153 research outputs found

    Calculated performance of the NASA Lewis icing research tunnel

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    The Icing Research Tunnel is used extensively to test many classes of aircraft under atmospheric icing conditions. Because of the need to test models at higher Reynolds numbers, a new fan rotor was designed to increase test section wind speed. A preliminary study was made of the present fan rotor to suggest possible methods to increase tunnel wind speed. The results of that study are presented

    The NASA-LeRC wind turbine sound prediction code

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    Since regular operation of the DOE/NASA MOD-1 wind turbine began in October 1979 about 10 nearby households have complained of noise from the machine. Development of the NASA-LeRC with turbine sound prediction code began in May 1980 as part of an effort to understand and reduce the noise generated by MOD-1. Tone sound levels predicted with this code are in generally good agreement with measured data taken in the vicinity MOD-1 wind turbine (less than 2 rotor diameters). Comparison in the far field indicates that propagation effects due to terrain and atmospheric conditions may be amplifying the actual sound levels by about 6 dB. Parametric analysis using the code has shown that the predominant contributions to MOD-1 rotor noise are: (1) the velocity deficit in the wake of the support tower; (2) the high rotor speed; and (3) off column operation

    Method for predicting impulsive noise generated by wind turbine rotors

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    Large wind turbines can generate both broad band and impulsive noises. These noises can be controlled by proper choice of rotor design parameters such as rotor location with respect to the supporting tower, tower geometry and tip speed. A method was developed to calculate the impulsive noise generated when the wind turbine blade experiences air forces that are periodic functions of the rotational frequency. This phenomenon can occur when the blades operate in the wake of the support tower and the nonuniform velocity field near the ground due to wind shear. Results from this method were compared with measured sound spectra taken at locations of one to two rotor diameters from the DOE/NASA Mod-1 wind turbine. The calculated spectra generally agreed with the measured data in both the amplitude of the predominant harmonics and the roll of rate with frequency. Measured sound pressure levels far from the Mod-1 (15 rotor diameters), however, were higher than predicted. Simultaneous measurements in the near and far field indicated that the propagation effects could enhance the sound levels by more than 10 dB above that expected by spherical dispersion. These propagation effects are believed to be due to terrain and atmospheric characteristics of the Mod-1 site

    Theoretical and experimental power from large horizontal-axis wind turbines

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    A method for calculating the output power from large horizontal-axis wind turbines is presented. Modifications to the airfoil characteristics and the momentum portion of classical blade element-momentum theory are given that improve correlation with measured data. Improvement is particularly evident at low tip-speed ratios where aerodynamic stall can occur as the blade experiences high angles of attack. Output power calculated using the modified theory is compared with measured data for several large wind turbines. These wind turbines range in size from the DOE/NASA 100 kW Mod-0 (38 m rotor diameter) to the 2000 kW Mod-1 (61 m rotor diameter). The calculated results are in good agreement with measured data from these machines

    ALPS: A Linear Program Solver

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    ALPS is a computer program which can be used to solve general linear program (optimization) problems. ALPS was designed for those who have minimal linear programming (LP) knowledge and features a menu-driven scheme to guide the user through the process of creating and solving LP formulations. Once created, the problems can be edited and stored in standard DOS ASCII files to provide portability to various word processors or even other linear programming packages. Unlike many math-oriented LP solvers, ALPS contains an LP parser that reads through the LP formulation and reports several types of errors to the user. ALPS provides a large amount of solution data which is often useful in problem solving. In addition to pure linear programs, ALPS can solve for integer, mixed integer, and binary type problems. Pure linear programs are solved with the revised simplex method. Integer or mixed integer programs are solved initially with the revised simplex, and the completed using the branch-and-bound technique. Binary programs are solved with the method of implicit enumeration. This manual describes how to use ALPS to create, edit, and solve linear programming problems. Instructions for installing ALPS on a PC compatible computer are included in the appendices along with a general introduction to linear programming. A programmers guide is also included for assistance in modifying and maintaining the program

