67 research outputs found

    Identification of dangerous fibers: some examples in Northern Italy

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    The presence of asbestiform minerals has to be foreseen in the planning of infrastructural activities: Asbestos can be a component of sedimentary rocks or of mafic and ultra mafic metamorphic rocks. Surveys and core drilling, in addition to providing important information on the quality of the rock and its geotechnical characteristics, allow for a prediction of the presence of asbestiform minerals in the areas affected by mining or infrastructural activities. During the excavation, workers can be exposed to the asbestos risk, therefore, the control of the air quality and of the excavated materials are fundamental for the safety of involved people. In this work some problems we met in the analysis of airborne filters and bulk samples from sites in northern Italy are presented. The asbestos fibers present in rocks as accessory minerals, are often different in habit and dimension from the well-known asbestos fibers used as industrial minerals and moreover can be erroneously identified as minerals morphologically and chemically similar present in the same rock or environment. In the case of tunnel muck it could be contaminated by substances used for the excavation that could modify colours and optical properties of asbestos minerals. In the PCOM (Phase Contrast Optical Microscope) analysis chrysotile, sepiolite and antigorite, due to their different refraction index, when the fibers have dimension > 0,5 micron and aren’t contaminated by lubricant can be easely identified even if the morphology of chrysotile is very similar to that of sepiolite. In Electron Scanning Microscope (SEM) the discrimination between chrysotile and antigorite on the airborne filters is not always possible because the fibers of thin dimensions show similar habit and spectrum. In the case of the tremolite amphibole, morphology changes from prismatic to fibrous depending on its origin (p.eg. Monastero, Val Grana, Verrayes, Brachiello). Both prismatic and asbestiform tremolite (Gamble and Gibbs, 2007; Addison and McConnel, 2007) may show inhalable elements with width less than 3 micron, length more than 5 micron and width length ratio 1:3, whose dangerousness (fiber coming from fibrous tremolite or the cleavage fragments coming from prismatic tremolite) could be different and it is object of epidemiologic studies

    Incidence of Mediterranean Spotted Fever in Sicilian children: a clinical-epidemiological observational retrospective study from 1987 to 2010

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    Background: Zoonoses are human infectious diseases caused by pathogens that primarily infect animals. Mediterranean Spotted Fever (MSF) represents one such example, affecting the Mediterranean region, in which household animals can be immune-carriers of infected ticks. Materials and methods: We retrospectively analysed the incidence and the clinical and laboratory features of MSF caused by R.Conorii in children admitted to the Paediatric Operative Unit from 1987 to 2010, for persistent fever and generalised macular-popular erythematous lesions. Clinical, immunological and serological parameters of 55 cases of Rickettsia infections observed in children between 2 and 11 years of age were collected. Results: We found an increasing incidence of MSF in childhood from 1987 to 2010. Diagnosis of MSF at the moment of hospital admission was done in 16 patients (29.09%). The presence of the typical Tache noire was observed in 16 cases out of 55 patients (29.09% of cases). We noticed a different representation of R. conorii antigens in serological testing over the time period of the study, corresponding to overall higher incidence rates for infection in the latter years. We also observed a higher incidence of infection in those years in which all four antigens were found positive at serum testing with respect to those years in which only two of the four antigens were observed (1987-1990: 0-16%; 2007-2010: 0.46%; P<0.005). Conclusions: These changes in R. conorii antigenicity may be the cause of higher pathogenicity in this parasite, perhaps linked to increased immigration along with consequent changes in the epidemiology of infectious diseases in host countries

    Cardiorespiratory fitness and sports activities in children and adolescents with solitary functioning kidney

