4 research outputs found

    Fattori predittivi delle aggressioni nel personale sanitario: uno studio multicentrico

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    INTRODUCTION: Nurses are at greater risk of violence during their working hours. About 31% of all aggressions towards nurses occur in hospital or in care settings. The problem of aggressions on healthcare workers is difficult to classify, as the number of aggressions is often underestimated. For this reason, the aim of this study is to analyze physical, verbal and sexual aggressions on nursing staff and identify their predictors. METHODS: A cross sectional study was performed. A sample of convenience was recruited consisting of nurses practicing in the Italian territory. The research team recruited subjects from various hospital, outpatient or territorial settings. The criteria for participation in the study were: (1) being registered nurses; (2) not being in an idle state (e.g. retirement). Multiple linear regression was used to identify the predictive variables of physical, verbal and sexual aggression. RESULTS: The sample consisting of 518 nurses had an average age of 37.5 years.The sample consisted prevalently of female subjects, with medium-high educational attendance. About 90% of the sample claims to have suffered physical, verbal and / or sexual aggressions during their working hours. People with a lower educational level, belonging to the southern regions are more at risk of physical and verbal aggression, while the female gender is a predictor of sexual assaults. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study highlight how physical, verbal and sexual violence in nursing staff are non-isolated but highly frequent issues, being part of the daily working life of many health professionals.INTRODUZIONE: il personale sanitario risulta essere maggiormente a rischio di violenza durante l’orario lavorativo. Tuttavia, il problema è difficilmente inquadrabile, in quanto il numero di aggressioni viene spesso sottostimato. Per tale motivo l’obiettivo di questo studio è stato quello di analizzare le aggressioni fisiche, verbali e sessuali nel personale infermieristico ed identificarne i predittori. METODI: Il disegno dello studio è stato di tipo cross sectional, cui campione era costituito da infermieri che esercitano nel territorio nazionale. Il gruppo di ricerca ha reclutato soggetti provenienti da vari setting ospedalieri, ambulatoriali o territoriali. I criteri per la partecipazione allo studio erano: (1) essere infermieri abilitati; (2) non essere in uno stato di inattività (es. pensionamento). La regressione lineare multipla è stata utilizzata per identificare le variabili predittive dell’aggressione fisica, verbale e sessuale. RISULTATI: Il campione composto da 518 infermieri aveva un’età media di 37.5 anni. Prevalentemente il campione era costituito da soggetti di sesso femminile, con una scolarità media-alta. Circa il 90% del campione afferma di aver subito durante il proprio orario di servizio un’aggressione fisica, verbale e/o sessuale. Le persone con un livello di istruzione più basso, appartenenti alle regioni del sud sono soggetti più a rischio di un’aggressione fisica e verbale, mentre il sesso femminile è un predittore delle aggressioni a carattere sessuale. CONCLUSIONI: I risultati di questo studio evidenziano come la violenza fisica, verbale e sessuale nel personale infermieristico sia una problematica non isolata ma altamente frequente, facendo parte della vita lavorativa quotidiana di molti operatori sanitari

    L'uso degli smartphone nel personale infermieristico: una revisione narrativa della letteratura

