10 research outputs found

    Neutron Activation System for ITER Tokamak

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    Neutron activation system (NAS) is currently designed for ITER and will be procured by the Korean DA. The main purpose of this diagnostic is to evaluate the integrated fusion power and cross-check with other neutron diagnostic, whose sensitivity can vary over time. Total neutron production rate shall be measured from all over the plasma, regardless of the position or profile of the neutron source. Therefore, it is required to minimize material and its density variation across the field of view between the plasma and the irradiation end

    CAD-Based Shielding Analysis for ITER Port Diagnostics

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    Radiation shielding analysis conducted in support of design development of the contemporary diagnostic systems integrated inside the ITER ports is relied on the use of CAD models. This paper presents the CAD-based MCNP Monte Carlo radiation transport and activation analyses for the Diagnostic Upper and Equatorial Port Plugs (UPP #3 and EPP #8, #17). The creation process of the complicated 3D MCNP models of the diagnostics systems was substantially accelerated by application of the CAD-to-MCNP converter programs MCAM and McCad. High performance computing resources of the Helios supercomputer allowed to speed-up the MCNP parallel transport calculations with the MPI/OpenMP interface. The found shielding solutions could be universal, reducing ports R&D costs. The shield block behind the Tritium and Deposit Monitor (TDM) optical box was added to study its influence on Shut-Down Dose Rate (SDDR) in Port Interspace (PI) of EPP#17. Influence of neutron streaming along the Lost Alpha Monitor (LAM) on the neutron energy spectra calculated in the Tangential Neutron Spectrometer (TNS) of EPP#8. For the UPP#3 with Charge eXchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS-core), an excessive neutron streaming along the CXRS shutter, which should be prevented in further design iteration

    Neutronics Assessment of a Compact D-D Neutron Generator as a Neutron Source for the Neutron Calibration in Magnetic Confinement Fusion Devices

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    Neutronics aspects of a compact D-D neutron generator as a neutron source for the neutron calibration in magnetic confinement fusion devices are assessed by the MCNP calculation. The neutron emission distribution of the compact D-D neutron generator has a large anisotropy not only due to the scattering with the neutron generator body but also due to the intrinsic anisotropy of the differential cross-section of the d(d,n)3He reaction. The angular neutron distribution at the target of the compact D-D neutron generator is calculated with the PHITS code where the slowing down on the accelerated deuterons in the target material is considered. The calibration experiments are simulated by using the MCNP-6 code for the ITER neutron flux monitor (NFM) to be installed in the equatorial port. The detection efficiency of NFM is calculated for a D-D plasma neutron source, an idealistic D-D neutron source, a 252Cf neutron source and the compact neutron generator. It is found that the detection efficiency of NFM for the compact neutron generator is approximately 50% larger than that for the idealistic D-D neutron source. The discrepancy is improved to be 25% by the intention of the target 20 cm from the body of the compact neutron generator

    Possibility study of the partial neutron calibration for neutron flux monitors in torus devices

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    The absolute calibration of the detection efficiency for the total neutron yield in the whole plasma is one of the most important issues in the neutron diagnostics such as a neutron flux monitor (NFM). The possibility of a partial neutron calibration is investigated based on the in-situ neutron calibration data of the Large Helical Device (LHD), JT-60U, and other tokamaks. In the case of NFM using a 235U fission chamber located outside of the vacuum vessel on the equatorial plane, more than 90% of the detector counts are contributed by neutrons in the toroidal angle range of −60° to +60°. The detection efficiency for the neutron source located at one toroidal position on the magnetic axis (called point efficiency) decreased exponentially with the absolute toroidal angle of the neutron source. We found that a partial calibration in the toroidal angle range of −60° to +60° combined with exponential extrapolations to -180° and +180°can estimate total detection efficiency within 5% uncertainty. In the case of point efficiency measurement at the limited number of the toroidal locations, the total detection efficiency for the whole plasma can be estimated within 4% uncertainty with the assistance of the MCNP simulation

    CAD-Based Shielding Analysis for ITER Port Diagnostics

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    Radiation shielding analysis conducted in support of design development of the contemporary diagnostic systems integrated inside the ITER ports is relied on the use of CAD models. This paper presents the CAD-based MCNP Monte Carlo radiation transport and activation analyses for the Diagnostic Upper and Equatorial Port Plugs (UPP #3 and EPP #8, #17). The creation process of the complicated 3D MCNP models of the diagnostics systems was substantially accelerated by application of the CAD-to-MCNP converter programs MCAM and McCad. High performance computing resources of the Helios supercomputer allowed to speed-up the MCNP parallel transport calculations with the MPI/OpenMP interface. The found shielding solutions could be universal, reducing ports R&D costs. The shield block behind the Tritium and Deposit Monitor (TDM) optical box was added to study its influence on Shut-Down Dose Rate (SDDR) in Port Interspace (PI) of EPP#17. Influence of neutron streaming along the Lost Alpha Monitor (LAM) on the neutron energy spectra calculated in the Tangential Neutron Spectrometer (TNS) of EPP#8. For the UPP#3 with Charge eXchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS-core), an excessive neutron streaming along the CXRS shutter, which should be prevented in further design iteration

    CAD-Based Shielding Analysis for ITER Port Diagnostics

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    Radiation shielding analysis conducted in support of design development of the contemporary diagnostic systems integrated inside the ITER ports is relied on the use of CAD models. This paper presents the CAD-based MCNP Monte Carlo radiation transport and activation analyses for the Diagnostic Upper and Equatorial Port Plugs (UPP #3 and EPP #8, #17). The creation process of the complicated 3D MCNP models of the diagnostics systems was substantially accelerated by application of the CAD-to-MCNP converter programs MCAM and McCad. High performance computing resources of the Helios supercomputer allowed to speed-up the MCNP parallel transport calculations with the MPI/OpenMP interface. The found shielding solutions could be universal, reducing ports R&D costs. The shield block behind the Tritium and Deposit Monitor (TDM) optical box was added to study its influence on Shut-Down Dose Rate (SDDR) in Port Interspace (PI) of EPP#17. Influence of neutron streaming along the Lost Alpha Monitor (LAM) on the neutron energy spectra calculated in the Tangential Neutron Spectrometer (TNS) of EPP#8. For the UPP#3 with Charge eXchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS-core), an excessive neutron streaming along the CXRS shutter, which should be prevented in further design iteration

    Fusion Power Measurement at ITER

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