7 research outputs found

    Zinc and provitamin A biofortified maize genotypes exhibited potent to reduce hidden-hunger in Nepal

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    Zinc deficiency affects one third of the population worldwide, and vitamin A deficiency is a prevalent public health issue in Sub-Saharan Africa and South-Asia, including Nepal. Crop biofortification is the sustainable solution to these healthā€”related problems, thus we conducted two different field trials in an alpha lattice design to identify zinc and provitamin A biofortified maize genotypes consistent and competitive in performance over the contrasting seasons (Season 1: 18 February to 6 July 2020 and Season 2: 31 August to 1 February, 2020/21). In our study, the performance of introduced maize genotypes (zincā€”15 and provitamin A biofortifiedā€”24) were compared with that of the local check, focusing on the overall agro-morphology, yield attributes, yield, and kernel zinc and total carotenoid content. Zinc and total carotenoid in the tested genotypes were found in the range between 14.2 and 24.8 mg kgāˆ’1 and between 1.8 and 3.6 mg 100 gāˆ’1. Genotypes A1831-8 from zinc and EEPVAH-46 from provitamin A biofortified maize trial recorded kernel zinc and total carotenoid as high as 52.3, and 79.5%, respectively, compared to the local check (DMH849). The provitamin A genotypes EEPVAH-46 and EEPVAH-51 (total carotenoid: 3.6 and 3.3 mg 100 gāˆ’1), and zinc biofortified genotypes A1847-10 and A1803-42 (20.4 and 22.4 mg kgāˆ’1 zinc) were identified as superior genotypes based on their yield consistency over the environments and higher provitamin A and zinc content compared to the check. In addition, farmers can explore August sowing to harvest green cobs during December-January to boost up the emerging green cob business

    Effect of biochar blended organic fertilizers on soil fertility, radish productivity and farm income in Nepal

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    Declining soil fertility and nutrient availability are one of the major threats to reducing crop productivity in Nepal. A field experiment was conducted to assess the potential of biochar (10 t ha-1) blended with organic and inorganic fertilizers on improving soil fertility and radish productivity in Morang district, Nepal. Biochar was prepared from locally available twigs, branches, and wood using the soil pit ā€œKon tikiā€ method. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with 7 treatments having four replications viz., control (CK), biochar (BC), biochar + cattle manure (CM), biochar + poultry manure (PM), biochar + cattle urine (CU), biochar + commercial biofertilizers (BF) and biochar + inorganic fertilizers (urea-N). The nitrogen rate used in all the treatments was equivalent to 100 kg ha-1. The agronomic effect of biochar blended organic amendments was compared with control and inorganic urea-N treatments.Ā  Biochar amended plots showed significantly higher soil pH (6.5), organic matter (4%), total N% (0.8%), available P (80.1 kg ha-1), and K (203.6 kg ha-1) compared with control. CM increased marketable yield by 320% (63 t ha-1) and biomass yield by 198% (100 t ha-1) compared with control (15.0 t ha-1 and 34 t ha-1) of marketable and biomass yield, respectively. CM increased marketable yield by 44% compared with the urea-N treatment (44 t ha-1). Moreover, net return was observed highest with CM treatment among all the organic and urea-N treatments. The study suggests that the combination of biochar with locally produced cattle manure has the potential to increase radish productivity and could compete with mineral nitrogen fertilizers while producing similar or even higher crop yields and economic returns

    Potential of Biochar-Based Organic Fertilizers on Increasing Soil Fertility, Available Nutrients, and Okra Productivity in Slightly Acidic Sandy Loam Soil

