog mesa (miÅ”ići grudi i nogu zajedno), jetre i bubca su uzimani od svakog pileta za gamaspektrometrijsko određivanje nivoa aktivnosti radiocezijuma. Ustanovljeno je da 24 sata posle kontaminacije, u odnosu na unetu aktivnost, u mesu se deponuje 56 % radiocezijuma, u jetri 1 % a u bubcu 2,4 %. Prirodni sepiolit ispoljio je nedovoljnu efikasnost zaÅ”tite. U odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, procenat smanjenja deponovanja 137Cs u mesu je bio 16%, u jetri 5% a u bubcu 12%

    Radijaciono higijenska kontrola mineralnih dodataka i smeŔa za ishranu svinja

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    Radiometric control of products involved in the food chain is an important part of ongoing quality control of products related to food and feed. Content of primordial and anthropogenic radionuclides in some products directly determines their quality and further methods of usage. The most common way of intake of radionuclides in the human body is ingestion (80 %) through contaminated food and water. The foods of animal origin are largely represented in the human diet. Therefore radiation control of animal feeds and animal products will contribute to producing food for human nutrition without or with low risk for health. This paper presents the results obtained by gamma spectrometric analysis of mineral additives and mixtures for pig nutrition, from imported and domestic production. In most samples examined, activity levels of natural and radionuclides made during production were in accordance with the regulations. A certain number of tested mineral supplement samples had increased levels of activity of 238U (640- 2100 Bq/kg), which was not in accordance with applicable regulations.Radiometrijska kontrola proizvoda uključenih u lanac ishrane je važan segment stalne provere kvaliteta proizvoda vezanih za ishranu ljudi i životinja. Sadržaj primordijalnih i antropogenih radionuklida u nekim proizvodima direktno određuje njegov kvalitet i dalji način upotrebe. NajčeŔći put unoÅ”enja radionuklida u ljudski organizam je ingestija (80%), putem kontaminirane hrane i vode. Kako su namirnice životinjskog porekla zastupljene u velikoj količini u ishrani ljudi, kontrola hrane za životinje i proizvoda animalnog porekla omogućila bi ishranu ljudima bez rizika. U radu su prikazani rezultati dobijeni gamaspektrometrijskom analizom mineralnih dodataka, pred smeÅ”a i gotovih smeÅ”a za ishranu svinja iz uvoza i domaće proizvodnje. U većini ispitivanih uzoraka nivo aktivnosti prirodnih i proizvedenih radionuklida je bio u skladu sa propisima. Jedan broj ispitanih uzoraka mineralnih dodataka iz uvoza i domaće proizvodnje imao je povećan nivo aktivnost 238U (640 - 2100 Bq/kg), Å”to nije u skladu sa važećim propisima

    Linguistica XVI-XXX

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    Linguistica XVI-XXXLinguistica XVI-XX

    Radioactivity of phosphate mineral products

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    The phosphate industry is one of the biggest polluters of the environment with uranium. Different products are derived after processing phosphoric ore, such as mineral and phosphate fertilizers and phosphate mineral supplements (dicalcium-and monocalcium phosphate) for animal feeding. Phosphate mineral additives used in animal food may contain a high activity of uranium. Research in this study should provide an answer to the extent in which phosphate mineral products (phosphate fertilizer and phosphate mineral feed additives) contribute to the contamination of soil, plants and animals

