3 research outputs found

    Male carriers of HLA-C*04:01 have increased risk of cardiac injury in COVID-19

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    Identification of factors that lead to the severe clinical course of COVID-19 is crucial for timely allocation of resources. The purpose of this study was to evaluate possible sex differences in cardiac injury associated with HLA-C*04:01. High sensitivity troponin T on admission (hs-TnTa) and maximum high sensitivity troponin T (hs-TnTmax) were used to assess for cardiac injury in patients with COVID-19 (n = 435). We tested for the association of elevated hs-TnT with HLA-C* 04:01 and evaluated for potential sex-specific differences. An association between hs-TnTa and the severity of clinical course was identified. In addition, our study revealed that hs-TnTmax was higher in men who were carriers of HLA-C*04:01 compared to men without the risk allele. Male carriers of HLA-C*04:01 with COVID-19 developed higher hs-TnTmax, suggesting a larger extent of cardiac injury. This association suggests the presence of different pathomechanisms in COVID-19 based on sex

    Management of Pediatric Trauma.

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    Injury is still the number 1 killer of children ages 1 to 18 years in the United States (http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/children.htm). Children who sustain injuries with resulting disabilities incur significant costs not only for their health care but also for productivity lost to the economy. The families of children who survive childhood injury with disability face years of emotional and financial hardship, along with a significant societal burden. The entire process of managing childhood injury is enormously complex and varies by region. Only the comprehensive cooperation of a broadly diverse trauma team will have a significant effect on improving the care of injured children

    Migration and the Built Environment - Abstract, Projects, Conference Proceedings, Atti del Simposio Internazionale Caumme III/Paumme I, Napoli, novembre 24-25, 2016

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    The phenomenon of migration is as ancient as human socialization. However, in the last decades both phenomena have become a top political and discursive concern in many countries. The contemporary, more international dimension of migration and the spread of media perfectly epitomizes the “liquid” character of the present: something that changes in a constant fashion, but remains hard to contextualize. The global nature of migrations, linked to their increasing articulation, has been the object of widespread scholarly interest, especially in the humanities, to the point that the social scientists S. Castles e M.J. Miller define the last decades as “the migration era”, even if other, earlier historical periods witnessed even more numerous flows. It is unquestionable that, starting from World War I, migration has assumed a global character that has intensified in the last decade. This global dimension is linked to the host of different places involved in the two directions of the flow, to the formation of multiple migratory systems, to the amplification of the transnational character and, the transformation of the landscape of the transit places. Further, focusing on the long period, the transformations appear to affect even the destination places, as populations bring along their customs, behaviors, cultures and techniques. Such mutations involve numerous aspects beyond the anthropological, physical and spatial ones. They also affect the built environment and the processes of construction and representation of both cities and their architecture. CAUMME III - 2016 addresses a number of relevant concerns regarding the relationship between architecture, urbanism and migrations. What are the relevant impacts of migration on the host communities? What anthropological effects are linked to these phenomena? Are architectural aesthetics, the material use and the building techniques going to mutate under the pressure of migration? How is the urban landscape being transformed by flows of migration? What is happening to the housing environments? What kind of relationships are forming between transformation processes of the built environment and the social system in the presence of migrant communities