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    Reducing chemical fertilizers is critical for maintaining soil health and minimizing environmental damage. Biochar-based organic fertilizers reduce fertilizer inputs, improve soil fertility, increase crop productivity, and reduce environmental risks. In this study, a pot experiment was conducted in a greenhouse to assess the potential of biochar-based organic and inorganic fertilizers to improve soil fertility and Okra yield. Seven treatments with three replicates were arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD). Three treatments included biochar-blended formulations (i) biochar mixed with mineral NPK fertilizer (BF), (ii) biochar mixed with vermicompost (BV), and (iii) biochar mixed with goat manure (BM); two treatments included biochar enrichment formulations (iv) biochar enriched with cow urine (BCU) and (v) biochar enriched with mineral NPK fertilizer in aqueous solution (BFW), and the remaining two included control treatments; (vi) control (CK: no biochar and no fertilizers) and (vii) fertilized control (F: only recommended NPK fertilizer and no biochar). Mineral NPK fertilizers in BF, BFW, and F were applied at the recommended rate as urea, di-ammonium phosphate (DAP), and muriate of potash (MOP). Organic fertilizers in BV, BM, and BCU treatments were applied in equal quantities. All biochar-amended treatments showed improved soil chemical properties with higher pH, organic carbon, total N, and available P and K compared to the two non-biochar control plots (CK and F). Biochar blended with goat manure (BM) showed the highest effect on soil fertility and fruit yield. BM (51.8 t ha−1) increased fruit yield by 89% over CK (27.4 t ha−1) and by 88% over F (27 t ha−1). Similarly, cow urine-enriched biochar (BCU) (35 t ha−1) increased fruit yield by 29% and 28% compared to CK and F, respectively. Soil pH, OC, and nutrient availability (total N, available P, and available K) showed a significantly positive relationship with fruit yield. The study suggests that using biochar-based organic fertilizers, such as BCU and BM, could outperform recommended mineral fertilizers (F) and produce higher yields and healthy soils, thereby contributing to mitigating the current food security and environmental concerns of the country

    Optimum Rate and Deep Placement of Nitrogen Fertilizer Improves Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Tomato Yield in Nepal

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    In Nepal, blanket fertilizer recommendations without considering diverse soil types, nutrient status, climate and crop management practices along with imbalanced fertilization practices by farmers, mainly “urea fertilizer,” have resulted in reduced nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and productivity in tomato production. Optimizing the rate of nitrogen (N) fertilizer, application time and improved application methods could increase crop yields and NUE and reduce environmental costs. This study was conducted to identify the optimum N rate and application method for increased tomato yield and NUE. Multilocation trials (n = 28) conducted in a randomized complete block design with nine treatments across five districts included the omission of N, P and K (N0, P0, K0), variable N rates of 100, 150, 200 and 250 kg ha−1 (N-100, N-150, N-200 and N-250), use of urea briquettes (UB) with deep placement (UBN-150) and a control (CK). N input in UB was reduced by 25% from the recommended N rate of 200 kg ha−1 considering its expected higher NUE. Yield responses from an NPK omission plot revealed N as the most limiting plant nutrient. Applications of fertilizer at N-100, N-150, N-200 and N-250 increased tomato yield by 27%, 35%, 43% and 27%, respectively, over N0. Tomato yields responded quadratically to the added N fertilizers with optimum rates ranging from 150 to 200 kg ha−1 across districts. UBN-150 significantly increased tomato yield by 12% over N-150 and produced a similar yield to N-200 (the recommended rate). The highest partial factor productivity of nitrogen (PFPN) was observed at N-100 and the highest agronomic efficiency of N (AEN) was at N-200. Deep placement of UB at-150 increased PFPN by 8% and 21% and AEN by 27% and 21% compared with N-150 and N-200, respectively. These results have positive implications for developing efficient N fertilization strategies to increase tomato yields and reduce environmental impacts in Nepal

    Optimum Rate and Deep Placement of Nitrogen Fertilizer Improves Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Tomato Yield in Nepal

