14 research outputs found

    Bryophytes from restinga in Setiba State Park, Espírito Santo State, Brazil

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    A total of 34 bryophyte species were identified (25 hepatics, 9 mosses) from restinga at Setiba State Park, Guarapari Municipality, Espírito Santo State, Brazil. Several species reported previously from restinga appear to be erroneous records, based on misidentification

    Bryophytes of Rio Branco Municipality, Acre, Brazil

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    A survey of the bryophyte flora of Rio Branco Municipality, State of Acre, Brazil, has revealed a total of 76 species of bryophyte; 66 are new records for the State of Acre and two hepaticas, Cololejeunea dzumacensis P. Tix. and Lejeunea bermudiana (Evs.) Schust., are new records for Brazil. The Anthocerotae are represented only by Notothylas vitalii Udar & Singh

    Bryophytes of Pico do Cuscuzeiro and Pico do Cardoso, São Paulo state, Brazil

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    This paper presents the bryoflora of mountain peaks in the state of São Paulo (SP). Sixty-five species of bryophytes werefound to occur on Pico do Cuscuzeiro (1,279 m), in Ubatuba, and 72 species on Pico do Cardoso (840 m), in Cananeia.Samples were collected of soil, rocks, the bark of living and dead phorophytes, and leaves between 1984 and 1995, withall material deposited in the Herbarium Maria Eneyda Pacheco Kauffmann Fidalgo (SP) and the Herbarium Rioclarense(HRCB). Hepatics and epiphytes collected on from single kind of substrate dominate the species list, which totals 107species for both peaks surveyed. With the exception of Mytilopsis albifrons Spruce, the 106 remaining species all representnew records for São Paulo. Our checklist increases the list of bryophytes known to occur in mountain peaks across Brazilby 46%, making a new total of 180. The studied bryoflora is most similar to the bryoflora of the ‘paulista’ Atlantic rainforest than that one of peaks in other states of Brazil. Adelanthus carabayensis (Mont.) Grolle and Syzygiella integerrimaSteph. are new records for the state of São Paulo

    Distribuição da brioflora em diferentes fisionomias de cerrado da Reserva Biológica e Estação Experimental de Mogi-Guaçu, SP, Brasil

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    O trabalho refere-se à distribuição da brioflora ocorrente no cerrado Reserva Biológica e Estação Experimental de MogiGuaçu. Este bioma apresenta fisionomias que variam de florestas a campos. As coletas foram realizadas entre 1993 e 1995, na casca de 15 espécies de forófitos arbustivo-arbóreos, ao longo de um transecto, passando por cinco fisionomias diferentes de cerrado. Estudaramse 1.345 exsicatas de 49 gêneros e 92 espécies de briófitas. A brioflora está relacionada às fisionomias de cerrado e não aos forófitos arbustivo-arbóreos. As fisionomias são mais semelhantes quanto à flora de musgos do que em relação à flora de hepáticas. As briófitas distribuem-se em três grupos de fisionomias: cerrado sentido restrito, campo cerrado e transição / cerrado sentido restrito de Myrsine / campo cerrado queimado

    Bryophytes from anthropic areas of the State Park of Serra do Mar, Núcleo Picinguaba, Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil

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    The human actions have increased the occurrence of bryophytes in different kinds of environments and substrates. The paper list 110 species for the bryoflora from anthropic areas of the State Park of Serra do Mar, Núcleo Picinguaba in Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil. The material was collected in natural and artificial substrates and it totalizes 172 exsiccatae, which are deposited in the Herbarium Maria Eneyda Pacheco Kauffmann Fidalgo (SP) and Herbarium Rioclarense (HRCB). The liverworts on soil and rocks predominate in the bryoflora, which species are mostly generalists and presents mat life form. The studied bryoflora is similar to those occurring in the restinga and the slope Atlantic rainforest. The study area is limited by the other areas, where these two latter ecosystems are preserved in the State Park of Serra do Mar, which is an Integral Protection Unit of the paulista nature. Few species are restricted to the anthropic areas, not occurring in other ecosystems of Picinguaba, and among these even fewer was already related to the human occupation. Most of the listed species shows a worldwide distribution, occurring also in all states of Brazil

    Briófitas das ilhas de Alcatrazes, do Bom Abrigo, da Casca e do Castilho, estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Foram inventariadas 61 espécies de briófitas. Chiloscyphus subviridis (Hook. f. & Taylor) J.J. Engel & R.M. Schust. e Lejeunea autoica R.M. Schust. são citadas pela primeira vez para o país e Lejeunea phyllobola Nees & Mont. ex Mont, pela primeira vez para o Estado de São Paulo. Os maiores números de táxons foram registrados para as maiores ilhas com vegetação de Mata Atlântica e, os menores, para as menores ilhas com vegetação formada por árvores esparsas da Mata Atlântica ou arbustos esparsos e expostos a condições adversas. A maior parte das espécies estão restritas a uma determinada ilha. Alcatrazes e Bom Abrigo assemelham-se quanto à flora de hepáticas; Castilho assemelha-se a esse primeiro grupo de ilhas devido à flora de musgos, enquanto Casca possui a brioflora mais distinta dentre as quatro ilhas. As rochas e as cascas dos hospedeiros arbustivo-arbóreos são os substratos mais disponíveis para as briófitas. Rocha é o substrato mais disponível para determinadas espécies em Alcatrazes e Castilho e, provavelmente, o preferido por essas plantas em Bom Abrigo e Casca