20 research outputs found

    Ticarcillin degradation product thiophene acetic acid is a novel auxin analog that promotes organogenesis in tomato

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    Efficient regeneration of transgenic plants from explants after transformation is one of the crucial steps in developing genetically modified plants with desirable traits. Identification of novel plant growth regulators and developmental regulators will assist to enhance organogenesis in culture. In this study, we observed enhanced shoot regeneration from tomato cotyledon explants in culture media containing timentin, an antibiotic frequently used to prevent Agrobacterium overgrowth after transformation. Comparative transcriptome analysis of explants grown in the presence and absence of timentin revealed several genes previously reported to play important roles in plant growth and development, including Auxin Response Factors (ARFs), GRF Interacting Factors (GIFs), Flowering Locus T (SP5G), Small auxin up-regulated RNAs (SAUR) etc. Some of the differentially expressed genes were validated by quantitative real-time PCR. We showed that ticarcillin, the main component of timentin, degrades into thiophene acetic acid (TAA) over time. TAA was detected in plant tissue grown in media containing timentin. Our results showed that TAA is indeed a plant growth regulator that promotes root organogenesis from tomato cotyledons in a manner similar to the well-known auxins, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). In combination with the cytokinin 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), TAA was shown to promote shoot organogenesis from tomato cotyledon in a concentration-dependent manner. To the best of our knowledge, the present study reports for the first time demonstrating the function of TAA as a growth regulator in a plant species. Our work will pave the way for future studies involving different combinations of TAA with other plant hormones which may play an important role in in vitro organogenesis of recalcitrant species. Moreover, the differentially expressed genes and long noncoding RNAs identified in our transcriptome studies may serve as contender genes for studying molecular mechanisms of shoot organogenesis

    Revisiting the Role of Transcription Factors in Coordinating the Defense Response Against <i>Citrus Bark Cracking Viroid</i> Infection in Commercial Hop (<i>Humulus Lupulus</i> L.)

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    Transcription factors (TFs) play a major role in controlling gene expression by intricately regulating diverse biological processes such as growth and development, the response to external stimuli and the activation of defense responses. The systematic identification and classification of TF genes are essential to gain insight into their evolutionary history, biological roles, and regulatory networks. In this study, we performed a global mining and characterization of hop TFs and their involvement in Citrus bark cracking viroid CBCVd infection by employing a digital gene expression analysis. Our systematic analysis resulted in the identification of a total of 3,818 putative hop TFs that were classified into 99 families based on their conserved domains. A phylogenetic analysis classified the hop TFs into several subgroups based on a phylogenetic comparison with reference TF proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana providing glimpses of their evolutionary history. Members of the same subfamily and subgroup shared conserved motif compositions. The putative functions of the CBCVd-responsive hop TFs were predicted using their orthologous counterparts in A. thaliana. The analysis of the expression profiling of the CBCVd-responsive hop TFs revealed a massive differential modulation, and the expression of the selected TFs was validated using qRT-PCR. Together, the comprehensive integrated analysis in this study provides better insights into the TF regulatory networks associated with CBCVd infections in the hop, and also offers candidate TF genes for improving the resistance in hop against viroids

    Revisiting the role of transcription factors in coordinating the defense response against Citrus bark cracking viroid infection in commercial hop (Humulus lupulus L.)

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    Transcription factors (TFs) play a major role in controlling gene expression by intricately regulating diverse biological processes such as growth and development, the response to external stimuli and the activation of defense responses. The systematic identification and classification of TF genes are essential to gain insight into their evolutionary history, biological roles, and regulatory networks. In this study, we performed a global mining and characterization of hop TFs and their involvement in Citrus bark cracking viroid CBCVd infection by employing a digital gene expression analysis. Our systematic analysis resulted in the identification of a total of 3,818 putative hop TFs that were classified into 99 families based on their conserved domains. A phylogenetic analysis classified the hop TFs into several subgroups based on a phylogenetic comparison with reference TF proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana providing glimpses of their evolutionary history. Members of the same subfamily and subgroup shared conserved motif compositions. The putative functions of the CBCVd-responsive hop TFs were predicted using their orthologous counterparts in A. thaliana. The analysis of the expression profiling of the CBCVd-responsive hop TFs revealed a massive differential modulation, and the expression of the selected TFs was validated using qRT-PCR. Together, the comprehensive integrated analysis in this study provides better insights into the TF regulatory networks associated with CBCVd infections in the hop, and also offers candidate TF genes for improving the resistance in hop against viroids

    Evaluation of Disease Severity and Global Transcriptome Response Induced by Citrus bark cracking viroid, Hop latent viroid, and Their Co-Infection in Hop (Humulus lupulus L.)

