1,249 research outputs found

    Conservation management improves agroecosystem function and resilience of soil nitrogen cycling in response to seasonal changes in climate

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    Understanding how conservation agricultural management improves soil nitrogen (N) stability in the face of climate change can help increase agroecosystem productivity and mitigate runoff, leaching and downstream water quality issues. We conducted a 2-year field study in a 36-year-old rain-fed cotton production system to evaluate the impacts of changing climatic factors (temperature and precipitation) on soil N under conservation management, including moderate inorganic N fertilizer application (0 and 67 kg N ha−1 ), winter cover crops (fallow; winter wheat, Triticum aestivum L.; hairy vetch, Vicia villosa Roth), and reduced tillage (no-till; disk tillage). Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to quantify and compare the effects of conservation management and climatic factors on soil N concentrations. Fertilizer and vetch cover crops increased soil total N concentration by 16% and 18%, respectively, and also increased microbial N transformation rate by 41% and 168%. In addition, vetch cover crops also increased soil labile N concentrations by 57%, 21%, and 79%, i.e., extractable organic N, ammonium, and nitrate, respectively. The highest soil δ15N value (6.4 ± 0.3‰) was observed under the 67 kg N ha−1 fertilizer-wheat-disk tillage treatment, and the lowest value (4.8 ± 0.3‰) under the zero-fertilizer-wheat-no-till treatment, indicating fertilizer and tillage might accelerate microbial N transformation. The SEM showed positive effects of temperature and precipitation on labile N concentrations, suggesting destabilization of soil N and the potential for soil N loss under increased temperature and intensified precipitation. Fertilizer and vetch use might mitigate some of the effects of temperature by accelerating microbial N transformations, with vetch having a larger effect than fertilizer (0.35 vs. 0.15, Table 1). No-till can reduce some of the effects of precipitation on soil labile N by maintaining soil structure. Our study suggests that fertilizer, vetch cover crop, and no-till might help improve function and resilience of agroecosystems in relation to soil N cycling. Soil N stabilization in cropping systems can be enhanced by adjusting agricultural management

    Cover Crops and Corn Residue Removal: Impacts on Soil Hydraulic Properties and Their Relationships with Carbon

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    Large-scale crop residue removal may negatively affect soil water dynamics. Integrating cover crop (CC) with crop residue management can be a strategy to offset potential adverse effects of residue removal. We studied: (i) the impact of corn (Zea mays L.) residue removal (56%) with and without the use of winter rye (Secale cereale L.) CC on soil hydraulic properties, (ii) whether CC would ameliorate residue removal effects on hydraulic properties, and (iii) relationships of hydraulic properties with soil organic C (SOC) and other properties under irrigated no-till continuous corn on a silt loam in south central Nebraska after 5 and 6 yr of management. Cover crops did not affect soil hydraulic properties. However, residue removal reduced cumulative water infiltration by about 45% in one year. Across years, residue removal reduced plant available water (PAW) by 32% and mean weight diameter of water-stable aggregates (MWD) by 23% for the upper 5-cm soil depth. Under no CC, residue removal reduced SOC concentration by 25% in the 0- to 5-cm and by 11% in the 5- to 10-cm depths. Under residue removal, CC increased SOC concentration by 18% in the 0- to 5-cm and by 8% in the 5 to 10-cm depths. Cover crop did not completely offset the residue removal-induced decrease in SOC concentration in the upper 5-cm depth. Plant available water decreased as SOC concentration and MWD decreased. After 6 yr, corn residue removal adversely affected soil hydraulic properties and SOC concentration, but CC was unable to fully offset such adverse impacts

    Does No-Tillage Mitigate Stover Removal in Irrigated Continuous Corn? A Multi-Location Assessment

