4,831 research outputs found

    Mobile Payments for Remittances in Latin America: Benchmarking with Africa

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    Rücküberweisung (Migranten); Bargeldloser Zahlungsverkehr; Mobiltelefon; Transaktionskosten; Vergleich; Lateinamerika; Afrika

    Mobile payments for remittances in Africa: Benchmarking with Latin America

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    In this article the author seeks to explain the reasons backing the success of mobile technology in money transfers comparing Africa and Latin America.Remittances, Africa, Latin America, mobile phones

    Time dependence in BVB\to V\ell\ell decays

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    We discuss the theory and phenomenology of Bd,sV(M1M2)B_{d,s}\to V(\to M_1M_2)\ell\ell decays in the presence of neutral-meson mixing. We derive expressions for the time-dependent angular distributions for decays into CP eigenstates, and identify the relevant observables that can be extracted from time-integrated and time-dependent analyses with or without tagging, with a focus on the difference between measurements at BB-factories and hadronic machines. We construct two observables of interest, which we call Q8Q_8^- and Q9Q_9, and which are theoretically clean at large recoil. We compute these two observables in the Standard Model, and show that they have good potential for New Physics searches by considering their sensitivity to benchmark New Physics scenarios consistent with current bsb\to s\ell\ell data. These results apply to decays such as BdK(KSπ0)B_d\to K^*(\to K_S\pi^0)\ell\ell, Bsϕ(KSKL)B_s\to \phi (\to K_SK_L)\ell\ell and Bsϕ(K+K)B_s\to \phi(\to K^+K^-)\ell\ell.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figures. Typos corrected. Matches published versio

    Four-body contributions to B -> Xs gamma at NLO

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    Ongoing efforts to reduce the perturbative uncertainty in the B -> Xs gamma decay rate have resulted in a theory estimate to NNLO in QCD. However, a few contributions from multi-parton final states which are formally NLO are still unknown. These are parametrically small and included in the estimated error from higher order corrections, but must be computed if one is to claim complete knowledge of the B -> Xs gamma rate to NLO. A major part of these unknown pieces are four-body contributions corresponding to the partonic process b -> s qbar q gamma. We compute these NLO four-body contributions to B -> Xs gamma, and confirm the corresponding tree-level leading-order results. While the NLO contributions arise from tree-level and one-loop Feynman diagrams, the four-body phase-space integrations make the computation non-trivial. The decay rate contains collinear logarithms arising from the mass regularization of collinear divergences. We perform an exhaustive numerical analysis, and find that these contributions are positive and amount to no more than 1% of the total rate in the Standard Model, thus confirming previous estimates of the perturbative uncertainty.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figure

    Timelike-helicity BππB\to \pi\pi form factor from light-cone sum rules with dipion distribution amplitudes

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    We complete the set of QCD light-cone sum rules for BππB\to \pi\pi transition form factors, deriving a new sum rule for the timelike-helicity form factor FtF_t in terms of dipion distribution amplitudes. This sum rule, in the leading twist-2 approximation, is directly related to the pion vector form factor. Employing a relation between FtF_t and other BππB\to \pi\pi form factors we obtain also the longitudinal-helicity form factor F0F_0. In this way, all four (axial-)vector BππB\to \pi\pi form factors are predicted from light-cone sum rules with dipion distribution amplitudes. These results are valid for small dipion masses with large momentum.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    BππB\to\pi\pi Form Factors from Light-Cone Sum Rules with BB-meson Distribution Amplitudes

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    We study BππB\to\pi\pi form factors using QCD light-cone sum rules with BB-meson distribution amplitudes. These form factors describe the semileptonic decay BππνˉB\to \pi\pi \ell\bar{\nu}_{\ell}, and constitute an essential input in Bππ+B\to \pi\pi \ell^+\ell^- and BπππB\to \pi\pi\pi decays. We employ the correlation functions where a dipion isospin-one state is interpolated by the vector light-quark current. We obtain sum rules where convolutions of the PP-wave Bˉ0π+π0\bar{B}^0\to \pi^+\pi^0 form factors with the time-like pion vector form factor are related to universal BB-meson distribution amplitudes. These sum rules are valid in the kinematic regime where the dipion state has a large energy and a low invariant mass, and reproduce analytically the known light-cone sum rules for BρB\to \rho form factors in the limit of ρ\rho-dominance with zero width, thus providing a systematics for so-far-unaccounted corrections to BρB\to\rho transitions. Using data for the pion vector form factor, we estimate finite width-effects and the contribution of excited ρ\rho-resonances to the BππB\to\pi\pi form factors. We find that these contributions amount up to 20%\sim 20\% in the small dipion mass region where they can be effectively regarded as a nonresonant (PP-wave) background to the BρB\to\rho transition.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures. A few comments added. Version published in JHE

    Three-Body Non-Leptonic B Decays and QCD Factorization

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    We extend the framework of QCD factorization to non-leptonic BB decays into three light mesons, taking as an example the decay B+π+π+πB^+ \to \pi^+ \pi^+ \pi^-. We discuss the factorization properties of this decay in different regions of phase space. We argue that, in the limit of very large bb-quark mass, the central region of the Dalitz plot can be described in terms of the BπB \to \pi form factor and the BB and π\pi light-cone distribution amplitudes. The edges of the Dalitz plot, on the other hand, require different non-perturbative input: the BππB \to \pi \pi form factor and the two-pion distribution amplitude. We present the set-up for both regions to leading order in both αs\alpha_s and ΛQCD/mb\Lambda_{\rm QCD} / m_b and discuss how well the two descriptions merge. We argue that for realistic BB-meson masses there is no perturbative center in the Dalitz plot, but that a systematic description might be possible in the context of two-pion states. As an example, we estimate the BρπB\to\rho\pi branching fraction beyond the quasi-particle approximation. We also discuss the prospects for studies of three-body and quasi-two-body non-leptonic BB decays from QCD.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures. Version published in Nucl.Phys.