6 research outputs found

    Catalytic Effect of CeO2-Stabilized ZrO2 Ceramics with Strong Shock-Heated Mono- and Di-Atomic Gases

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    The reducibility of synthesized ceria-stabilized zirconia (CSZ) with strong shock-heated test gases is investigated. Free piston-driven shock tube operating at hypersonic speed at Mach number of 6-8 has been used to heat the ultrahigh pure test gases like Ar to similar to 12800 K, N-2 to similar to 7960 K, and O-2 to similar to 5500 K at a medium reflected shock pressure (5.0-7.4 MPa) for a short duration of 1-2 ms test time. Under this extreme thermodynamic condition, test gases undergo real gas effects. The structural and spectroscopic investigations of CSZ (Ce2Zr2O8) after interaction with shock-heated argon gas show pyrochlore structure of Ce2Zr2O7-delta which is observed to be black in color. In presence of shock-heated N-2 gas, CSZ remains in fluorite structure by changing its color to pale green as nitrogen atoms fill oxygen vacancies. After O-2 interaction with the shock wave, CSZ remains pale yellow but the X-ray diffraction pattern shows the presence of monoclinic ZrO2 due to phase separation. During reduction process, Ce4+ has been reduced to Ce3+ which is an unusual effect. In this study, the catalytic and surface recombination effects of CSZ due to shock-induced compression in millisecond timescale are presented

    Two-step Synthesis of MoS2 Nanotubes using Shock Waves with Lead as Growth Promoter

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    A new two-step procedure for the synthesis of MoS2 nanotubes using lead as a growth promoter is reported. In the first step, molybdenum suboxide nanowhiskers containing a small amount of lead atoms were created by exposing a pressed MoS2+Pb mixture to highly compressed shock-heated argon gas, with estimated temperatures exceeding 9900 K. In the second step, these molybdenum suboxide nanowhiskers served as templates for the sulfidization of the oxide into MoS2 nanotubes (by using H2S gas in a reducing atmosphere at 820 degrees C). Unlike the case of WS2 nanotubes, the synthesis of a pure phase of MoS2 nanotubes from molybdenum oxide has proven challenging, due mostly to the volatile nature of the latter at the high requisite reaction temperatures (>800 degrees C). In contrast, the nature and apparent reaction mechanism of the method reported herein are amenable to future scale-up. The high-temperature shockwave system should also facilitate the synthesis of new nanostructures from other layered materials

    New Signatures of Bio-Molecular Complexity in the Hypervelocity Impact Ejecta of Icy Moon Analogues

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    Impact delivery of prebiotic compounds to the early Earth from an impacting comet is considered to be one of the possible ways by which prebiotic molecules arrived on the Earth. Given the ubiquity of impact features observed on all planetary bodies, bolide impacts may be a common source of organics on other planetary bodies both in our own and other solar systems. Biomolecules such as amino acids have been detected on comets and are known to be synthesized due to impact-induced shock processing. Here we report the results of a set of hypervelocity impact experiments where we shocked icy mixtures of amino acids mimicking the icy surface of planetary bodies with high-speed projectiles using a two-stage light gas gun and analyzed the ejecta material after impact. Electron microscopic observations of the ejecta have shown the presence of macroscale structures with long polypeptide chains revealed from LCMS analysis. These results suggest a pathway in which impact on cometary ices containing building blocks of life can lead to the synthesis of material architectures that could have played a role in the emergence of life on the Earth and which may be applied to other planetary bodies as well

    Shock-induced transformation of non-magnetic to magnetic ISM dust analogue

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    The fate of organometallic dust subjected to extreme conditions, especially the shock fronts, in the interstellar medium (ISM) has not been explored to date. Iron and cyclopentadiene, which have been found to be present in the ISM, are known to react and produce the organometallic compound ferrocene under terrestrial conditions. In our experiment we subjected ferrocene, a possible proxy of such dust, to ∼5.6 Mach (M) shock commensurate with conditions encountered in the ISM, leading to a temperature rise up to 7300 K within 2 ms. Analysis of the post-shock residue showed the presence of a α-Fe and Fe3C composite that responded to an external magnetic field. These results show that a non-magnetic dust composed of molecules containing transition metals undergoing shock processing in the ISM can dissociate and synthesize dust that is then magnetic. Such drastic transformations from non-magnetic to magnetic dust induced by shocks might be of importance in interstellar polarization

    Shock Processing of Amino Acids Leading to Complex Structures—Implications to the Origin of Life

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    The building blocks of life, amino acids, are believed to have been synthesized in the extreme conditions that prevail in space, starting from simple molecules containing hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen. However, the fate and role of amino acids when they are subjected to similar processes largely remain unexplored. Here we report, for the first time, that shock processed amino acids tend to form complex agglomerate structures. Such structures are formed on timescales of about 2 ms due to impact induced shock heating and subsequent cooling. This discovery suggests that the building blocks of life could have self-assembled not just on Earth but on other planetary bodies as a result of impact events. Our study also provides further experimental evidence for the ‘threads’ observed in meteorites being due to assemblages of (bio)molecules arising from impact-induced shocks