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    Background: An increasing number of children with chronic disease require a complete medical examination to be able to practice physical activity. Particularly children with solitary functioning kidney (SFK) need an accurate functional evaluation to perform sports activities safely. The aim of our study was to evaluate the influence of regular physical activity on the cardiorespiratory function of children with solitary functioning kidney. Method: Twenty-nine patients with congenital SFK, mean age 13.9 ± 5.0 years, and 36 controls (C), mean age 13.8 ± 3.7 years, underwent a cardiorespiratory assessment with spirometry and maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing. All subjects were divided in two groups: sedentary (S) and trained (T) patients, by means of a standardized questionnaire about their weekly physical activity. Results: We found that mean values of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) and exercise time (ET) were higher in T subjects than in S subjects. Particularly SFK-T presented mean values of VO2max similar to C-T and significantly higher than C-S (SFK-T: 44.7 ± 6.3 vs C-S: 37.8 ± 3.7 ml/min/kg; p < 0.0008). We also found significantly higher mean values of ET (minutes) in minutes in SFK-T than C-S subjects (SFK-T: 12.9 ± 1.6 vs C-S: 10.8 ± 2.5 min; p <0.02). Conclusion: Our study showed that regular moderate/high level of physical activity improve aerobic capacity (VO2max) and exercise tolerance in congenital SFK patients without increasing the risks for cardiovascular accidents and accordingly sports activities should be strongly encouraged in SFK patients to maximize health benefit

    Acute Glomerulonephritis in a Child with Chlamydia pneumoniae Infection: A Case Report.

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    Background. Infectious diseases seem to be an important and independent risk factor for renal failure, but the underlying mechanism of renal involvement during some kinds of infectious diseases is still unclear, even if the literature data report immunomediated and/or autoimmune mechanisms to explain the pathogenic relationship between the two diseases. In paediatric patients, Chlamydia pneumoniae is a rare cause of renal complications and it may manifest in several ways, mainly involving the respiratory system, even if also renal and glomerulalr complications, have been described. Case Diagnosis/Treatment. Herein we report a case of a 3-year-old child who developed an acute glomerulonephritis that was chronologically, clinically, and biologically related to a previous Chlamydia pneumoniae infection. On our knowledge, in the literature it is the youngest patient with renal involvement during course of Chlamydia pneumoniae infection ever reported. Conclusions. The present case supports the hypothesis of a rather close causal relationship between this infective agent and renal and glomerular symptoms occurred in this child, during an acute episode of respiratory disease

    Hepatitis B vaccination failure in children with Diabetes Mellitus? The debate continues

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    The aim of our study was to evaluate the presence of specific antibodies against HBsAg in diabetic children (IDDM) previously vaccinated against hepatitis B virus.110 diabetic children were retrospectively studied and 100 healthy controls were recruited. In all patients surface antigen, HBV core IgG, antibodies against HBV "e" antigen and quantitative HBV surface antibodies were detected. In 45 patients molecular typing of HLA alleles was performed. Metabolic control was evaluated as mean glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and all patients were compliant to insulin therapy.46 of 110 diabetic children (41.8%) and 16 of 100 healthy controls (16%) were found to have not anti-HBs antibodies (p0.0001). The mean antibody titer was found significantly-lower (p0.0001) in IDDM children than healthy controls. No correlation was found between antibody titer, age, duration of disease and HbA1c. We did not find any difference of gender, age, years of onset of the disease and metabolic control, between diabetics with anti-HBs antibodies and those without.Our data confirm the reduced seroprotection rate for HBV vaccination in diabetics. However it remains poorly clarify the real clinical significance of this result. In our study no diabetic children showed markers of HBV infection

    Need for palliative care from birth to infancy in pediatric patients with neurological diseases

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    Background Palliative care is a comprehensive treatment approach that guarantees comfort for pediatric patients and their families from diagnosis to death. The techniques used for neurological patients in the field of palliative care can enhance the quality of care provided to patients with neurological disorders and support their families. Purpose This study aimed to analyze the palliative care protocols in use in our department, describe the palliative course in the clinical setting, and propose the implementation of hospital palliative care for long-term prognosis of patients with neurological diseases. Methods This retrospective observational study examined the application of palliative care from birth to early infancy in neurological patients. We studied 34 newborns with diseases affecting the nervous system impairing prognosis. The study was conducted from 2016 to 2020 at the Neonatology Intensive Care Unit and the Pediatric Unit of the San Marco University Hospital in Catania, Sicily, Italy. Results Despite current legislation in Italy, no palliative care network has been activated to meet the needs of the population. In our center, given the vast number of patients with neurological conditions requiring palliative care, we should activate a straightforward departmental unit for neurologic pediatric palliative care. Conclusion The establishment of specialized reference centers that manage significant neurological illnesses is due to neuroscience research progress in recent decades. Integration with specialized palliative care is sparse but now seems essential
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