640 research outputs found

    The use of market segmentation theory in practice: business-to-business marketing practitioners' perspectives

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    The reality of a so-called theory/practice divide between what the academic world research and teach and how it is applied by practitioners has existed for decades. Academics commented about the practical applicability of theories concerning business management applications. This research attempts to understand a concept from a practitioners’ viewpoint. The focus of the research was on marketing and management practitioners’ application of market segmentation principles in their businesses. The study was qualitative in nature. Discussion guidelines were used in in-depth interviews from purposefully selected case study organisations. The analysis indicated that practitioners readily apply the economic principle of market segmentation. That is to divide the broad market into parts (segments) and then focus their attention on selected segments. The analysis also indicated that practitioners deviate from the current marketing theory on market segmentation. It was further found that management practitioners could benefit from applying some of the principles taught in market segmentation theory. The implications from the findings are twofold. The first is that an alternative theory regarding market segmentation emerged from management practitioners’ perspectives. The second is that it is possible to integrate aspects of other market segmentation schemes with the alternative theory to ensure a market segmentation approach that confirms management intuition as well as existing market segmentation theory. Merging these approaches creates a possible improvement in the practical application of current market segmentation theory.Business ManagementD. Phil. (Business Management

    Modelling heat and mass flow through packed pebble beds : a heterogeneous volume-averaged approach

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    This work details modelling buoyancy-driven viscous flow and heat transfer through heterogeneous saturated packed pebble beds via a set of volume-averaged conservation equations in which local thermal disequilibrium is accounted for. The latter refers to the two phases considered viz. solid and fluid, differing in temperature. This is effected by describing each phase with its own governing equation. Further to the aforementioned, the governing equation set is written in terms of intrinsic volume-averaged material properties that are fully variant with respect to temperature. The heterogeneous solid phase is described with a porosity field varying from 0.39 to 0.99. The intent of the stated upper bound is to explicitly model typical packed bed near-wall phenomena such as wall-channelling and pebble-wall heat transfer as true to reality as possible, while maintaining scientific rigour. The set of coupled non-linear partial differential equations is solved via a locally preconditioned artificial compressibility method, where spatial discretisation is effected with a compact finite volume edge-based discretisation method. The latter is done in the interest of accuracy. Stabilisation is effected via JST scalar-valued artificial dissipation. This is the first instance in which an artificial compressibility algorithm is applied to modelling heat and fluid flow through heterogeneous porous materials. As a result of the aforementioned, calculation of the acoustic velocities, stabilisation scaling factors and allowable time-step sizes were revised. The developed technology is demonstrated by application to the modelling of SANA test cases, i.e. natural convective flow inside a heated porous axisymmetric cavity. Predicted results are shown to be within 12% of experimental measurements in all cases, while having an average deviation of only 3%.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2008.Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineeringunrestricte

    Performance of self-diagnosis and standby treatment of malaria in international oilfield service employees in the field

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Falciparum malaria remains a major occupational illness that accounts for several deaths per year and numerous lost working days among the expatriate population, working or living in high-risk malarious areas. Compliance to preventive strategies is poor in travellers, especially business travellers, expatriates and long-term travellers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this cross-sectional, web-based study the adherence to and outcome of a preventive malaria programme on knowledge, attitudes and practices, including the practice of self-diagnosis and standby treatment (curative malaria kit, CMK) was evaluated in 2,350 non-immune expatriates, who had been working in highly malaria endemic areas.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>One-third (N = 648) of these expatriates visited a doctor for malaria symptoms and almost half (29 of 68) of all hospitalizations were due to malaria. The mandatory malaria training for non-immunes was completed by 92% of those who visited or worked in a high risk malaria country; 70% of the respondents at risk also received the CMK. The malaria awareness training and CMK significantly increased malaria knowledge [relative risk (RR) of 1.5, 95%CI 1.2–2.1], attitudes and practices, including compliance to chemoprophylaxis [RR = 2.2, 95%CI 1.6–3.2]. Hospitalization for malaria tended to be reduced by the programme [RR = 0.4, 95%CI 0.1–1.1], albeit not significantly. Respondents who did not receive instructions on the rapid diagnostic test were two times [RR = 2.3, 95%CI 1.6–3.3] more likely to have difficulties. Those who did receive instructions adhered poorly to the timing of repeating the test. Moreover, 6% (31 of 513) of those with a negative test result were diagnosed with malaria by a local doctor. 77% (N = 393) of the respondents with a negative test result did not take curative medication. 57% (252 of 441) of the respondents who took the curative medication that was included in the kit did not have a positive self-test or clinical malaria diagnosis made by a doctor.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This survey demonstrated that a comprehensive programme targeting malaria prevention in expatriates can be effectively implemented and that it significantly increased malaria awareness.</p

    Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms: endovascular repair versus open surgery. A decision analytic approach

