13 research outputs found

    “Il mestiere impossibile”: Un’esperienza di formazione nei contesti scolastici.

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    L’insegnante vive tutte le difficoltà della contemporaneità, tentando di adeguare il proprio ruolo, la propria professionalità e la propria soggettività, alle richieste dell’altro. Questo contributo descrive un lavoro di formazione, realizzato da un team di psicologi e psicoterapeuti, rivolto a gruppi di docenti di diversi istituti scolastici italiani, che ha aperto una riflessione sulla funzione dell’insegnante di oggi, alle prese con un sistema relazionale ampio. Il valore aggiunto a questo processo formativo è stato il coniugare la teoria psicoanalitica e quella sistemico-relazionale come strumenti trasformativi, applicati ad un contesto istituzionale differente dai classici contesti di cura. Elevato è stato l’interesse degli insegnanti all’approccio proposto che, più che fornire risposte o soluzioni, ha costruito e fatto emergere domande. Abstract Inglese This work describes a training experience, carried out by a team of psychologists and psychotherapists, addressed to groups of teachers in various Italian schools. The idea of this training, proposed by Collegio Europeo di Scienze Psicosociali – ECOPSYS and titled “Il mestiere impossibile. Insegnare nella contemporaneità” (The impossible profession. Teaching in contemporaneity) was born from a reflection on the role of teachers today. They live all the difficulties of contemporaneity, trying to adapt their roles, their professionalisms and their subjectivities, to the demands of the other.The teacher's interest in the proposed approach was high: 99 of them taken part to training, in three different Italian regions. The course tried to built and emerge questions instead to give answers or solutions. The added value to this training process was to combine psychoanalytic and systemic theories as transformative tools applied to an institutional context, different from the care contexts

    The role of live supervision in the systemic psychotherapy training: a qualitative research

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    This paper explores the role of live supervision on the professional skills of young systemic psychotherapists. The Ecopsys Institute of systemic psychotherapy training considers the live supervision an essential experience of the training process. Each student joins the therapeutic session with the supervisor supported by the training group following behind the mirror (Loriedo C., 1989) through a closed-circuit audiovisual system, and then draws up a report, a tool for reflection on clinical thinking and acting. To investigate some aspects of the live supervision experience, a sample of 35 reports have been collected and analyzed with the T-Lab qualitative software, describing the emotional features of the first live consultation by students enrolled to different years and training groups. The textual analysis made it possible to point up the theoretical and clinical peculiarities of the Ecopsys Institute supervision model, focused on the emergence of emotional dimensions experienced by the supervisor-trainee dyad during live supervision.Sono descritti e commentati i dati preliminari della ricerca che ha indagato il ruolo della supervisione diretta per la formazione e la crescita professionale dei giovani terapeuti. La Scuola di Specializzazione Ecopsys considera imprescindibile la partecipazione attiva alle sedute terapeutiche dei propri allievi, parte integrante del modello formativo. L’allievo, che entra in seduta col didatta, supportato dal gruppo di formazione che segue dietro lo specchio (Loriedo C., 1989) attraverso un sistema audiovisivo a circuito chiuso, redige poi un resoconto, strumento di riflessione sul pensare e l’agire clinico. Dei resoconti clinici raccolti negli anni ne sono qui analizzati 35, con il software qualitativo T-Lab, che descrivono l’ingresso in prima seduta degli allievi appartenenti a differenti anni e gruppi di formazione. L’analisi testuale ha consentito di sottolineare gli aspetti teorici e tecnici del modello terapeutico di Ecopsys e in particolare ha permesso l’emergere di quelle dimensioni emotive che accompagnano i giovani terapeuti agli esordi della professione

    El grupo de psicoanálisis multifamiliar. Una experiencia formativa en un contexto terapéutico de hospitalización.