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    Viroids are small non-capsidated, single-stranded, covalently-closed circular noncoding RNA replicons of 239&ndash;401 nucleotides that exploit host factors for their replication, and some cause disease in several economically important crop plants, while others appear to be benign. The proposed mechanisms of viroid pathogenesis include direct interaction of the genomic viroid RNA with host factors and post-transcriptional or transcriptional gene silencing via viroid-derived small RNAs (vd-sRNAs) generated by the host defensive machinery. Humulus lupulus (hop) plants are hosts to several viroids among which Hop latent viroid (HLVd) and Citrus bark cracking viroid (CBCVd) are attractive model systems for the study of viroid-host interactions due to the symptomless infection of the former and severe symptoms induced by the latter in this indicator host. To better understand their interactions with hop plant, a comparative transcriptomic analysis based on RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) was performed to reveal the transcriptional alterations induced as a result of single HLVd and CBCVd infection in hop. Additionally, the effect of HLVd on the aggressiveness of CBCVd that underlies severe stunting in hop in a mixed infection was studied by transcriptomic analysis. Our analysis revealed that CBCVd infection resulted in dynamic changes in the activity of genes as compared to single HLVd infection and their mixed infection. The differentially expressed genes that are involved in defense, phytohormone signaling, photosynthesis and chloroplasts, RNA regulation, processing and binding; protein metabolism and modification; and other mechanisms were more modulated in the CBCVd infection of hop. Nevertheless, Gene Ontology (GO) classification and pathway enrichment analysis showed that the expression of genes involved in the proteolysis mechanism is more active in a mixed infection as compared to a single one, suggesting co-infecting viroids may result in interference with host factors more prominently. Collectively, our results provide a deep transcriptome of hop and insight into complex single HLVd, CBCVd, and their coinfection in hop-plant interaction

    Evaluation of disease severity and global transcriptome response induced by Citrus bark cracking viroid, Hop latent viroid, and their co-infection in hop (Humulus lupulus L.)

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    Viroids are small non-capsidated, single-stranded, covalently-closed circular noncoding RNA replicons of 239–401 nucleotides that exploit host factors for their replication, and some cause disease in several economically important crop plants, while others appear to be benign. The proposed mechanisms of viroid pathogenesis include direct interaction of the genomic viroid RNA with host factors and post-transcriptional or transcriptional gene silencing via viroid-derived small RNAs (vd-sRNAs) generated by the host defensive machinery. Humulus lupulus (hop) plants are hosts to several viroids among which Hop latent viroid (HLVd) and Citrus bark cracking viroid (CBCVd) are attractive model systems for the study of viroid-host interactions due to the symptomless infection of the former and severe symptoms induced by the latter in this indicator host. To better understand their interactions with hop plant, a comparative transcriptomic analysis based on RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) was performed to reveal the transcriptional alterations induced as a result of single HLVd and CBCVd infection in hop. Additionally, the effect of HLVd on the aggressiveness of CBCVd that underlies severe stunting in hop in a mixed infection was studied by transcriptomic analysis. Our analysis revealed that CBCVd infection resulted in dynamic changes in the activity of genes as compared to single HLVd infection and their mixed infection. The differentially expressed genes that are involved in defense, phytohormone signaling, photosynthesis and chloroplasts, RNA regulation, processing and bindingprotein metabolism and modificationand other mechanisms were more modulated in the CBCVd infection of hop. Nevertheless, Gene Ontology (GO) classification and pathway enrichment analysis showed that the expression of genes involved in the proteolysis mechanism is more active in a mixed infection as compared to a single one, suggesting co-infecting viroids may result in interference with host factors more prominently. Collectively, our results provide a deep transcriptome of hop and insight into complex single HLVd, CBCVd, and their coinfection in hop-plant interactions

    Genome-wide transcriptomic analysis reveals insights into the response to Citrus bark cracking viroid (CBCVd) in hop (Humulus lupulus L.)