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    In Nepal, blanket fertilizer recommendations without considering diverse soil types, nutrient status, climate and crop management practices along with imbalanced fertilization practices by farmers, mainly ā€œurea fertilizer,ā€ have resulted in reduced nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and productivity in tomato production. Optimizing the rate of nitrogen (N) fertilizer, application time and improved application methods could increase crop yields and NUE and reduce environmental costs. This study was conducted to identify the optimum N rate and application method for increased tomato yield and NUE. Multilocation trials (n = 28) conducted in a randomized complete block design with nine treatments across five districts included the omission of N, P and K (N0, P0, K0), variable N rates of 100, 150, 200 and 250 kg haāˆ’1 (N-100, N-150, N-200 and N-250), use of urea briquettes (UB) with deep placement (UBN-150) and a control (CK). N input in UB was reduced by 25% from the recommended N rate of 200 kg haāˆ’1 considering its expected higher NUE. Yield responses from an NPK omission plot revealed N as the most limiting plant nutrient. Applications of fertilizer at N-100, N-150, N-200 and N-250 increased tomato yield by 27%, 35%, 43% and 27%, respectively, over N0. Tomato yields responded quadratically to the added N fertilizers with optimum rates ranging from 150 to 200 kg haāˆ’1 across districts. UBN-150 significantly increased tomato yield by 12% over N-150 and produced a similar yield to N-200 (the recommended rate). The highest partial factor productivity of nitrogen (PFPN) was observed at N-100 and the highest agronomic efficiency of N (AEN) was at N-200. Deep placement of UB at-150 increased PFPN by 8% and 21% and AEN by 27% and 21% compared with N-150 and N-200, respectively. These results have positive implications for developing efficient N fertilization strategies to increase tomato yields and reduce environmental impacts in Nepal

    Optimizing N Fertilization for Increasing Yield and Profits of Rainfed Maize Grown under Sandy Loam Soil

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    The optimum dose of fertilizers for crops varies with soil, agro-ecology, and crop management practices. Optimizing application dose is critical to reduce nutrient loss to the environment and increase nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), crop yields, and economic return to farmers. An experiment was conducted to determine the optimum N dose for increasing maize (Zea mays L. cv, Manakamana-3) yield, NUE, and farm profits under rainfed conditions. Five levels of N (0, 60, 120, 180, and 240 kg haāˆ’1), and a non-fertilized treatment were tested in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Effects of each treatment on yield and yield attributing traits, plant lodging and Sterility (plants with no cob or grain formation), NUE, and stay green trait of maize were recorded. Application of N above 120 kg haāˆ’1 (N120) did not have any significant effects on yield and yield components. Nitrogen, at N120 and above, produced highly fertile plants (though sterility slightly increased at N180 and N240), higher N uptake, and lower dead leaf area (18ā€“27%). N120 produced the highest agronomic; yield increase per unit of N application (AENā€”26.89 kg grain kgāˆ’1 N) and physiological efficiency of N (PENā€”42.67 kg grain kgāˆ’1 N uptake), and net benefit (USD 500.43). Considering agronomic, economic, and NUE factors, an N dose of 120 kg haāˆ’1 was found optimum for the cultivation of rainfed maize (Manakamana-3) under sandy loam soil

    Zinc and Provitamin A Biofortified Maize Genotypes Exhibited Potent to Reduce Hidden—Hunger in Nepal

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    Zinc deficiency affects one third of the population worldwide, and vitamin A deficiency is a prevalent public health issue in Sub-Saharan Africa and South-Asia, including Nepal. Crop biofortification is the sustainable solution to these health—related problems, thus we conducted two different field trials in an alpha lattice design to identify zinc and provitamin A biofortified maize genotypes consistent and competitive in performance over the contrasting seasons (Season 1: 18 February to 6 July 2020 and Season 2: 31 August to 1 February, 2020/21). In our study, the performance of introduced maize genotypes (zinc—15 and provitamin A biofortified—24) were compared with that of the local check, focusing on the overall agro-morphology, yield attributes, yield, and kernel zinc and total carotenoid content. Zinc and total carotenoid in the tested genotypes were found in the range between 14.2 and 24.8 mg kg−1 and between 1.8 and 3.6 mg 100 g−1. Genotypes A1831-8 from zinc and EEPVAH-46 from provitamin A biofortified maize trial recorded kernel zinc and total carotenoid as high as 52.3, and 79.5%, respectively, compared to the local check (DMH849). The provitamin A genotypes EEPVAH-46 and EEPVAH-51 (total carotenoid: 3.6 and 3.3 mg 100 g−1), and zinc biofortified genotypes A1847-10 and A1803-42 (20.4 and 22.4 mg kg−1 zinc) were identified as superior genotypes based on their yield consistency over the environments and higher provitamin A and zinc content compared to the check. In addition, farmers can explore August sowing to harvest green cobs during December-January to boost up the emerging green cob business