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    This thesis describes studies on the evaluation of endovascular repair versus open surgery in patients with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). In chapter 1, the rationale for this research is presented. Since in the western world, the population is aging, it is expected that the incidence of abdominal aortic aneurysms will increase and consequently, ruptured AAAs. Ruptured AAA is a life threatening condition that requires immediate intervention. The condition can be treated with endovascular repair or open surgery. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to investigate whether endovascular repair or open surgery would be the preferred treatment in this group of patients from a decision analytic approach, taking clinical effectiveness as well as costs into account. To enable comparison of the results of endovascular repair with open surgery in patients with a ruptured AAA from the literature, it is important to systemically evaluate the published studies and to adjust for differences in inclusion criteria among the studies. In chapter 2, we performed a systematic review of studies that compared endovascular repair with open surgery in the treatment of patients with a ruptured AAA. We found that, after adjustment for patients’ hemodynamic condition upon presentation, a benefit in 30-day mortality for endovascular repair compared with open surgery for patients with a ruptured AAA was observed but was not statistically significant. In chapter 3, we compared the clinical outcomes of treatment after endovascular repair and open surgery in patients with ruptured infrarenal AAAs including one-year follow-up. It turned out that in our study with a highly selective population, mortality and morbidity might be similar for patients with a ruptured infrarenal AAA treated with endovascular repair compared with open surgery, even after one- year follow-up. In addition to the aneurysm anatomy, other criteria may be needed for endovascular repair to improve clinical outcomes. The Glasgow Aneurysm Score (GAS) is a prediction rule to predict in- hospital mortality after open surgery for patients with ruptured and unruptured AAA. The GAS, however, was developed in patients treated with open surgery only, whereas nowadays, endovascular repair is the preferred treatment for repair of ruptured AAA in many European hospitals. In chapter 4, the GAS was validated in patients with ruptured AAA treated with endovascular repair or open surgery. In addition, our aim was to modify the GAS into an updated prediction rule that predicts 30-day mortality after endovascular repair or open surgery. We found that the GAS showed limited discriminative ability in our patient population. In addition, we showed that, considering the included risk factors, 30-day mortality was always lower if patients with ruptured AAA were treated with endovascular repair instead of with open surgery. To evaluate the incurred costs of both endovascular repair and open surgery, it is important to calculate both in-hospital costs and costs during follow-up after the procedure. Chapter 5 describes the retrospectively assessment of in-hospital costs and costs of one-year follow-up of endovascular repair and open surgery in patients with an acute infrarenal AAA, using the resource utilization approach. We found that total costs including in-hospital costs and one-year follow-up in patients with acute infrarenal AAA were lower for endovascular repair than for open surgery. From a health policy perspective, it should be questioned whether current available evidence justifies today’s policy to treat patients with ruptured AAA with endovascular repair if anatomically suitable. In addition, it is of interest whether additional information is required to inform the decision making process for patients with ruptured AAA in the future. Therefore, in chapter 6, we evaluated the cost-effectiveness of endovascular repair compared with open surgery in patients with ruptured AAA and investigated whether performing future research to obtain additional information is justified. We concluded that endovascular repair was more effective and less costly compared with open surgery in patients with ruptured AAA. Therefore, current available evidence does justify today’s policy to treat patients with ruptured AAA with endovascular repair if anatomically suitable. In addition, further research is justified and should concentrate on short-term costs and clinical! effectiveness of endovascular repair versus open surgery in patients with ruptured AAA. In chapter 7 the main findings were summarized of the preceding chapters and placed in a broader context. In addition, methodological considerations and future research were discussed

    Circulating steroid hormone variations throughout different stages of prostate cancer

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    Steroid hormones play a central role in the maintenance and progression of prostate cancer. The androgen receptor is the primary driver of tumor cell proliferation and is activated by the androgens testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone. Inhibition of this pathway through medical or surgical castration improves survival in the majority of advanced prostate cancer patients. However, conversion of adrenal androgen precursors and alternative steroidogenic pathways have been found to contribute to tumor progression and resistance to treatment. The emergence of highly accurate detection methods allows us to study steroidogenic mechanisms in more detail, even after treatment with potent steroidogenic inhibitors such as the CYP17A1 inhibitor abiraterone. A clear overview of steroid hormone levels in patients throughout the local, metastatic and castration-resistant stages of prostate cancer and treatment modalities is key toward a better understanding of their role in tumor progression and treatment resistance. In this review, we summarize the currently available data on steroid hormones that have been implicated in the various stages of prostate cancer. Additionally, this review addresses the implications of these findings, highlights important studies in this field and identifies current gaps in literature

