6,835 research outputs found

    Hamiltonian quantum simulation with bounded-strength controls

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    We propose dynamical control schemes for Hamiltonian simulation in many-body quantum systems that avoid instantaneous control operations and rely solely on realistic bounded-strength control Hamiltonians. Each simulation protocol consists of periodic repetitions of a basic control block, constructed as a suitable modification of an "Eulerian decoupling cycle," that would otherwise implement a trivial (zero) target Hamiltonian. For an open quantum system coupled to an uncontrollable environment, our approach may be employed to engineer an effective evolution that simulates a target Hamiltonian on the system, while suppressing unwanted decoherence to the leading order. We present illustrative applications to both closed- and open-system simulation settings, with emphasis on simulation of non-local (two-body) Hamiltonians using only local (one-body) controls. In particular, we provide simulation schemes applicable to Heisenberg-coupled spin chains exposed to general linear decoherence, and show how to simulate Kitaev's honeycomb lattice Hamiltonian starting from Ising-coupled qubits, as potentially relevant to the dynamical generation of a topologically protected quantum memory. Additional implications for quantum information processing are discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 5 color figure

    Distributed finite-time stabilization of entangled quantum states on tree-like hypergraphs

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    Preparation of pure states on networks of quantum systems by controlled dissipative dynamics offers important advantages with respect to circuit-based schemes. Unlike in continuous-time scenarios, when discrete-time dynamics are considered, dead-beat stabilization becomes possible in principle. Here, we focus on pure states that can be stabilized by distributed, unsupervised dynamics in finite time on a network of quantum systems subject to realistic quasi-locality constraints. In particular, we define a class of quasi-locality notions, that we name "tree-like hypergraphs," and show that the states that are robustly stabilizable in finite time are then unique ground states of a frustration-free, commuting quasi-local Hamiltonian. A structural characterization of such states is also provided, building on a simple yet relevant example.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Exact stabilization of entangled states in finite time by dissipative quantum circuits

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    Open quantum systems evolving according to discrete-time dynamics are capable, unlike continuous-time counterparts, to converge to a stable equilibrium in finite time with zero error. We consider dissipative quantum circuits consisting of sequences of quantum channels subject to specified quasi-locality constraints, and determine conditions under which stabilization of a pure multipartite entangled state of interest may be exactly achieved in finite time. Special emphasis is devoted to characterizing scenarios where finite-time stabilization may be achieved robustly with respect to the order of the applied quantum maps, as suitable for unsupervised control architectures. We show that if a decomposition of the physical Hilbert space into virtual subsystems is found, which is compatible with the locality constraint and relative to which the target state factorizes, then robust stabilization may be achieved by independently cooling each component. We further show that if the same condition holds for a scalable class of pure states, a continuous-time quasi-local Markov semigroup ensuring rapid mixing can be obtained. Somewhat surprisingly, we find that the commutativity of the canonical parent Hamiltonian one may associate to the target state does not directly relate to its finite-time stabilizability properties, although in all cases where we can guarantee robust stabilization, a (possibly non-canonical) commuting parent Hamiltonian may be found. Beside graph states, quantum states amenable to finite-time robust stabilization include a class of universal resource states displaying two-dimensional symmetry-protected topological order, along with tensor network states obtained by generalizing a construction due to Bravyi and Vyalyi. Extensions to representative classes of mixed graph-product and thermal states are also discussed.Comment: 20 + 9 pages, 9 figure

    General fixed points of quasi-local frustration-free quantum semigroups: from invariance to stabilization

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    We investigate under which conditions a mixed state on a finite-dimensional multipartite quantum system may be the unique, globally stable fixed point of frustration-free semigroup dynamics subject to specified quasi-locality constraints. Our central result is a linear-algebraic necessary and sufficient condition for a generic (full-rank) target state to be frustration-free quasi-locally stabilizable, along with an explicit procedure for constructing Markovian dynamics that achieve stabilization. If the target state is not full-rank, we establish sufficiency under an additional condition, which is naturally motivated by consistency with pure-state stabilization results yet provably not necessary in general. Several applications are discussed, of relevance to both dissipative quantum engineering and information processing, and non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics. In particular, we show that a large class of graph product states (including arbitrary thermal graph states) as well as Gibbs states of commuting Hamiltonians are frustration-free stabilizable relative to natural quasi-locality constraints. Likewise, we provide explicit examples of non-commuting Gibbs states and non-trivially entangled mixed states that are stabilizable despite the lack of an underlying commuting structure, albeit scalability to arbitrary system size remains in this case an open question.Comment: 44 pages, main results are improved, several proofs are more streamlined, application section is refine

