3 research outputs found

    Особливості трансформації ідентичності у співзалежних жінок середнього віку

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    The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of identity transformation in middle-aged codependent women. It was determined that the process of identity transformation in a codependent personality during the middle age crisis represents the discovery of self-worth, uniqueness, the formation of psychological immunity, and coherence. The aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the identity transformation program for middle-aged codependent women. The model of identity transformation of codependent middle-aged women is presented, which includes criteria for the effectiveness of program implementation, levels of psychological influence (motivational, cognitive, emotional, behavioral, physical), social-psychological transformation technology, stages of program implementation (diagnostic, resource, psychotherapeutic, summative or reflective). The purpose and tasks of the identity transformation program for middle-aged codependent women are defined. On the basis of the conducted research, it was established that as a result of approbation of the program, positive results of the identity transformation of middle-aged women of the experimental group were found on all identity scales, except for the «Material Self».Keywords: personality, personality development, integral identity, self-regulation, coherence, bodily locus of control, psychocorrection, early maladaptiv eschemas.Стаття присвячена дослідженню особливостей трансформації ідентичності в співзалежних жінок середнього віку. Визначено, що процес трансформації ідентичності в співзалежної особистості в період кризи середнього віку являє собою відкриття самоцінності, унікальності, формування психологічного імунітету, когерентності. Метою дослідження було визначення ефективності програми трансформації ідентичності співзалежних жінок середнього віку. Представлено модель трансформації ідентичності співзалежних жінок середнього віку, яка включає критерії ефективності реалізації програми, рівні психологічного впливу (мотиваційний, когнітивний, емоційний, поведінковий, тілесний), соціально-психологічну технологію трансформації, етапи реалізації програми (діагностичний, ресурсний, психотерапевтичний, підсумковий або рефлексивний). Визначено мету та завдання програми трансформації ідентичності співзалежних жінок середнього віку. На основі проведеного дослідження встановлено, що в результаті апробації програми було виявлено позитивні результати трансформації ідентичності жінок середнього віку експериментальної групи за всіма шкалами ідентичності, крім шкали «Матеріальне Я».Ключові слова: особистість, розвиток особистості, інтегральна ідентичність, саморегуляція, когерентність, тілесний локус контролю, психокорекція, ранні дезадаптивні схеми

    Art Therapy as an Effective Means of Overcoming Stress: Neurophysiological Features

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    The article presents the results of research into the use of the most effective means to overcome stress in children and adults, in particular, the use of art therapy. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to build stress resistance in crisis situations, which are a fairly common phenomenon in the context of modern problems.The study defined the essence of the concepts of "fear", "anxiety" and "art therapy". Aspects related to the impact of stress on children, its causes, and the main trends in overcoming it were formed. The work describes art therapy as one of the most effective methods of preventing stress and building stress resistance. The results of the study confirm the hypothesis regarding the use of art therapy as a method of overcoming stress and at the same time as prevention. The most effective means of overcoming stress have been determined, in particular fairy-tale therapy, art therapy, etc. The causes of stress as neurophysiological features in a child were also investigated. The prerequisites and factors of stressful situations are characterized. Methods of synthesis, analysis, research, scientific and descriptive methods were used to ensure an effective research result. The research became the basis for determining ways to overcome stress, for the formation of effective means of diagnosis and psychocorrection. To determine effective approaches to overcoming stress, scientific research on the problem was analyzed and features were determined. The results of the study became the basis for establishing the features of stress in crisis conditions, analyzing the most effective methods of overcoming stress, describing neurophysiological factors that cause stress, and characterizing art therapy as the most effective method of overcoming stress. The article is the result of research and analysis of scientific intelligence on the specified problem.</p

    Content, Hierarchy, Intensity of Motives and their Possibility to be Implemented in Servicemen with Various Levels of Effectiveness of Service Activity

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    In accordance with the results of conducted research there were figured out the content, hierarchy, intensity of motives and their possibility to be implemented in servicemen with various levels of effectiveness of service activity. 8435 male servicemen participated in the research, they equally presented all the operational and territorial military unifications and units of the National Guard of Ukraine. Each unit proportionately presented officers as well as military personnel under contract who included the participants of hostilities and those who did not have such experience. Examination of various aspects of servicemen motivation was conducted with the help of the following the methods which were standardized being based on the Ukrainian  selection “Close Questionnaire of Examining the Motivation of Professional Choice Made by Applicants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs”, “Questionnaire of Estimation of the Effectiveness of Military Tasks’ Execution by Servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine”, questionnaire on “Sense-Bearing and Life Orientations”, the methods of “Studying the Motivational Profile of Personality”, and “Locus of Control”. There was conducted the cluster analysis which gave the possibility to figure out six motivational types connected with the effectiveness of servicemen operational activity. Motivational types were located between the poles which were introduced by two dimensions: self-efficacy (autonomous and controlled motivation) and motivation of helping others (motivations of public service - selfishness).Those motivational types of servicemen were the following: motivated by public service, stagnant, prosocial, romantic, deficient, and dependent. Distinguished types included the content, hierarchy, intensity of motives and their possibility to be implemented.</p