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    Este artículo describe el trabajo del Grupo de Psicoanálisis Multifamiliar, según el modelo teórico-metodológico de Jorge García Badaracco, desarrollado en el Servicio Psiquiátrico de Diagnóstico y Cura del Servicio Sanitario Napoli 3 Sur, con el intento de promover una visión integrada en el tratamiento de las psicosis, combinando la lógica del psicoanálisis con el aproche sistémico-relacional.El presupuesto que mueve el pensamiento y la práctica de García Badaracco, la llave de su teoría de la patología y de la cura, es el concepto de “interdependencias mutuas patógenas”, lazos psicóticos generados en las relaciones familiares y que constituyen la estructura que funda y conserva la psicosis.Se describen, mediante la narración de la experiencia de observación en SPDC, los efectos de un dispositivo como el Grupo di Psicoanálisis Multifamiliar, para los pacientes psicóticos hospitalizados, para sus familias y para el mismo sistema terapéutico. Los encuentros del Grupo son recortes de historia familiar que favorecen la explicitación de las relaciones patógenas, de los límites y de los recursos presentes, permitiendo una lectura más completa de las patologías psiquiátricas de la contemporaneidad.La experiencia de observación del grupo multifamiliar en la división de psiquiatría, aquí descrita, tiene doble valencia formativa: para la psicoterapeuta familiar especializanda en la fase inicial de su carrera, y para la formación permanente de los operadores del Servicio. En fin, nos parece importante relevar las implicaciones operativas que el dispositivo de la observación y de escritura de los informes, ha tenido en el contexto clínico. Abstract ingleseThis paper describes the work of a Multifamily Psychoanalytical Group, according to Jorge Garcia Badaracco's theoretical-methodological model, conducted in a Inpatient Psychiatric Service (SPDC) of South Naples, as an attempt to provide an overview of a psychotherapeutic treatment of psychotic patients, through the conjugation of psychoanalysis and systemic-relational approaches. The key construct of García Badaracco theory of illness and care, is the concept of "mutually-pathogenic interdependencies", i.e. psychotic ties that are generated within family relationships and which constitute the foundation of psychosis.The paper describes the story of this experience in SPDC, the effects of this apporach on psychotic patients, their families, and the whole health care system. The group meetings are family history drawings that promote the emergence of pathogenic relationships, the bonds but also the resources present in a system and allow a more complete understanding of contemporary psychiatric disorders.This observational experience has a twofold training value: for a family psychotherapist in training at the beginning of her work and for continuing educations of mental health professionals. Finally, the operative efffects of this training experience in a specific clinical context is emphasized. Abstract italianoQuesto contributo descrive il lavoro del Gruppo di Psicoanalisi Multifamiliare, secondo il modello teorico-metodologico di Jorge García Badaracco, svolto nel Servizio Psichiatrico di Diagnosi e Cura dell’Asl Napoli 3 Sud, come tentativo di fornire una visione d’insieme per il trattamento delle psicosi, attraverso la coniugazione della psicoanalisi e dell’approccio sistemico-relazionale. Presupposto che muove il pensiero e la prassi operativa di García Badaracco, chiave della sua teoria della malattia e della cura, è il concetto di “interdipendenze reciproche patogene”, legami psicotizzanti che si generano all’interno delle relazioni familiari e che costituiscono la struttura fondante e conservativa della psicosi.Si descrivono, attravero il racconto dell’esperienza di osservazione in SPDC, gli effetti di un dispositivo quale quello del Gruppo di Psicoanalisi Multifamiliare, sui pazienti psicotici ricoverati, sulle loro famiglie e sull’intero sistema curante. Gli incontri del Gruppo, sono vignette di storia familiare che favoriscono l’emergere di relazioni patogene, dei limiti ma anche delle risorse presenti in un sistema e permettono una lettura più completa delle patologie psichiatriche contemporanee. L’esperienza, qui descritta, di osservazione al gruppo multifamiliare in SPDC ha una duplice valenza formativa: per la tirocinante specializzanda in psicoterapia familiare agli inizi del suo percorso lavorativo e per la formazione continua degli operatori. Infine, si sottolinea la ricaduta operativa che tale esperienza di formazione ha rivestito nel contesto di riferimento. 