    Generic pure quantum states as steady states of quasi-local dissipative dynamics

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    We investigate whether a generic multipartite pure state can be the unique asymptotic steady state of locality-constrained purely dissipative Markovian dynamics. In the simplest tripartite setting, we show that the problem is equivalent to characterizing the solution space of a set of linear equations and establish that the set of pure states obeying the above property has either measure zero or measure one, solely depending on the subsystems' dimension. A complete analytical characterization is given when the central subsystem is a qubit. In the N-partite case, we provide conditions on the subsystems' size and the nature of the locality constraint, under which random pure states cannot be quasi-locally stabilized generically. Beside allowing for the possibility to approximately stabilize entangled pure states that cannot be exact steady states in settings where stabilizability is generic, our results offer insights into the extent to which random pure states may arise as unique ground states of frustration free parent Hamiltonians. We further argue that, to high probability, pure quantum states sampled from a t-design enjoy the same stabilizability properties of Haar-random ones as long as suitable dimension constraints are obeyed and t is sufficiently large. Lastly, we demonstrate a connection between the tasks of quasi-local state stabilization and unique state reconstruction from local tomographic information, and provide a constructive procedure for determining a generic N-partite pure state based only on knowledge of the support of any two of the reduced density matrices of about half the parties, improving over existing results.Comment: 36 pages (including appendix), 2 figure

    Fault-Tolerant Quantum Dynamical Decoupling

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    Dynamical decoupling pulse sequences have been used to extend coherence times in quantum systems ever since the discovery of the spin-echo effect. Here we introduce a method of recursively concatenated dynamical decoupling pulses, designed to overcome both decoherence and operational errors. This is important for coherent control of quantum systems such as quantum computers. For bounded-strength, non-Markovian environments, such as for the spin-bath that arises in electron- and nuclear-spin based solid-state quantum computer proposals, we show that it is strictly advantageous to use concatenated, as opposed to standard periodic dynamical decoupling pulse sequences. Namely, the concatenated scheme is both fault-tolerant and super-polynomially more efficient, at equal cost. We derive a condition on the pulse noise level below which concatenated is guaranteed to reduce decoherence.Comment: 5 pages, 4 color eps figures. v3: Minor changes. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Suppression of decoherence in quantum registers by entanglement with a nonequilibrium environment

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    It is shown that a nonequilibrium environment can be instrumental in suppressing decoherence between distinct decoherence free subspaces in quantum registers. The effect is found in the framework of exact coherent-product solutions for model registers decohering in a bath of degenerate harmonic modes, through couplings linear in bath coordinates. These solutions represent a natural nonequilibrium extension of the standard solution for a decoupled initial register state and a thermal environment. Under appropriate conditions, the corresponding reduced register distribution can propagate in an unperturbed manner, even in the presence of entanglement between states belonging to distinct decoherence free subspaces, and despite persistent bath entanglement. As a byproduct, we also obtain a refined picture of coherence dynamics under bang-bang decoherence control. In particular, it is shown that each radio-frequency pulse in a typical bang-bang cycle induces a revival of coherence, and that these revivals are exploited in a natural way by the time-symmetrized version of the bang-bang protocol.Comment: RevTex3, 26 pgs., 2 figs.. This seriously expanded version accepted by Phys.Rev.A. No fundamentally new content, but rewritten introduction to problem, self-contained introduction of thermal coherent-product states in standard operator formalism, examples of zero-temperature decoherence free Davydov states. Also fixed a typo that propagated into an interpretational blunder in old Sec.3 [fortunately of no consequence

    Dynamical Decoupling Using Slow Pulses: Efficient Suppression of 1/f Noise

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    The application of dynamical decoupling pulses to a single qubit interacting with a linear harmonic oscillator bath with 1/f1/f spectral density is studied, and compared to the Ohmic case. Decoupling pulses that are slower than the fastest bath time-scale are shown to drastically reduce the decoherence rate in the 1/f1/f case. Contrary to conclusions drawn from previous studies, this shows that dynamical decoupling pulses do not always have to be ultra-fast. Our results explain a recent experiment in which dephasing due to 1/f1/f charge noise affecting a charge qubit in a small superconducting electrode was successfully suppressed using spin-echo-type gate-voltage pulses.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. v2: Many changes and update
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