16 research outputs found

    The Assessment of Mangrove Community Based on Vegetation Structure at Cendi Manik, Sekotong District, West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara

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    The area at the research site has a mangrove community that is experiencing disturbances due to the conversion of land into ponds. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the actual condition of mangrove vegetation after land conversion. The method used in this research is a survey and the sampling point is determined randomly (random sampling). Furthermore, observations were made on two existing mangrove blocks, namely the Natural Block and the Rehabilitation Block. Observation plots were placed randomly in the Natural Bok and Rehabilitation Block. Randomization was carried out on the regional map by making a grid measuring 10x10m and numbered. The data were analyzed using the analysis of the diversity index value (Shannon-Wiener), the evenness index (Evenness), the proportion of vegetation at each growth level and the pattern of vegetation distribution (Morisita Index). The results showed that the value of species diversity in the Natural Block was 0.95 and the Rehabilitation Block was 0.99. This value is included in the category of low diversity. The evenness index obtained a value of 0.49 in the Natural Block and 0.45 in the Rehabilitation Block. This value indicates that the distribution of the number of individuals in each species is not evenly distributed. Vegetation is dominated by Trees (in the Natural Block) and Saplings (in the Rehabilitation block). The vegetation in the Natural Block is older than the Rehabilitation Block. Meanwhile, based on the value of the Morisita index, the distribution pattern of mangrove vegetation in the study area is included in the cluster category

    Identification and Mapping of Landslide-Prone Areas in the Meninting Watershed Area, West of Lombok

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    The Meninting Watershed (DAS) covers several areas in West Lombok Regency, Mataram City and a small part of North Lombok Regency. Characteristics of a very steep topographic watershed (DAS) triggers landslides. Landslide is the process of moving rock and soil masses from high places to lower places under the influence of gravity. Landslides can cause great physical damage and economic losses, therefore research on landslides is urgently needed. This study aims to identify and map landslide-prone areas in the Meninting Watershed. This study uses a geographic information system (GIS) approach, namely the overlay method (overlapping) and scoring (weighting). Some of the parameters used to assess the level of landslide vulnerability are slope, soil type, land cover rainfall and geological aspects. The level of landslide vulnerability is divided into 3 namely low, medium and high. The results showed that an area of 2,411.42 ha or around +20% of the area of the Meninting Watershed is a high-level landslide-prone area. The area that is included in the medium-level landslide-prone category is around 7,010.03 ha or + 57% of the Meninting Watershed area. Bukittinggi Village and Kekait Village, Gunungsari District, have the greatest potential for medium and high scale landslides

    Diseminasi Informasi Mengenai Tumbuhan Liar Pekarangan yang Berkhasiat Obat sebagai Alternatif Pemeliharaan Kesehatan pada Masa Krisis Ekonomi di Desa Jeringo, Kabupaten Lombok Barat

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    In the last few years, the use of medicines made from natural ingredients has returned to people's consumption today because of the assumption that natural ingredients are safer and more economical than chemical drugs. The assumption that natural medicine is safer than chemical drugs. Medicinal plants are types of plants in which certain parts of the roots, stems, bark, leaves or excretions are believed to relieve or reduce pain. Several types of wild medicinal plants found in Jeringo Village are meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria), cat whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus), bebele / gotu kola (Centella Asiatica), shy daughter (Mimosa pudica) and horse whip (Stachytarpheta jamaicensis). The purpose of this activity is to introduce several types of wild plants that have medicinal properties that grow in the yard, along with how to maintain and process them. It is hoped that from this activity the people of Jeringo will have knowledge and be able to carry out treatment independently by utilizing wild plants as one of the cheap and safe alternative treatments

    Pengenalan Vertikal Garden Sebagai Solusi Penataan Lingkungan dan Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat Sebagai Peluang Usaha Rumah Tangga

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    The vertical garden is a garden that is designed using a separate structural system so that it can be erected or affixed to the wall. The principle of making a vertical garden must meet the requirements consisting of sunlight, types of plants, and water used. In addition, the manufacture of vertical gardens can use media such as bottles that are not used. The vertical garden is one way to improve land-use efficiency. Several types of plants can be grown using the vertical garden method, such as food crops, ornamental plants, and medicinal plants. Plants that have medicinal properties are now quite easy to find growing around the house. Medicinal plants are types of plants in which certain parts of the roots, stems, bark, leaves are believed to relieve or reduce pain. Therefore, this activity was carried out to introduce the technique of planting vertical gardens and several types of plants that can be planted with this technique, one of which is medicinal plant

