1 research outputs found

    Case Report - Intraglandular lipoma of the parotid gland

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    A 56-year-old female patient, with a relatively rare condition, intraglandular lipoma of the parotid is reported. Lipoma of the parotid gland constitute around 3% of all parotid tumors and include tumors which are outside the parotid capsule - peri parotid, tumors surrounded all around by the parotid gland -intraglandular, lipomatous pleomorphic adenoma, lipoadenoma and nontumorous interstitial lipomatosis and liposarcoma. These are asymptomatic and occur both in the deep and the superficial lobe of the parotid. The most favored age group is from the fifth to sixth decade of life and is ten times more common in the males. Surgical excision, preserving facial nerve is the treatment of choice