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    Viroids are smallest known pathogen that consist of non-capsidated, single-stranded non-coding RNA replicons and they exploits host factors for their replication and propagation. The severe stunting disease caused by Citrus bark cracking viroid (CBCVd) is a serious threat, which spreads rapidly within hop gardens. In this study, we employed comprehensive transcriptome analyses to dissect host-viroid interactions and identify gene expression changes that are associated with disease development in hop. Our analysis revealed that CBCVd-infection resulted in the massive modulation of activity of over 2000 genes. Expression of genes associated with plant immune responses (protein kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase), hypersensitive responses, phytohormone signaling pathways, photosynthesis, pigment metabolism, protein metabolism, sugar metabolism, and modification, and others were altered, which could be attributed to systemic symptom development upon CBCVd-infection in hop. In addition, genes encoding RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, pathogenesis-related protein, chitinase, as well as those related to basal defense responses were up-regulated. The expression levels of several genes identified from RNA sequencing analysis were confirmed by qRT-PCR. Our systematic comprehensive CBCVd-responsive transcriptome analysis provides a better understanding and insights into complex viroid-hop plant interaction. This information will assist further in the development of future measures for the prevention of CBCVd spread in hop fields

    Mapping the gene expression spectrum of mediator subunits in response to viroid infection in plants

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    The mediator (MED) represents a large, conserved, multi-subunit protein complex that regulates gene expression through interactions with RNA polymerase II and enhancer-bound transcription factors. Expanding research accomplishments suggest the predominant role of plant MED subunits in the regulation of various physiological and developmental processes, including the biotic stress response against bacterial and fungal pathogens. However, the involvement of MED subunits in virus/viroid pathogenesis remains elusive. In this study, we investigated for the first time the gene expression modulation of selected MED subunits in response to five viroid species (Apple fruit crinkle viroid (AFCVd), Citrus bark cracking viroid (CBCVd), Hop latent viroid (HLVd), Hop stunt viroid (HSVd), and Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd)) in two model plant species (Nicotiana tabacum and N. benthamiana) and a commercially important hop (Humulus lupulus) cultivar. Our results showed a differential expression pattern of MED subunits in response to a viroid infection. The individual plant MED subunits displayed a differential and tailored expression pattern in response to different viroid species, suggesting that the MED expression is viroid- and plant species-dependent. The explicit evidence obtained from our results warrants further investigation into the association of the MED subunit with symptom development. Together, we provide a comprehensive portrait of MED subunit expression in response to viroid infection and a plausible involvement of MED subunits in fine-tuning transcriptional reprogramming in response to viroid infection, suggesting them as a potential candidate for rewiring the defense response network in plants against pathogens

    Dissection of dynamic transcriptome landscape of leaf, bract, and lupulin gland in hop (Humulus lupulus L.)

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    The hop plant (Humulus lupulus L.) produces several valuable secondary metabolites, such as prenylflavonoid, bitter acids, and essential oils. These compounds are biosynthesized in glandular trichomes (lupulin glands) endowed with pharmacological properties and widely implicated in the beer brewing industry. The present study is an attempt to generate exhaustive information of transcriptome dynamics and gene regulatory mechanisms involved in biosynthesis and regulation of these compounds, developmental changes including trichome development at three development stages, namely leaf, bract, and mature lupulin glands. Using high-throughput RNA-Seq technology, a total of 61.13, 50.01, and 20.18 Mb clean reads in the leaf, bract, and lupulin gland libraries, respectively, were obtained and assembled into 43,550 unigenes. The putative functions were assigned to 30,996 transcripts (71.17%) based on basic local alignment search tool similarity searches against public sequence databases, including GO, KEGG, NR, and COG families, which indicated that genes are principally involved in fundamental cellular and molecular functions, and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. The expression levels of all unigenes were analyzed in leaf, bract, and lupulin glands tissues of hop. The expression profile of transcript encoding enzymes of BCAA metabolism, MEP, and shikimate pathway was most up-regulated in lupulin glands compared with leaves and bracts. Similarly, the expression levels of the transcription factors and structural genes that directly encode enzymes involved in xanthohumol, bitter acids, and terpenoids biosynthesis pathway were found to be significantly enhanced in lupulin glands, suggesting that production of these metabolites increases after the leaf development. In addition, numerous genes involved in primary metabolism, lipid metabolism, photosynthesis, generation of precursor metabolites/energy, protein modification, transporter activity, and cell wall component biogenesis were differentially regulated in three developmental stages, suggesting their involvement in the dynamics of the lupulin gland development. The identification of differentially regulated trichome-related genes provided a new foundation for molecular research on trichome development and differentiation in hop. In conclusion, the reported results provide directions for future functional genomics studies for genetic engineering or molecular breeding for augmentation of secondary metabolite content in hop