    Peningkatan Kapasitas Masyarakat dalam Pengolahan Sampah Sebagai Kompos di Kelurahan Dasan Geres Lombok Timur

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    Abstract: Tujuan dari pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah mengolah sampah menjadi kompos agar dimanfaatkan sebagai pupuk organik dan memberikan nilai ekonomis sampah kota organik melalui penjualan kompos yang dihasilkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah: Ceramah, diskusi, pelatihan, praktek dan pendampingan. Ceramah dan diskusi dilaksanakan untuk penyampaian materi secara langsung pada masyarakat oleh narasumber yang kompeten dibidangnya sesuai kebutuhan. Pelatihan dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan tentang: Pengolahan sampah organik untuk pembuatan kompos/pupuk organik, dan pemanfaatan kompos untuk media budidaya taman vertikutur. Pelatihan dan Praktek dilaksanakan untuk ketrampilan masyarakat : Pengolahan sampah organik sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan kompos, sehingga masyarakat dapat membuat pupuk organik sendiri. Pendampingan dilaksanakan dalam rangka memotivasi masyarakat untuk selalu menjaga kebersihan lingkungan, memanfaatkan sampah organik sebagai kompos,  sehingga lingkungan permukiman menjadi bersih dan indah. Simpulan dari program pengabdian ini adalah masyarakat Dasan Geres, Lombok Timur dapat mengolah sampah organik untuk dijadikan sebagai pupuk kompos. Pengolahan sampah sebagai kompos sangat mudah dilakukan oleh masyarakat secara mandiri, tidak membutuhkan biaya yang besar, namun sangat mendukung upaya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan. Komitmen masyarakat untuk melanjutkan upaya pengembangan program ini sangat memungkinkan untuk mewujudkan Dasan Geres yang sehat dan indah di kemudian hari. Keywords: Kapasitas Masyarakat; Pengelolaan Sampah; Kompos

    Pelatihan dan Sosialisasi Inovasi Vertikultur Dalam Pemanfaatan Hasil Pengolahan Sampah Rumah Tangga Di Desa Kembang Kuning Lombok Timur

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    Abstract: Sampah menjadi permasalahan sulit ketika pertumbuhan penduduk semakin besar. Semakin banyak jumlah penduduk maka semakin banyak jumlah sampah rumah tangga yang dibuang ke lingkungan. Sampah akan menjadi masalah ketika tidak terkelola dengan baik. Permasalahan sampah ini juga dihadapai oleh masyarakat Desa Kembang Kuning Lombok Timur. Sampah rumah tangga terlihat menumpuk di beberapa titik di daerah permukiman penduduk. Melihat permasalahan dirasa perlu untuk melaksanakan kegiatan sosialisasi dan pelatihan pengolahan sampah sebagai kompos yang hasilnya dapat digunakan untuk kegiatan vertikultur tanaman sayuran di halaman rumah penduduk. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah: Ceramah, diskusi, pelatihan, praktek dan pendampingan. Ceramah dan diskusi dilaksanakan untuk penyampaian materi secara langsung pada masyarakat oleh narasumber yang kompeten dibidangnya sesuai kebutuhan. Pelatihan dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan tentang: Pengolahan sampah organik untuk pembuatan kompos/pupuk organik, dan pemanfaatan kompos untuk media budidaya taman vertikutur. Simpulan dari program pengabdian ini adalah masyarakat Kelurahan Tanjung dapat mengolah sampah organik untuk dijadikan sebagai pupuk kompos. Pengolahan sampah sebagai kompos sangat mudah dilakukan oleh masyarakat secara mandiri, tidak membutuhkan biaya yang besar, namun sangat mendukung upaya menjaga kebersihan lingkungan. Komitmen masyarakat untuk melanjutkan upaya pengembangan program ini sangat memungkinkan untuk mewujudkan Kelurahan Tanjung yang sehat dan indah di kemudian hari. Keywords: Pelatihan; Sosialisasi; Inovasi Verticulture; Pengelolaan Sampah

    Sosoalisasi Pemanfaatan Rumput Vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) Dalam Mitigasi Bencana Longsor di Desa Gelangsar, Kabupaten Lombok Barat

