658 research outputs found

    Long-term outcome in children of patients after stroke

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    Jonge mantelzorger heeft behoefte aan aandacht

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    In Nederland groeit ongeveer 10 tot 13 procent van de kinderen op met een chronisch lichamelijk zieke ouder. De ziekte heeft niet alleen gevolgen voor deze ouders, maar ook voor partners en kinderen. Uit onderzoek van de Universiteit van Amsterdam blijkt dat kinderen met een zieke ouder een verhoogd risico lopen op angstklachten, somberheid en teruggetrokken gedrag. Ze hebben behoefte aan ondersteuning, vooral in de vorm van lotgenotencontact en specifieke voorlichting over de ziekte en hoe ze daarmee kunnen omgaan

    Validity of the Barrow Neurological Institute (BNI) screen for higher cerebral functions in stroke patients with good functional outcome

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    Cognitive impairments are often under diagnosed in stroke patients with good functional outcome. There is a need for a cognitive screening instrument that is sufficiently sensitive to cognitive impairments in these stroke patients. For this goal, we tested the feasibility and validity of the Barrow Neurological Institute Screen for Higher Cerebral Functions (BNIS). Stroke patients with good functional outcome (Barthel Index 19/20) within 1 year poststroke were administered the BNIS and a brief neuropsychological assessment (NPA) including tests for perception, language, memory, attention, reasoning, and executive functioning. We compared the BNIS with the NPA to investigate its feasibility, internal consistency, floor and ceiling effects, concurrent validity, sensitivity and specificity. Fifty-four stroke patients were included. It took significantly less time to administer the BNIS (median = 16 minutes) than the NPA (median = 32.7 minutes). The BNIS showed good internal consistency (alpha = .82) and no floor or ceiling effects. The recommended cutoff values yielded good sensitivity and low to good specificity, depending on age. Except for perception (Spearman correlation .33), BNIS domain scores were significantly (0.44-0.55) associated with matching neuropsychological tests. This study provides promising results for the BNIS as a measure to detect cognitive impairments in stroke patients with good functional outcome

    Associations of proactive coping and self-efficacy with psychosocial outcomes in individuals after stroke

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    Objective: To examine the associations of proactive coping and self-efficacy with psychosocial outcomes in individuals after stroke. Design: Cross-sectional study. Regression analyses were performed. Setting: Outpatient settings of hospitals and rehabilitation centers. Participants: Individuals after stroke (N=112; mean age +/- SD, 57.1 +/- 8.9y; mean time +/- SD since stroke, 18.9 +/- 28.5mo). Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: Proactive coping was measured using the Utrecht Proactive Coping Competence scale (UPCC), and self-efficacy was measured using the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES). Psychosocial outcomes were measured as (1) participation with the use of the restriction and satisfaction subscales of the Utrecht Scale for Evaluation of Rehabilitation-Participation (USER-Participation); (2) emotional problems with the use of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS); (3) life satisfaction with the use of 2 questions (2LS); and (4) health-related quality of life (HRQOL) with the use of the Short Stroke-Specific Quality of Life scale (SS-QOL-12). Results: Higher UPCC scores were associated with lower HADS scores (beta=-.55, P.0025). Conclusions: Proactive coping and self-efficacy have different associations with each of the psychosocial outcomes. Therefore, outcome-specific models appear to be necessary to describe these associations. (C) 2015 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicin

    Prevalence and Determinants of Pain in Spinal Cord Injury During Initial Inpatient Rehabilitation:Data From the Dutch Spinal Cord Injury Database

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    Objective: To describe the prevalence and characteristics of spinal cord injury (SCI)-related pain during initial inpatient rehabilitation and to investigate relationships with demographic and lesion characteristics. Design: Cohort during inpatient rehabilitation. Setting: Eight specialized SCI rehabilitation centers in the Netherlands. Participants: Patients with newly acquired SCI admitted for inpatient rehabilitation between November 2013 and August 2019 (N=1432). Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: Presence of pain at admission and discharge. Logistic regression analyses were used to study the prevalence of pain related to sex, age, etiology, completeness, and level of injury. Results: Data from 1432 patients were available. Of these patients 64.6% were male, mean age was 56.8 years, 59.9% had a nontraumatic SCI, 63.9% were classified as American Spinal Cord Injury Association Impairment Scale (AIS) D and 56.5% had paraplegia. Prevalence of pain was 61.2% at admission (40.6% nociceptive pain [NocP], 30.2% neuropathic pain [NeuP], 5.4% other pain) and 51.5% at discharge (26.0% NocP, 31.4% NeuP, 5.7% other pain). Having NocP at admission was associated with traumatic SCI. AIS B had a lower risk of NocP than AIS D at admission. Having NocP at discharge was associated with female sex and traumatic SCI. AIS C had a lower risk of NocP at discharge than AIS D. Having NeuP at admission was associated with female sex. Having NeuP at discharge was associated with female sex, age younger than 65 years vs age older than 75 years and tetraplegia. Conclusions: SCI-related pain is highly prevalent during inpatient rehabilitation. Prevalence of NocP decreased during inpatient rehabilitation, and prevalence of NeuP stayed the same. Different patient and lesion characteristics were related to the presence of SCI-related pain. Healthcare professionals should be aware of these differences in screening patients on presence and development of pain during inpatient rehabilitation

    Історичне краєзнавство як складова національної освіти: теоретичний аспект

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    Аналізується процес утвердження історичного краєзнавства в системі національної освіти. Розглядаються теоретичні питання про предмет, об’єкт і завдання історичного краєзнавства. Акцентується увага на виховній і консолідуючій функції історичного краєзнавства в процесі відродження української нації.Анализируется процесс становления исторического краеведения в системе национального образования. Рассматриваются теоретические вопросы о предмете, объекте и задачах исторического краеведения. Внимание акцентируется на воспитательной и консолидирующей функциях исторического краеведения в процессе возрождения украинской нации.The processes of the formation of the local history studies in the system of the national education had been analyzed. The theoretical aspects of the objects and tasks of the local history studies had been shown. The educational and consolidation functions of the local history studies in the Ukrainian national resurrection process had been pointed