    Families In the Storm: an observational study on family systems during the pandemic in an Italian sample

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    The COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences for social contact limitations have forced everyone to drastically alter their lifestyles in the emotional, social, and working spheres. The contagion prevention measures, in particular, forced families to spend all of their time together at home for long months, resulting in a reorganization of relationships, time, and living space. Families have had to protect the cohesion of their relationships across all latitudes and cultures as they face a period marked by uncertainty about the future, health anguish, and mourning for those who have died because of the pandemic. Within this framework, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of the pandemic on family cohesion because of prolonged social isolation. A sample of 132 families (33 fathers and 99 mothers, whose mean age was 42 years) were recruited using an ad hoc questionnaire that asked one of the parents about their subjective assessment of the perceived changes in their families because of the pandemic. The data gathered point out that these families show resilient coping patterns. The positive effects on interpersonal cohesion, emotional bonding, and communication quality appear to outweigh the pandemic's negative antithetical effects

    LOOKING FOR “PSY-TOOLS” An explorative study on mental health professionals’ viewpoints about clinical competences.

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    “Skill” is usually confused both with the term “ability”, which from the Latin “habilis” means manageable, referring to a technical function, both with the term “capacity”, the possibility of realizing a performance (Fulcheri, 2005). Here we intend with the term “skill” a union between “to know”, “to know-how” and “to know how to be”. “To know” regards all theories, codified knowledge formulated by communities of experts about a specific topic. “To know-how” regards working methodology, operative aspects oriented by theories critically chosen by the professional as a working berth. “To know-how” includes, therefore, operative and procedural knowledge, practical skills, specific professional experience, problem solving in working practice.This study started from literature analysis before explained with the aims of explore and display any difference in conducting a clinical interview, according to specific competences as well as the psychotherapeutic competences in two groups of mental health professionals: psychologists in psychotherapeutic training and physicians in psychiatric training.

    La valutazione dei processi terapeutici familiari. Verso nuovi orizzonti di ricerca

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    Nonostante gli approcci terapeutici familiari stiano recuperando interesse in Europa, ancora pochi sono gli studi effettuati sulla valutazione della loro efficacia e ancor meno sono i lavori italiani a riguardo. Il nostro contributo parte da un’analisi della letteratura esistente, per poi concentrarsi sulla presentazione di uno strumento di ricerca costruito ad hoc dal gruppo di lavoro. La ricerca in questione è ancora in corso e ha l’obiettivo principale di valutare l’efficacia della terapia familiare, ovvero il cambiamento del sistema nel corso delle varie sedute videoregistrate. La scheda di osservazione è basata su dieci item che valutano le relazioni presenti nella famiglia concentrandosi su tre livelli (asse strutturale, asse comunicativo e asse emotivo) e fornendo un duplice focus sul lavoro del terapeuta e l’andamento della terapia familiare stessa

    Development of a microfluidic platform for high-throughput screening of non-viral gene delivery vectors

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    The grail of gene delivery is the development of delivery vectors as effective and non-cytotoxic as possible. In this regard, there is an urgent need of new tools for the straightforward and quantitative assessment of transfection efficiency and cytotoxicity simultaneously. We herein reported the development and validation of an easy-to-use lab-on-chip platform to perform cell transfection assays for unbiased, high-throughput selection of more and more effective gene delivery vectors by using 2 commercially sourced lipids, Lipofectamine 2000® and FuGene® 6. A single PDMS-layer platform was endowed with i) a chaotic serial dilution generator, designed for the automatic generation of a linear lipoplex dilution (from 100% to 0% with 25% steps) independently delivered to ii) the downstream culture and transfection module consisting in 5 units, each composed of 33 serially- and fluidically-connected culture chambers for trapping small populations of ≈10 cells/chamber. In the absence of any transfectant, cells spread and duplicated up to 2 days. Besides, cells were transfected with EGFP-encoding reporter gene. The very facile visual inspection of the microdevice by means of a microscope and a semi-automated analytical method allowed pinpointing the best transfection conditions in terms of efficiency, cytotoxicity, cell doubling rates and morphological changes at once