    Radioaktivnost mleka u Srbiji od Černobilja 1986. do FukuÅ”ime 2011. godine

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    Radionucleides, which are commonly released into the atmosphere after accidents on nuclear plants, by atmospheric precipitation fall onto the earth, are deposited in the soil, an consequently contaminate the environment, getting into the food chain. Considering that milk represents a kind of food that is consumed by all people, especially children, with the aim to protect the population after Cernobil accident, from then to today, constant long-term monitoring of antropogenic radionucleide (137Cs) presence in milk samples has been carried out, at almost complete territory of Serbia. Beside that, immediately after the nuclear accidents in Fukushima power plants, during march and april 2011. laboratory for radiation hygiene at the Faculty of veterinary medicine in Belgrade, carried out a special monitoring of radioactivity (40K , 131I 137Cs) in dairy cow, sheep and goat milk, at 30 localities in Serbia. The obtained results showed that the activity of 137Cs, as a consequence of Chernobyl accident, in milk at the territory of Serbia was below limit detection. Despite a large distance between Japan and Serbia, traces of 131I and 137Cs were detected in sheep and goat milk samples in april 2011., but considering their low activity, they do not represent a radiation risk for population in Serbia.Radionuklidi koji se oslobađaju u atmosferu posle nesreća na nuklearnim postrojenjima putem padavina se talože na zemljinu povrÅ”inu, dospevaju u životnu sredinu i ugrađuju se u lanac ishrane ljudi. Mleko je namirnica koja je zastupljena u ishrani svih kategorija stanovniÅ”tva, a posebno dece. U cilju očuvanja bezbednosti stanovniÅ”tva, posle černobiljske katastrofe do danas, vrÅ”eno je viÅ”egodiÅ”nje praćenje prisustva radionuklida, antropogenog porekla (137Cs) u uzorcima mleka, na skoro celokupnoj teritoriji Srbije. Pored toga, neposredno posle katastrofe na nuklearnim reaktorima u FukuÅ”imi tokom marta i aprila 2011. godine, Laboratorija za radijacionu higijenu Fakulteta veterinarske medicine u Beogradu, sprovela je vanredni program praćenja radioaktivnosti (40K, 131I, 137Cs) mleka krava, ovaca i koza na 13 lokaliteta na teritoriji republike Srbije. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se aktivnost 137Cs poreklom iz černobiljske katastrofe u mleku, na teritoriji Srbije, danas nalazi na granici detekcije. Uprkos velikoj razdaljini Japana i Srbije tragovi 131I i 137Cs detektovani su u uzorcima ovčijeg i kozijeg mleka u aprilu 2011. god, ali s obzirom na njihovu nisku aktivnost ne predstavljaju radijacioni rizik za stanovniÅ”tvo Srbije

    Radioaktivnost fosfatnih mineralnih proizvoda

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    The phosphate industry is one of the biggest polluters of the environment with uranium. Different products are derived after processing phosphoric ore, such as mineral and phosphate fertilizers and phosphate mineral supplements (dicalcium-and monocalcium phosphate) for animal feeding. Phosphate mineral additives used in animal food may contain a high activity of uranium. Research in this study should provide an answer to the extent in which phosphate mineral products (phosphate fertilizer and phosphate mineral feed additives) contribute to the contamination of soil, plants and animals.Fosfatna industrija predstavlja jedan od najvećih zagađivača životne sredine uranijumom. Preradom fosforne rude dobija se veliki broj različitih proizvoda, od kojih su posebno značajni fosfatna mineralna đubriva i fosfatni mineralni dodaci (di- i monokalcijum fosfat). Fosfatni mineralni dodaci koji se koriste u smeÅ”ama za ishranu životinja mogu sadržati visoke aktivnosti uranijuma. Istraživanja u ovom radu treba da pruže odgovor u kojoj meri fosfatni mineralni proizvodi (fosfatna đubriva i fosfatni mineralni dodaci stočnoj hrani) doprinose kontaminaciji zemljiÅ”ta, biljaka i životinja