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    Gelangsar Village, West Lombok is one of the villages located in a hilly area which resulted in several points in the village of Gelangsar experiencing landslides.  The topography which is hilly and steep, triggers landslides in the village of Gelangsar. In addition, the relatively high rainfall in the last few months has made the soil conditions more flexible. Areas that have the potential to cause landslides can be overcome by planting plants that can bind the soil tightly so that it can overcome the potential for landslides. Therefore, this service aims to socialize the use of vetiver grass as a bioengineering method in managing landslides in Gelangsar Village, Gunungsari, West Lombok. This Community Service activity uses the counseling method and the creation of a pilot project. Counseling was conducted to introduce vetiver grass plants and their cultivation techniques. Making a pilot project (pilot project) have been done in the homes of residents who are partners. The Pilot Project was created as a media for socialization and as a strategy for efficiency and effectiveness for target activities. The community of partners are willing to implement and develop vetiver grass as a biotechnology agent to prevent erosion and also as an economic opportunity. This programme has been able to provide knowledge in mitigation landslide disaster management activities independently. Planting vetiver grass is expected to be able to reduce the risk of erosion at landslide-prone points in the village of Gelangsar, improve the physical condition of the land and increase land productivity

    Sosialisasi Area Rawan Longsor Dan Upaya Mitigasinya Di Kecamatan Lingsar Kabupaten Lombok Barat

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    The Meninting Sub-watershed area, West Lombok Regency is one of the areas prone to landslides. This is due to the topographic conditions of the area which are dominated by very steep slopes. Landslides are one of the disasters that often occur, especially in West Lombok Regency. High rainfall intensity with a long duration is one of the factors causing erosion and landslides on critical slopes. This service activity was carried out with the aim of increasing the knowledge and insight of the community around the Meninting watershed, especially in the Lingsar District, regarding the risk of landslides and mitigation actions that can be taken. The target of this service is the Lingsar District  Government and surrounding communities affected by the landslide disaster. The result of this service activity is an agreement on a follow-up plan for this activity with the Lingsar District and also the affected communities. This agreement is demonstrated by the willingness of the service target community to utilize data and information disseminated in various disaster mitigation and adaptation actions. Mitigation actions that can be taken include mapping areas prone to landslides, controlling land use, improving the quality of infrastructure, education and training and emergency planning. Handling adaptation to landslide disasters can be done by arranging housing, strengthening infrastructure, utilizing technology, increasing community capacity, and sustainable environmental management

    Sosialisasi Pemanfaatan Metode Tabulampot sebagai Alternatif Dalam Meningkatkan Produktivitas Lahan Pekarangan di Desa Gelangsar, Kabupaten Lombok Barat

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    Gelangsar Village, West Lombok Regency has a hilly topography and steep slopes. This condition causes low soil fertility in several locations, especially locations with steep slopes. The hills around the village of Gelangsar also affect the incoming light intensity. Resident around the hillsides, complained that the fruit trees in their yards could not bear fruit even though they were more than 10 years old. The solution offered to overcome these problems is the application of the tabulampot method. This program aims to introduce and apply the tabulampot method in the yard. The Tabulampot method is expected to provide maximum fruit crop yields. The method used in this program is socialization and tabulampot pilot project. The socialization method used was counseling and distribution of leaflets (brochures), while the application of tabulampot was carried out through the establishment of a pilot project. This program has been successfully. The participants actively asked questions in discussion sessions and also in the practice of making tabulampot. Tabulampot has a great opportunity to be implemented in the Gelangsar Village because it is easy and cheap.Gelangsar Village, West Lombok Regency has a hilly topography and steep slopes. This condition causes low soil fertility in several locations, especially locations with steep slopes. The hills around the village of Gelangsar also affect the incoming light intensity. Resident around the hillsides, complained that the fruit trees in their yards could not bear fruit even though they were more than 10 years old. The solution offered to overcome these problems is the application of the tabulampot method. This program aims to introduce and apply the tabulampot method in the yard. The Tabulampot method is expected to provide maximum fruit crop yields. The method used in this program is socialization and tabulampot pilot project. The socialization method used was counseling and distribution of leaflets (brochures), while the application of tabulampot was carried out through the establishment of a pilot project. This program has been successfully. The participants actively asked questions in discussion sessions and also in the practice of making tabulampot. Tabulampot has a great opportunity to be implemented in the Gelangsar Village because it is easy and cheap

    Penerapan Lubang Resapan Biopori Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Lingkungan di Desa Darmaji

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    Darmaji Village is one of the villages on the island of Lombok which has potential in the field of food and the environment. The main problem in the environmental sector is the presence of standing water in residential areas during the rainy season and the low level of waste utilization. Efforts to overcome this are the application of bio pure infiltration holes that can act as water absorption media, increase groundwater reserves, and compost media in Darmaji village. The method of implementation is by making several pilot locations and socialization through brochures and leaflets. The results of this activity made many residents interested in applying biopori in their homes. So it is hoped that in the future it can overcome environmental problems and support tourism activities on the island of Lombok in Darmaji Village