    Free yaw performance of the Mod-0 large horizontal axis 100 kW wind turbine

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    The NASA Mod-0 Large Horizontal Axis 100 kW Wind Turbine was operated in free yaw with an unconed teetered, downwind rotor mounted on a nacelle having 8-1/2 deg tilt. Two series of tests were run, the first series with 19 meter twisted aluminum blades and the second series with 19 meter untwisted steel spar blades with tip control. Rotor speed were nominally 20, 26 and 31 rpm. It was found the nacelle stabilized in free yaw at a yaw angle of between -55 deg to -45 deg was relatively independent of wind speed and was well damped to short term variations in wind direction. Power output of the wind turbine in free yaw, aligned at a large yaw angle, was considerably less than that if the wind turbine were aligned with the wind. For the Mod-0 wind turbine at 26 rpm, the MOSTAB computer code calculations of the free yaw alignment angle and power output compare reasonably well with experimental data. MOSTAB calculations indicate that elimination of tilt and adding coning will improve wind turbine alignment with the wind and that wind shear has a slight detrimental effect on the free yaw alignment angle

    Updated System-Availability and Resource-Allocation Program

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    A second version of the Availability, Cost and Resource Allocation (ACARA) computer program has become available. The first version was reported in an earlier tech brief. To recapitulate: ACARA analyzes the availability, mean-time-between-failures of components, life-cycle costs, and scheduling of resources of a complex system of equipment. ACARA uses a statistical Monte Carlo method to simulate the failure and repair of components while complying with user-specified constraints on spare parts and resources. ACARA evaluates the performance of the system on the basis of a mathematical model developed from a block-diagram representation. The previous version utilized the MS-DOS operating system and could not be run by use of the most recent versions of the Windows operating system. The current version incorporates the algorithms of the previous version but is compatible with Windows and utilizes menus and a file-management approach typical of Windows-based software

    ETARA PC version 3.3 user's guide: Reliability, availability, maintainability simulation model

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    A user's manual describing an interactive, menu-driven, personal computer based Monte Carlo reliability, availability, and maintainability simulation program called event time availability reliability (ETARA) is discussed. Given a reliability block diagram representation of a system, ETARA simulates the behavior of the system over a specified period of time using Monte Carlo methods to generate block failure and repair intervals as a function of exponential and/or Weibull distributions. Availability parameters such as equivalent availability, state availability (percentage of time as a particular output state capability), continuous state duration and number of state occurrences can be calculated. Initial spares allotment and spares replenishment on a resupply cycle can be simulated. The number of block failures are tabulated both individually and by block type, as well as total downtime, repair time, and time waiting for spares. Also, maintenance man-hours per year and system reliability, with or without repair, at or above a particular output capability can be calculated over a cumulative period of time or at specific points in time

    Floating wind turbine system

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    A floating wind turbine system with a tower structure that includes at least one stability arm extending therefrom and that is anchored to the sea floor with a rotatable position retention device that facilitates deep water installations. Variable buoyancy for the wind turbine system is provided by buoyancy chambers that are integral to the tower itself as well as the stability arm. Pumps are included for adjusting the buoyancy as an aid in system transport, installation, repair and removal. The wind turbine rotor is located downwind of the tower structure to allow the wind turbine to follow the wind direction without an active yaw drive system. The support tower and stability arm structure is designed to balance tension in the tether with buoyancy, gravity and wind forces in such a way that the top of the support tower leans downwind, providing a large clearance between the support tower and the rotor blade tips. This large clearance facilitates the use of articulated rotor hubs to reduced damaging structural dynamic loads. Major components of the turbine can be assembled at the shore and transported to an offshore installation site

    RSM 1.0 user's guide: A resupply scheduler using integer optimization

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    The Resupply Scheduling Model (RSM) is a PC based, fully menu-driven computer program. It uses integer programming techniques to determine an optimum schedule to replace components on or before a fixed replacement period, subject to user defined constraints such as transportation mass and volume limits or available repair crew time. Principal input for RSJ includes properties such as mass and volume and an assembly sequence. Resource constraints are entered for each period corresponding to the component properties. Though written to analyze the electrical power system on the Space Station Freedom, RSM is quite general and can be used to model the resupply of almost any system subject to user defined resource constraints. Presented here is a step by step procedure for preparing the input, performing the analysis, and interpreting the results. Instructions for installing the program and information on the algorithms are given