    Radijaciono-higijenska kontrola uvoznih namirnica i stočnih hraniva

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    The increasingly frequent use of nuclear energy in peacetime, experimental nuclear and thermo-nuclear explosions, as well as accidents in nuclear plants lead to an increased and unequal distribution of radioactive substances in the environment. Mankind is in this way threatened not only by environmental irradiation, but also by consuming contaminated food and water which contain radionuclides whose concentrations are above the level of natural radioactivity. From the aspect of the veterinary profession, the most important task is to organize the protection of domestic animals and their products from radioactive contamination. This work presents the results obtained by measurements of the activity level of 137Cs in products of animal origin and cattle feed, in samples obtained from border crossings in Yugoslavia and partly in Macedonia during the period from 1990 until 1999. Examined import samples were taken from cheese, prok, and corn and the activity level of 137Cs was within the permitted legal levels - less than 1 Bq/kg. However, powdered milk was found to contain an activity level of 137Cs from 1,22-7,27 Bq/kg, and saltwater fish from 1,10-3,30 Bq/kg, so that these products could not be released for sale under the Official Gazette of the FRY, Number 53/91.Sve čeŔća upotreba nuklearne energije u mirnodopskim uslovima, eksperimentalne nuklearne i termonuklearne eksplozije, kao i akcidenti na nuklearnim postrojenjima, uzrokuju povećanje i neravnomernu raspodelu radioaktivnih supstancija u životnoj sredini. Na ovaj način čovek je ugrožen ne samo spoljaÅ”njim zračenjem, već i potroÅ”njom kontaminirane hrane i vode koje sadrže radionuklide čije su koncentracije viÅ”e od nivoa prirodne radioaktivnosti. Sa aspekta veterinarske struke, najvažniji zadatak predstavlja organizacija zaÅ”tite domaćih životinja i njihovih proizvoda od radioaktivne kontaminacije. U radu su prikazani rezultati dobijeni merenjem nivoa aktivnosti Ā¹Ā³ā·Cs u proizvodima životinjskog porekla i stočnim hranivima, dobijeni sa graničnih prelaza u Jugoslaviji i jednim delom u Makedoniji, u periodu od 1990. do 1999. godine. U ispitivanim uzorcima iz uvoza: siru, svinjskom mesu i kukuruzu, nivo aktivnosti Ā¹Ā³ā·Cs bio je u dozvoljenim granicama koje su propisane Zakonom, ispod 1 Bq/kg. U mleku u prahu, nivo aktivnosti Ā¹Ā³ā·Cs bio je od 1.22 do 7.27 Bq/kg, a u morskoj ribi od 1.10 do 3.30 Bq/kg. Prema ā€žSl. list SFRJā€œ, N 53/91, ovi uzorci nisu mogli da budu puÅ”teni u promet

    Mogućnosti organske proizvodnje u Vojvodini

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    During the past decade, the general attitude of the human population towards health, nutrition quality and environment has remarkably changed. As a result of the growing demand for organic products, especially organic milk, the livestock organic production has increased. Figures from the Serbian Ministry of agriculture estimate that around 75 percent of Serbia's agricultural land, and some 650,000 hectares, can be used for organic food production within three years. The 'rule of 30%' in organic production means that farm animals kept in organic system must ingest at least 30% of meal dry matter from pastures, makes forage quality of utmost importance. In order to estimate possibilities of organic production in FruÅ”ka Gora region forage botanical as well as chemical composition were analysed. A botanical analysis has confirmed presence of plants with high yield and of high nutritive value. Dominant presence of Dactilys glomerata L. and Poa pratensis L. was revealed in the samples of mixed hay, while the Lucerne hay was predominantly composed only by one leguminous species Medicago sativa L. Chemical analyses of hay samples originating from FruÅ”ka Gora has pointed out that level of crude proteins, cellulose, fats, macro and trace elements can completely satisfy requirements of animals in organic farming and therefore can present a solid base for further development of organic dairy farming. Possibilities for further development of organic production are great, and it can be expected that organic production will increase in the future and can become a significant branch of livestock production.Proteklih decenija opÅ”ti stav ljudske populacije prema zdravlju, kvalitetu ishrane i životnoj sredini je promenjen. Kao rezultat rastućih potreba za organskim proizvodima, naročito organskim mlekom, povećala se i organska proizvodnja stoke. Podaci iz srpskog Ministarstva poljoprivrede procenjuju da oko 75 odsto poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta Srbije, a nekih 650.000 hektara, može se koristiti za proizvodnju organske hrane u roku od tri godine. 'Pravilo 30%' u organskoj proizvodnji znači da životinje na farmama koje se gaje u sistemu organske proizvodnje moraju unositi najmanje 30% od obroka suve materije sa paÅ”njaka, čineći da je kvalitet krme najvažniji. U cilju procene mogućnosti organske proizvodnje u regionu FruÅ”ke Gore analiziran je botanički i hemijski sastav krme. Analiza botaničkog sastava potvrdila je prisustvo biljaka koje se odlikuju visokim prinosom i velikom nutritivnom vrednoŔću. Dominantno prisustvo Dactilys glomerata L. i Poa pratensis L. otkriveno je u uzorcima meÅ”ovitog sena, dok je lucerkino seno uglavnom bilo sastavljeno iz jedne leguminozne vrste Medicago sativa L. Hemijski sastav uzoraka sena iz FruÅ”ke Gore ukazuje da nivo sirovih proteina, celuloze, masti, makro i elemenata u tragovima mogu u potpunosti da zadovolje potrebe životinja na organskim farmama i zbog toga mogu predstavljati solidnu osnovu za dalji razvoj organske proizvodnje mleka. Mogućnosti za dalji razvoj organske proizvodnje su velike i moglo bi se očekivati da će se u budućnosti organska proizvodnja uvećati da će postati značajna grana u stočarskoj proizvodnji

