5,802 research outputs found

    Poincare series of subsets of affine Weyl groups

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    In this note, we identify a natural class of subsets of affine Weyl groups whose Poincare series are rational functions. This class includes the sets of minimal coset representatives of reflection subgroups. As an application, we construct a generalization of the classical length-descent generating function, and prove its rationality.Comment: 7 page

    On growth types of quotients of Coxeter groups by parabolic subgroups

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    The principal objects studied in this note are Coxeter groups WW that are neither finite nor affine. A well known result of de la Harpe asserts that such groups have exponential growth. We consider quotients of WW by its parabolic subgroups and by a certain class of reflection subgroups. We show that these quotients have exponential growth as well. To achieve this, we use a theorem of Dyer to construct a reflection subgroup of WW that is isomorphic to the universal Coxeter group on three generators. The results are all proved under the restriction that the Coxeter diagram of WW is simply laced, and some remarks made on how this restriction may be relaxed.Comment: 10 pages; The exposition has been made more concise and an additional proposition is proved in the final sectio

    A note on exponents vs root heights for complex simple Lie algebras

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    We give an elementary combinatorial proof of a special case of a result due to Bazlov and Ion concerning the Fourier coefficients of the Cherednik kernel. This can be used to give yet another proof of the classical fact that for a complex simple Lie algebra, the partition formed by its exponents is dual to that formed by the numbers of positive roots at each height.Comment: 5 page

    Kostka-Foulkes polynomials for symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras

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    We introduce a generalization of the classical Hall-Littlewood and Kostka-Foulkes polynomials to all symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras. We prove that these Kostka-Foulkes polynomials coincide with the natural generalization of Lusztig's tt-analog of weight multiplicities, thereby extending a theorem of Kato. For gg an affine Kac-Moody algebra, we define tt-analogs of string functions and use Cherednik's constant term identities to derive explicit product expressions for them.Comment: 19 page

    Navier-Stokes solver using Green's functions II: spectral integration of channel flow and plane Couette flow

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    The Kleiser-Schumann algorithm has been widely used for the direct numerical simulation of turbulence in rectangular geometries. At the heart of the algorithm is the solution of linear systems which are tridiagonal except for one row. This note shows how to solve the Kleiser-Schumann problem using perfectly triangular matrices. An advantage is the ability to use functions in the LAPACK library. The method is used to simulate turbulence in channel flow at Re=80,000Re=80,000 (and Reτ=2400Re_{\tau}=2400) using 10910^{9} grid points. An assessment of the length of time necessary to eliminate transient effects in the initial state is included

    The dynamics of transition to turbulence in plane Couette flow

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    In plane Couette flow, the incompressible fluid between two plane parallel walls is driven by the motion of those walls. The laminar solution, in which the streamwise velocity varies linearly in the wall-normal direction, is known to be linearly stable at all Reynolds numbers (ReRe). Yet, in both experiments and computations, turbulence is observed for Re≳360Re \gtrsim 360. In this article, we show that for certain {\it threshold} perturbations of the laminar flow, the flow approaches either steady or traveling wave solutions. These solutions exhibit some aspects of turbulence but are not fully turbulent even at Re=4000Re=4000. However, these solutions are linearly unstable and flows that evolve along their unstable directions become fully turbulent. The solution approached by a threshold perturbation could depend upon the nature of the perturbation. Surprisingly, the positive eigenvalue that corresponds to one family of solutions decreases in magnitude with increasing ReRe, with the rate of decrease given by ReαRe^{\alpha} with α≈−0.46\alpha \approx -0.46
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