    Community policing as a crime prevention strategy for the Cape Town City Police

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    Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study is to establish if community policing is being implemented by the Cape Town City Police and if so, to what extent. The study further aims to establish whether the full implementation of community policing could be expected to have a positive impact on the reduction of crime in Cape Town. To this end, the reader is presented with a brief overview of local government in South Africa, an in-depth discussion of the transformation process which resulted in the current municipal structures, and an introduction to the non-traditional local government function of crime prevention. Local government's increasing involvement in crime prevention and the resulting establishment of municipal police services are discussed and it is argued that crime prevention strategies of municipal police services should build on existing local government efforts and should therefore focus on removing the root causes of crime. Further to the above, a detailed discussion of community policing is embarked upon. This section provides a theoretical account of what community policing entails, as well as a theoretical framework against which the researcher's empirical study with regard to the implementation of community policing by the Cape Town City Police, can be planned, executed and the results thereof be evaluated. It deals with the relevant historical perspectives, presents a workable definition for community policing that will direct the further conduct of the research and provides detailed discussions on each of the elements of community policing. Implementation of this policing method with specific reference to South Africa, the requirements of a community police officer, as well as the relationship between fear, disorder and crime are also dealt with here. The results of the researcher's empirical study are furthermore presented and it is concluded that certain steps have indeed been taken by the Cape Town City Police towards the institutionalisation of community policing and that the full implementation of community policing by this service can be expected to have a significant impact on the prevention of crime in Cape Town. In closing, the reader is presented with practical recommendations which will ensure the effective implementation of community policing by the Cape Town City Police.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie is om vas te stel of gemeenskapspolisieëring tans deur die Kaapstad Stadspolisie toegepas word, en indien wel, tot watter mate. Die studie poog verder om vas te stel of dit verwag kan word dat die implementering van gemeenskapspolisieëring 'n positiewe impak op die vermindering van misdaad in Kaapstad sal hê. Om hieraan te voldoen, word die leser voorsien van 'n oorsig van plaaslike regering in Suid-Afrika, 'n in-diepte bespreking van die transformasieproses wat gelei het tot die huidige munisipale strukture, asook 'n bekendstelling van die nie-tradisionele plaaslike regeringsfunksie van misdaadvoorkoming. Plaaslike regering se toenemende betrokkenheid by misdaadvoorkoming en die gevolglike vestiging van munisipale polisiedienste word bespreek en dit word aangevoer dat misdaadvoorkomingstrategieë van munisipale polisiedienste behoort te bou op bestaande plaaslike regeringspogings en behoort derhalwe te fokus op die verwydering van die onderliggende oorsake van misdaad. In aansluiting met bogemelde word 'n breedvoerige bespreking van gemeenskapspolisieëring aangebied. Hierdie afdeling voorsien 'n teoretiese oorsig oor wat gemeenskapspolisieëring behels, asook 'n teoretiese raamwerk waarteen die navorser se empiriese studie ten opsigte van die implementering van gemeenskapspolisieëring deur die Kaapstad Stadspolisie, beplan, uitgevoer en die resultate daarvan ge-evalueer kan word. Dit bied 'n oorsig van die relevante historiese perspektiewe, 'n werkbare definisie van gemeenskapspolisieëring wat die verdere navorsing sal rig, asook 'n breedvoerige bespreking van die elemente van gemeenskapspolisieëring. Implementering van hierdie metode van polisieëring met spesifieke verwysing na Suid-Afrika, die vereistes van 'n gemeenskapspolisieëringsbeampte, asook die verwantskap tussen vrees, wanorde en misdaad word ook hier behandel. Die resultate van die navorser se empiriese studie word verder aangebied en die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat sekere stappe wel geneem is deur die Kaapstad Stadspolisie ten opsigte van die instelling van gemeenskapspolisieëring en dat verwag kan word dat die volle implementering van gemeenskapspolisieëring 'n daadwerklike impak op die voorkoming van misdaad in Kaapstad sal hê. Ten slotte word praktiese aanbevelings aangebied wat die effektiewe implementering van gemeenskapspolisieëring deur die Kaapstad Stadspolisie sal verseker

    An operational management model for a coal mining production unit

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    The coal mining industry faces increased pressure for higher quality coal at lower cost and increased volumes. To satisfy these requirements the industry needs technically skilled first line supervisors with operational management skills. Most first line supervisors possess the necessary technical, but not the required operational management skills. Various operational management philosophies, describing world-class operational management practices exist; however, it is not possible to implement these philosophies as-is in a mining environment due to the various differences between manufacturing and mining. The solution is to provide an operational management model, adapted from these philosophies, to first line supervisors in the coal mining industry.Die steenkoolmynbedryf ervaar groeiende druk van die mark vir hoër gehalte steenkool, laer koste en verhoogde volumes. Om hierdie behoefte te bevredig benodig die myn tegniesgeskoolde eerstelyntoesighouers met bedryfsbestuursvaardighede. Ongelukkig beskik die meeste toesighouers wel oor die nodige tegniese kennis, maar nie die nodige bedryfsbestuursvaardighede nie. Daar bestaan verskeie bedryfsbestuursfilosofieë wat wêreldklas bedryfsbestuurspraktyke omskryf. Dit is egter nie moontlik om die filisofieë net so in die mynbedryf te implimenteer nie a.g.v. die verskille tussen vervaardiging en mynbou. Die oplossing is om ‘n bedryfsbestuurmodel wat op hierdie filosofieë geskoei is, aan eerstelyntoesighouers in die steenkoolbedryf te verskaf.http://sajie.journals.ac.z