    Prirodni radionuklidi u mineralnim đubrivima i obradivom zemljiÅ”tu

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    Contemporary agriculture production is based on use of mineral fertilizers, which however can have high activity of natural radionuclides and so cause the appearance of technologically elevated radioactivity. In order to determine the influence of mineral fertilizers application in arable land, there was used gamma spectrometric method for defining the activity of natural radionuclides (40 K, 238U, 226Ra) in imported mineral fertilizers as well as in arable and fallow land in the area of suburban municipalities of Belgrade. The obtained results have shown that in the tested mineral fertilizers the measured activity of 40K ranged from 70 to 4590 Bq/kg, 238U from 18 to 1400 Bq/kg and 226Ra from 15 to 999Bq/kg. Average activities of natural radionuclides in arable land are: 626 Bq/kg for 40K, 54 Bq/kg for 238U, 55 Bq/kg for 226Ra and 55Bq/kg for 232Th, and in fallow land 596 Bq/kg for 40K, 54 Bq/kg for 238U, 54 Bq/kg for 226Ra and 53 Bq/kg for 232Th. Average values of radium radioactivity equivalent (175 Bq/kg) and index of radiation risk (0,48), point out that in the tested areas there is no significant radiation risk for inhabitants due to terrestrial exposure. This investigation has also shown that current use of mineral fertilizers has not caused the increase of natural radioactivity in the tested arable land.Savremena poljoprivredna proizvodnja se bazira na upotrebi mineralnih đubriva, koja mogu imati visoke aktivnosti prirodnih radionuklida i usloviti pojavu tehnoloÅ”ki poviÅ”ene radioaktivnosti. U cilju određivanja uticaja primene mineralnih đubriva na koncentraciju radionuklida u obradivom zemljiÅ”tu, gamaspektrometrijskom metodom određivana je aktivnost prirodnih radionuklida (40K, 238U, 226Ra) u mineralnim đubrivima iz uvoza, obradivom i neobradivom zemljiÅ”tu sa područja prigradskih opÅ”tina grada Beograda. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se u ispitivanim mineralnim đubrivima izmerena aktivnost 40K kretala od 70 do 4590 Bq/kg, 238U od 18 do 1400 Bq/kg i 226Ra od 15 do 999 Bq/kg. U obradivom zemljiÅ”tu prosečne aktivnosti prirodnih radionuklida su 626 Bq/kg za 40K, 54 Bq/kg za 238U, 55 Bq/kg za 226Ra i 55 Bq/kg za 232Th, a u neobradivom zemljiÅ”tu 596 Bq/kg za 40K, 54 Bq/kg za 238U, 54 Bq/kg za 226Ra i 53 Bq/kg za 232Th. Srednje vrednosti radijumskog ekvivalenta aktivnosti (175 Bq/kg) i indeksa radijacionog rizika (0,48) ukazuju na to da na ispitivanim lokacijama ne postoji značajni radijacioni rizik za stanovniÅ”tvo usled terestrijalnog izlaganja. Ova istraživanja su pokazala i da dosadaÅ”nja upotreba mineralnih đubriva nije uzrokovala poviÅ”enje prirodne radioaktivnosti na ispitivanim oranicama