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    No-tillage (NT) may ameliorate negative effects on soil properties from corn (Zea mays L.) stover harvest, but few long-term irrigated continuous corn production systems have been evaluated to test this hypothesis. We evaluated three long-term no-tillage sites (4–13 yr) in Nebraska and Colorado that spanned a range of precipitation and soil organic carbon (SOC) levels. We measured SOC, d13C of SOC, soil microbial biomass (SMB) and composition (i.e., phospholipid fatty acids, PLFAs), and water stable aggregation at all sites under stover retention vs. removal (~60%). Surface SOC stocks (0–30- cm depth) increased across the gradient and were 46.4, 57.4, and 63.1 Mg C ha–1 for Colorado, central Nebraska, and eastern Nebraska, respectively. Overall, residue removal decreased SOC stocks by 6% and soil aggregation by 12% in the 0- to 30-cm depth. The d13C signature of SOC indicated less new surface C storage under residue removal in Colorado, but not at the two Nebraska sites. Residue harvest did not decrease SMB or change soil microbial community structure, suggesting that high plant productivity buffered community composition from stover harvest impacts under NT but stimulated microbial activity levels that led to SOC loss. The high rates of stover removal used in this study decreased SOC stocks and aggregation at all sites compared to residue retained treatments, suggesting that no-tillage alone was not sufficient to maintain erosion protection and soil function

    Field-to-farm gate greenhouse gas emissions from corn stover production in the Midwestern U.S.

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    Measured field data were used to compare two allocation methods on life cycle greenhouse gas emissions from corn (Zea mays L.) stover production in the Midwest U.S. We used publicly-available crop yield, nitrogen fertilizer, and direct soil nitrous oxide emissions data from the USDA-ARS Resilient Economic Agricultural Practices research program. Field data were aggregated from 9 locations across 26 site-years for 3 stover harvest rates (no removal; moderate removal e 3.1Mg ha-1; high removal e 7.2Mg ha-1) and 2 tillage practices (conventional; reduced/no-till). Net carbon uptake by crops was computed from measured plant carbon content. Monte Carlo simulations sampled input distributions to assess variability in farm-to-gate GHG emissions. The base analysis assumed no change in soil organic carbon stocks. In all cases, net CO2 uptake during crop growth and soil-respired CO2 dominated system emissions. Emissions were most sensitive to co-product accounting method, with system expansion emissions ~15% lower than mass allocation. Regardless of accounting method, lowest emissions occurred for a moderate removal rate under reduced/no-till management. The absence of correlations between N fertilization rate and stover removal rate or soil N2O emissions in this study challenges the use of such assumptions typically employed in life cycle assessments Storage of all carbon retained on the field as SOC could reduce emissions by an additional 15%. Our results highlight how variability in GHG emissions due to location and weather can overshadow the impact of farm management practices on field-to-farm gate emissions

    Corn Residue Use by Livestock in the United States

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    Corn (Zea mays L.) residue grazing or harvest provides a simple and economical practice to integrate crops and livestock, but limited information is available on how widespread corn residue utilization is practiced by US producers. In 2010, the USDA Economic Research Service surveyed producers from 19 states on corn grain and residue management practices. Total corn residue grazed or harvested was 4.87 million ha. Approximately 4.06 million ha was grazed by 11.7 million livestock (primarily cattle) in 2010. The majority of grazed corn residue occurred in Nebraska (1.91 million ha), Iowa (385,000 ha), South Dakota (361,000 ha), and Kansas (344,000 ha). Average grazing days ranged from 10 to 73 d (mean = 40 d). Corn residue harvests predominantly occurred in the central and northern Corn Belt, with an estimated 2.9 Tg of corn residue harvested across the 19 states. This survey highlights the importance of corn residue for US livestock, particularly in the western Corn Belt

    Near-Term Effects of Perennial Grasses on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen in Eastern Nebraska

