51 research outputs found

    Peptide-Dependent Growth in Yeast via Fine-Tuned Peptide/GPCR-Activated Essential Gene Expression

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    [Image: see text] Building multicellular microbial consortia that communicate with each other and perform programmed functionalities is the next milestone for synthetic biology. Achieving cell–cell communication within these communities requires programming of the transduction of an extracellular signal into a customized intracellular response. G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are attractive candidates for engineering signal transduction as they can sense extracellular events with high sensitivity and specificity and transduce them into complex intracellular programs. We recently developed a scalable cell–cell communication language based on fungal mating GPCRs and their secreted peptide ligands. This language allows the assembly of engineered yeast strains into multicellular communication networks and allows them to be made interdependent by peptide signaling. In peptide signaling, one cell secretes a peptide that supports the growth of another cell at nanomolar concentrations, a scalable approach for engineering interdependence. Here we address the challenge of correlating the doubling time of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells with an increasing external peptide concentration by linking GPCR activation to the expression of an essential gene. The required fine-tuning of downstream signaling is achieved via the transcriptional titration of a set of orthogonal GPCR-activated transcription factors, a series of corresponding promoters with different output dynamics, and the use of chemically recoded peptide ligands with varying activation potentials. As such, our work establishes three control points that allow the tuning of the basal and maximal activation of the GPCR response, fold change activation, and response sensitivity. The presented results enable the implementation of peptide-dependent and peptide-tunable growth but could also facilitate the design and calibration of more complex GPCR-controlled synthetic functionality in the future

    A Multiplex GPCR-Mediated Peptide Tagging System for a Growing Yeast Synthetic Biology Toolbox

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    Straightforward methods for specifically detecting and quantifying proteins are essential for both basic and applied research and notably in synthetic biology. Previously we demonstrated that the yeast mating pathway could be hijacked to detect species-specific fungal peptide pheromones using their corresponding mating GPCRs. Here we asked if our yeast biosensor could detect proteins in addition to peptides – a question not previously resolved in the literature. As such, we repurposed the Saccharomyces cerevisiae fungal mating pheromone α-factor as a peptide tag and fused it terminally and internally to the protein Smt3. Our biosensor was able to detect the tagged protein in the nanomolar range using fluorescence as a read-out. We extended the assay to four additional orthogonal peptide pheromone tags, demonstrating a cheap, non-labor-intensive, and high-throughput assay compatible with multiplexing for protein detection. With its ability to detect proteins our living yeast biosensor could be useful for the optimization of protein producing cell-factories, for building logic gates and myriad other applications in synthetic biology.</p

    Detection of Nav1.5 conformational change in mammalian cells using the non-canonical amino acid ANAP

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    Nav1.5 inactivation is necessary for healthy conduction of the cardiac action potential. Genetic mutations of Nav1.5 perturb inactivation and cause potentially fatal arrhythmias associated with long QT syndrome type 3. The exact structural dynamics of the inactivation complex is unknown. To sense inactivation gate conformational change in live mammalian cells, we incorporated the solvatochromic fluorescent non-canonical amino acid ANAP into single sites in the Nav1.5 inactivation gate. ANAP was incorporated in full-length and C-terminally truncated Nav1.5 channels using mammalian cell synthetase-tRNA technology. ANAP-incorporated channels were expressed in mammalian cells and they exhibited pathophysiological function. A spectral imaging potassium-depolarization assay was designed to detect ANAP emission shifts associated with Nav1.5 conformational change. Site-specific intracellular ANAP incorporation affords live-cell imaging and detection of Nav1.5 inactivation gate conformational change in mammalian cells

    Turning on the Spliceosome

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    Mapping protein-specific micro-environments in live cells by fluorescence lifetime imaging of a hybrid genetic-chemical molecular rotor tag

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    The micro-viscosity and molecular crowding experienced by specific proteins can regulate their dynamics and function within live cells. Taking advantage of the emerging TMP-tag technology, we present the design, synthesis and application of a hybrid genetic-chemical molecular rotor probe whose fluorescence lifetime can report protein-specific micro-environments in live cells

