41 research outputs found

    Introductory Chapter: Tour De Force of Transplantation Science

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    Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy in Liver Transplant Recipients

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    Nonischemic cardiomyopathy is a collective term, encompassing a spectrum of cardiac comorbidities, accompanying the progressing end-stage liver disease. Alcoholic and cirrhotic cardiomyopathies are the most researched, well-known clinical entities in the list of nonischemic cardiac disorders that bear the most substantial impact on the clinical course, management, and outcomes of liver transplantation in ESLD patients. In this chapter, morphology, pathophysiology, diagnostic criteria, clinical manifestations, and management options of nonischemic cardiomyopathy in liver transplant candidates and recipients, the patients with end-stage liver disease due to advanced stages of cirrhosis, are discussed

    Hemodynamic Optimization Strategies in Anesthesia Care for Liver Transplantation

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    In this chapter, aspects of hemodynamic regulation in the end-stage liver disease (ESLD) patient, factors, contributing to the hemodynamic profile, coagulation-related problems, blood products transfusion tactics and problems, and hemodynamic optimization strategies during different stages of liver transplantation procedure—specifically what, when, and how to correct, with special attention to vasoactive agents use, will be discussed

    Privatization and Investment Activity

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    The current urgency of the investment activity problem is not abating. According to the data of the Russian Federation State Committee on Statistics [RF Goskomstat], in 1995, capital investments from all sources of financing declined by 13 percent in comparison with 1994.>sup>1>/sup> A key aspect of this problem is attracting investments in the course of privatization, taking into account the need to make qualitative changes in its implementation.

    Capital Investment Effectiveness in Planning

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    The present stage of intensification of social production and the tasks posed by the Twenty-sixth CPSU Congress and subsequent plenums of the CPSU Central Committee relating to the identification of reserves for increasing effectiveness in various sectors of the national economy, including capital construction, make new demands on the methodology used to calculate effectiveness in the planning process. The possible directions of improvement of methodology include: making the methodology reflect the relationship between the effectiveness of capital investments and the final national economic result; norming the indicators of their overall effectiveness; using indicators and norms of effectiveness to substantiate the priorities of individual directions of capital investment.

    The Effectiveness of Nonproductive Capital Investments

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    At the present time the methodology of evaluating and analyzing the effectiveness of capital investments is elaborated primarily for the material production sphere, while the effectiveness of investments in the nonproductive sphere receives too little attention. The influence of the development of this sphere on the satisfaction of the ever-growing requirements of workers in socialist society, the social results of social production, and the raising of its economic effectiveness are therefore underestimated.