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    Incorporating native perennial grasses adjacent to annual row crop systems managed on marginal lands can increase system resiliency by diversifying food and energy production. This study evaluated (1) soil organic C (SOC) and total N stocks (TN) under warm-season grass (WSG) monocultures and a low diversity mixture compared to an adjacent no-till continuous-corn system, and (2) WSG total above-ground biomass (AGB) in response to two levels of N fertilization from 2012 to 2017 in eastern Nebraska, USA. The WSG treatments consisted of (1) switchgrass (SWG), (2) big bluestem (BGB), and (3) low-diversity grass mixture (LDM; big bluestem, Indiangrass, and sideoat grama). Soils were sampled at fixed depth increments (0–120 cm) in the WSG plots and in the adjacent corn experiment in 2012 and 2017. Soil stocks (Mg ha-1) of SOC and TN were calculated on an equivalent soil mass (ESM) basis and compared within the three WSG treatments as well as between experiments (corn compared to the mean of all WSGs). Soil organic C and TN stocks within soil layers and cumulative stocks responded to the main effect of WSG (PWSG \u3c 0.05) but were no different when comparing the WSGs to corn (Pexpt = NS). Both SOC/TN stocks and cumulative stocks were generally greater in the LDM compared to the BGB. Neither SOC nor TN changed over time under either the WSGs or corn. Warm-season grass AGB responded to a three-way interaction of year, N rate, and WSG (p = 0.0007). Decreases in AGB over time were significant across WSGs and N levels except for SWG at 56 kg N ha-1 and LDM at 112 kg N ha-1. Above-ground biomass was generally greater in the LDM after the first harvest year (2013). Results suggest that incorporating WSGs into marginal cropland can maintain SOC and TN stocks while providing a significant source of biomass to be used in energy production or in integrated livestock systems

    Perennial warm-season grasses for producing biofuel and enhancing soil properties: An alternative to corn residue removal

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    Removal of corn (Zea mays L.) residues at high rates for biofuel and other off-farm uses may negatively impact soil and the environment in the long term. Biomass removal from perennial warm-season grasses (WSGs) grown in marginally-productive lands could be an alternative to corn residue removal as biofuel feedstocks while controlling water and wind erosion, sequestering carbon (C), cycling water and nutrients, and enhancing other soil ecosystem services. We compared wind and water erosion potential, soil compaction, soil hydraulic properties, soil organic C (SOC), and soil fertility between biomass removal from WSGs and corn residue removal from rainfed no-till continuous corn on a marginally productive site on a silty clay loam in eastern Nebraska after 2 and 3 yr of management. The field-scale treatments were: 1) switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), 2) big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii L.), and 3) low-diversity grass mixture [big bluestem, indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash), and sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr.)], and 4) 50% corn residue removal with three replications. Across years, corn residue removal increased wind erodible fraction from 41% to 86% and reduced wet aggregate stability from 1.70 to 1.15 mm compared with WSGs in the upper 7.5 cm soil depth. Corn residue removal also reduced water retention by 15% between -33 and -300 kPa potentials and plant available water by 25% in the upper 7.5 cm soil depth. However, corn residue removal did not affect final water infiltration, SOC concentration, soil fertility, and other properties. Overall, corn residue removal increases erosion potential and reduces water retention shortly after removal, suggesting that biomass removal from perennial WSGs is a desirable alternative to corn residue removal for biofuel production and maintenance of soil ecosystem services

    Land management effects on wet aggregate stability and carbon content

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    Land management affects soil structure and many other soil properties and processes. Our objectives were to evaluate soil organic C (SOC), aggregate size distribution, aggregate-associated C, and soil structure as affected by long-term land management and slope. A chronosequence of 38 on-farm sites with low to high (5–18%) slopes was selected to evaluate 5–40 yr of management. The sites were classified as business as usual (BAU) cropland (BAU-Crop), BAU pasture (BAU-Past), newly established conservation reserve program (CRP) areas (CRP-New), and established CRP (CRP-Old). Soil samples were collected from the 0-to-5- and 5-to-15-cm depth increments and processed for soil property measurements including fractionation by wet sieving into five aggregate size classes (\u3e2,000, 1,000–2,000, 500–1,000, 250–500, and 53–250 μm). Within the surface 5 cm, mean weight diameter (MWD) and geometric mean diameter (GMD) were used to characterize soil structural stability. The BAU-Past and CRP-Old sites had 79% more macroaggregates (\u3e2,000, 1,000–2,000, and 500–1,000 μm), 123% higher MWD, 38% higher GMD, and 47% higher SOC than BAU-Crop or CRP-New sites. The 5-to-15-cm depth increment showed a similar but lower magnitude response. Aggregate-associated C was quantified using a constant soil mass that reflected aggregate size distribution to prevent overestimating C content. Lower-slope locations had more SOC, more macroaggregates, more C associated with macroaggregates, and higher GMD and MWD compared with high-slope locations across all management classifications and soil depths. The results support our hypothesis that the high-slop soils may benefits from specific management decisions than the lower-sloping soils as a function of landscape property. We recommend reestablishing grassland on sloping land that is susceptible to excessive soil erosion, although those practices will likely take a long time to restore soil structural stability and SOC content to precultivation levels