    Super-multiplex vibrational imaging

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    The ability to visualize directly a large number of distinct molecular species inside cells is increasingly essential for understanding complex systems and processes. Even though existing methods have successfully been used to explore structure–function relationships in nervous systems, to profile RNA in situ, to reveal the heterogeneity of tumour microenvironments and to study dynamic macromolecular assembly, it remains challenging to image many species with high selectivity and sensitivity under biological conditions. For instance, fluorescence microscopy faces a ‘colour barrier’, owing to the intrinsically broad (about 1,500 inverse centimetres) and featureless nature of fluorescence spectra that limits the number of resolvable colours to two to five (or seven to nine if using complicated instrumentation and analysis). Spontaneous Raman microscopy probes vibrational transitions with much narrower resonances (peak width of about 10 inverse centimetres) and so does not suffer from this problem, but weak signals make many bio-imaging applications impossible. Although surface-enhanced Raman scattering offers high sensitivity and multiplicity, it cannot be readily used to image specific molecular targets quantitatively inside live cells. Here we use stimulated Raman scattering under electronic pre-resonance conditions to image target molecules inside living cells with very high vibrational selectivity and sensitivity (down to 250 nanomolar with a time constant of 1 millisecond). We create a palette of triple-bond-conjugated near-infrared dyes that each displays a single peak in the cell-silent Raman spectral window; when combined with available fluorescent probes, this palette provides 24 resolvable colours, with the potential for further expansion. Proof-of-principle experiments on neuronal co-cultures and brain tissues reveal cell-type-dependent heterogeneities in DNA and protein metabolism under physiological and pathological conditions, underscoring the potential of this 24-colour (super-multiplex) optical imaging approach for elucidating intricate interactions in complex biological systems

    A modular yeast biosensor for low-cost point-of-care pathogen detection

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    The availability of simple, specific, and inexpensive on-site detection methods is of key importance for deployment of pathogen surveillance networks. We developed a nontechnical and highly specific colorimetric assay for detection of pathogen-derived peptides based on Saccharomyces cerevisiae—a genetically tractable model organism and household product. Integrating G protein–coupled receptors with a visible, reagent-free lycopene readout, we demonstrate differential detection of major human, plant, and food fungal pathogens with nanomolar sensitivity. We further optimized a one-step rapid dipstick prototype that can be used in complex samples, including blood, urine, and soil. This modular biosensor can be economically produced at large scale, is not reliant on cold-chain storage, can be detected without additional equipment, and is thus a compelling platform scalable to global surveillance of pathogens

    Mapping protein-specific micro-environments in live cells by fluorescence lifetime imaging of a hybrid genetic-chemical molecular rotor tag

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    The micro-viscosity and molecular crowding experienced by specific proteins can regulate their dynamics and function within live cells. Taking advantage of the emerging TMP-tag technology, we present the design, synthesis and application of a hybrid genetic-chemical molecular rotor probe whose fluorescence lifetime can report protein-specific micro-environments in live cells

    Super-multiplex vibrational imaging

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    The ability to visualize directly a large number of distinct molecular species inside cells is increasingly essential for understanding complex systems and processes. Even though existing methods have successfully been used to explore structure–function relationships in nervous systems, to profile RNA in situ, to reveal the heterogeneity of tumour microenvironments and to study dynamic macromolecular assembly, it remains challenging to image many species with high selectivity and sensitivity under biological conditions. For instance, fluorescence microscopy faces a ‘colour barrier’, owing to the intrinsically broad (about 1,500 inverse centimetres) and featureless nature of fluorescence spectra that limits the number of resolvable colours to two to five (or seven to nine if using complicated instrumentation and analysis). Spontaneous Raman microscopy probes vibrational transitions with much narrower resonances (peak width of about 10 inverse centimetres) and so does not suffer from this problem, but weak signals make many bio-imaging applications impossible. Although surface-enhanced Raman scattering offers high sensitivity and multiplicity, it cannot be readily used to image specific molecular targets quantitatively inside live cells. Here we use stimulated Raman scattering under electronic pre-resonance conditions to image target molecules inside living cells with very high vibrational selectivity and sensitivity (down to 250 nanomolar with a time constant of 1 millisecond). We create a palette of triple-bond-conjugated near-infrared dyes that each displays a single peak in the cell-silent Raman spectral window; when combined with available fluorescent probes, this palette provides 24 resolvable colours, with the potential for further expansion. Proof-of-principle experiments on neuronal co-cultures and brain tissues reveal cell-type-dependent heterogeneities in DNA and protein metabolism under physiological and pathological conditions, underscoring the potential of this 24-colour (super-multiplex) optical imaging approach for elucidating intricate interactions in complex biological systems
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