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    INTRODUZIONE: In campo sanitario, lo smartphone sta diventando uno strumento importante tra il personale infermieristico. Grazie agli smartphone è stato possibile implementare nuovi modelli assistenziali. Tuttavia se utilizzati in maniera non corretta potrebbero essere la causa di distrazione e dell'aumento di infezioni ospedaliere.OBIETTIVO: Analizzare le varie app per smartphone utilizzate dal personale infermieristico e descrivere gli aspetti negativi e positivi che gli smartphone possano avere nelle attivití  assistenziali e nel personale infermieristico.METODO: Sono stati consultati i seguenti database: PubMed, CINAHL, SCOPUS e Web of Knowledge, Google Schoolar. Le seguenti parole chiavi sono state utilizzate: ((nurse* NOT (student* OR physician*) AND (smartphone* OR phone* OR mobile* OR cellphone) AND (app OR use* OR benefit OR distraction OR stress OR abuse OR work-related).RISULTATI: Un totale di 34 articoli sono stati inclusi nella revisione. Sono state descritte app per il dosaggio dei farmaci, per la rilevazione della frequenza cardiaca e per controllare a distanza pazienti affetti da diverse patologie croniche. Se da un lato gli smartphone potrebbero essere causa di distrazione, contaminazione batterica o interferenza con altri dispositivi dall'altro potrebbero migliorare il benessere, la soddisfazione al lavoro, diminuire lo stress ed aumentare la produttivití .CONCLUSIONI: La revisione della letteratura evidenzia potenziali benefici dall'uso degli smartphone, ma se usato in maniera impropria, per motivi di distrazione o interruzione, potrebbe avere conseguenze negative sulla qualití  della cura e la sicurezza dei pazienti. Per questo motivo, gli infermieri dovrebbero fare attenzione quando usano il loro smartphone per attivití  non lavorative. Parole chiave: Infermiere, smartphone, app, paziente abstractSmartphone use in nursing population: a narrative reviewINTRODUCTION: In healthcare, smartphone is becoming an important tool among nursing population. With the smartphones, it was possible to implement new care models. However, if used incorrectly, it could be the cause of nurses' distraction and nosocomial infection.AIM: To analyze the various apps used by the nursing population and describe the smartphones' positive and negative aspects on health care by review the literature.METHOD: PubMed, CINAHL, SCOPUS e Web of Knowledge, Google Schoolar, databases were used to perform this study. The following keywords were used: ((nurse* NOT (student* OR physician*)) AND (smartphone* OR phone* OR mobile* OR cellphone) AND (app OR use* OR benefit OR distraction OR stress OR abuse OR work-related). RESULTS: A total of 34 articles were included in the review. Medical calculation, heart measurement and chronic patient-nurse communication apps were described. While smartphones may cause distraction, nosocomial infection or interference with other medical devices, on the other hand they could improve the well-being, job satisfaction, productivity and decrease stress in nurse population.CONCLUSIONS: There are potential benefits of the smartphone use, but the smartphone misuse could have negative consequences on the quality care and patient' safety due to nurses' distraction and interruptions. For this reason, nurses should be careful when they use their smartphone for no work-related activities.Keywords: nurse, smartphone, app, patien

    Tuning Nursing Educational in an Italian academic context

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    BackgroundThe European Union Bologna Process has laid the foundation for a common European competence-based educational framework. In many countries, nursing education is in transition from vocational to higher education, with many diverse systems. The competence-based approach provided by the project Tuning Educational Structures offers a common and coherent framework able to facilitate the implementation of the principles underpinning the Bologna Process reform.ObjectivesThis study aimed to ascertain the relevance that Italian nursing university lecturers attributed to the 40 competences of the Italian version of the nursing Bachelor's and Master's Degrees. These competences were developed through adoption of the Tuning Methodology in the nursing context.SettingThe study was conducted in the 4 universities of one region of Italy which offer nursing Bachelor's and Master's Degrees.ParticipantsA total of 164 Italian university nursing lecturers.MethodsUsing a four point scale, a cross sectional survey was conducted from March 2011 to April 2012. Participants evaluated each competence according to its relevance for Bachelor's or Master's Education. Frequency analysis was conducted.ResultsThe significance for each competence of Tuning was rated very high by Italian lecturers and appeared to overlap partially with the original European study. In Italy, the most relevant competences for Bachelor's Degree were the skills associated with the use of appropriate interventions, activities and skills in nursing and the skills associated with nursing practice and clinical decision-making. For Master's Degree, leadership, management and team competences were the most important.ConclusionsThe Tuning Nursing Project was accepted by the Italian lecturers. The competence-based approach was considered by Italian lectures as a support enabling to reflect on the current Italian nursing education cycles of study and to ensure shared visions and common approaches between Italian and European lecturers