    Did cover crop or animal manure ameliorate corn residue removal effects on soil mechanical properties after 10 years?

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    Crop residue removal may negatively affect soil mechanical properties, which are key components of soil quality. To evaluate potential long-term effects, we assessed the 10-yr impact of corn (Zea mays L.) residue removal (59 % of non-grain biomass annually) on surface soil mechanical properties (0–20 cm). We also evaluated whether adding carbon (C) amendments, such as using a winter rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crop or surface-applying cattle manure (24 Mg ha− 1 biannually) can ameliorate the effects of crop residue removal. This long-term study was under irrigated no-till continuous corn on a silt loam soil in south-central Nebraska, USA. Measurements included soil penetration resistance, field bulk density, aggregate strength, Atterberg limits (liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index), Proctor maximum bulk density, and the water content at which the Proctor maximum bulk density (critical water content) occurs. Reduction in soil organic carbon (SOC) concentration explained most of the changes in soil mechanical properties. Long-term corn residue removal increased penetration resistance (+40 %) for the 0–20 cm depth, and reduced aggregate strength (− 44 %), plasticity index (− 22 %), and critical water content (− 13 %) in the 0–5 cm depth. Residue removal also reduced field bulk density (− 5%), liquid limit (− 12 %), and plastic limit (− 10 %) in the 0–10 cm depth, but increased Proctor maximum bulk density (+8 %) in the 0–5 cm depth. Winter rye cover crop reduced field bulk density (− 5%, 0–15 cm depth) and increased penetration resistance (+52 %, 0–20 cm depth). Surface-applied manure amendments increased the near-surface soil liquid limit (+8 %) and plastic limit (+8 %) in the 0–5 cm depth. Given the high rate of residue removal used in this experiment, our findings support that excessive corn residue removal over the long-term (~10 years) negatively affects near-surface soil mechanical properties, but that use of winter rye cover crop or surface-applied manure can minimally to partially ameliorate these effect

    Metal and nanoparticle occurrence in biosolid-amended soils

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    Metals can accumulate in soils amended with biosolids in which metals have been concentrated during wastewater treatment. The goal of this study is to inspect agricultural sites with long-term biosolid application for a suite of regulated and unregulated metals, including some potentially present as commonly used engineered nanomaterials (ENMs). Sampling occurred in fields at a municipal and a privately operated biosolid recycling facilities in Texas. Depth profiles of various metals were developed for control soils without biosolid amendment and soils with different rates of biosolid application (6.6 to 74 dry tons per hectare per year) over 5 to 25 years. Regulated metals of known toxicity, including chromium, copper, cadmium, lead, and zinc, had higher concentrations in the upper layer of biosolid-amended soils (top 0–30 cm or 0–15 cm) than in control soils. The depth profiles of unregulated metals (antimony, hafnium, molybdenum, niobium, gold, silver, tantalum, tin, tungsten, and zirconium) indicate higher concentrations in the 0–30 cm soil increment than in the 70–100 cm soil increment, indicating low vertical mobility after entering the soils. Titanium-containing particles between 50 nm and 250 nm in diameterwere identified in soil by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) coupled with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis. In conjunctionwith other studies, this research shows the potential for nanomaterials used in society that enter the sewer system to be removed at municipal biological wastewater treatment plants and accumulate in agricultural fields. The metal concentrations observed herein could be used as representative exposure levels for eco-toxicological studies in these soils
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