23 research outputs found


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    Medicinal plants are considered as important source of promising bioactive compounds. Calotropis gigantea is a traditional medicinal plant which is known to have biochemical constituents with potential medicinal properties. Qualitative analysis showed the presence of alkaloids, terpenoids, saponins, tannins and cardiac glycosides and absence of flavonoids in ethanolic extract of C. gigantea, while the chloroform leaf extract showed absence of flavonoids and cardiac glycosides. Bioactive compounds since leaf and latex of C. gigantea utilized GC-MS and activity investigation. The GC-MS investigation uncovered the presence of complete 46 bioactive mixes (24 from leaves and 22 from latex) with significant movement. The majority of the mixes were discovered to be comparable in both leaf and latex, however little variety was likewise seen in their synthetic profile. The concoction mixes saw in just latex were 1-[(T-butyl) dimethyl silyl thin] butane, 1-Hexadecyne, Hexadecane, L-Glutamic corrosive, Phenol-3-isoproxy-5-methyl, Trocosane and Z-1,6-Tridecadiene. Mixes distinguished uniquely from the leaves were Azulene, Benalaxyl, Cis-vaccenic corrosive, Levomenol, Profenofos, β-Tocopherol and β-Sitosterol, while the remainder of the mixes were comparable in both leaf and latex. Major of bioactive compounds presents Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) analysis. C. gigantea is a perennial plant abundantly found in all parts of the country (India) and wild in nature. The leaves of the plant were found to contain various primary and secondary metabolites


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    A few conventional restorative plants contain in explored concerning their enemy of corpulence likely wellsprings of is Ipomoea sepiaria Koenig ex. Roxb. The medicine is supposed in tales game plan of prescription for various accommodating properties like, love elixir and arsenic hurting, tonic, re-establishing, diuretic, laxative, uterotonic and sterility in women and leaves is shown particularly in diabetes. Phytochemical screening of different concentrates of Ipomoea sepiaria exposed the presence and non-attendance of various phytochemicals are available in ethanol remove, further examinations were done with leaves of Ipomoea sepiaria ethanol separate. PC3 (PC-3) is a human prostate malignancy cell lines that are profoundly utilized in examining the biochemical changes prostatic disease cells. Explores on PC-3 human prostate malignancy cell lines control are required in the current many years. The anticancer action of fluid concentrate of Ipomoea sepiaria was researched by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)- 2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium (MTT) measure utilizing PC-3 cell line. The current experimentation was indicated that watery concentrate of Ipomoea sepiaria, when exposed to various focuses on PC-3 cells demonstrated IC50 cell hindrance at about 5μM for 48 hours and about 2 μM for 72 hours. The information made by this particular examination gives relevant pharmacognostic  and phytochemical data needed for proper distinctive confirmation and check of leaves of this particular  species. &nbsp


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    Drugs originating from plant sources are reflection to be a promising alternative for other synthetic anti-diabetics such as sulphonylureas, insulin treatment and biguanides. Plant products are believed to more preferable due to less toxicity, economic and better patient compliance. Hence, medicinal plants and products thereof are used in many countries in the treatment and management of diabetes. Vitamins are organic substances that are essential in minute amounts designed for the growth and activity of the body. They are obtained naturally on or after plant and animal foods. Organic in this definition refers in the direction of the chemistry with molecules. The word organic means that the molecules of substance contain the element carbon. The term also means that vitamins can be destroyed and become unable to perform their functions in our bodies. Every component plays an important role and deficiency of anyone constituent may lead to abnormal developments in the body. Plants are a rich source of all the elements essential for a human being. Qualitative analysis of various inorganic elements revealed the presence of calcium, magnesium, potassium, Iron, sulphates and phosphates. The present study of a good source of pharmacognostical and physicochemical parameters have pivotal roles in identification, authentication and establishment of quality parameters and vitamins of the species. Supplementation of this Costus pictus may be useful for human health associated emerging diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and cancer. &nbsp

    Immune System Might Promote Recovery for Mild COVID-19 Patients Impact of Coronavirus on Education in India Review

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    Coronavirus is a viral irresistible sickness brought about by SARS- COV2. Its clinical signs and side effects are on an expansive range going from asymptomatic to serious confusions like multi-organ disappointment, thromboembolism, and extreme pneumonia with respiratory disappointment. More awful results and higher death rates have been accounted for in the old, individuals with co-morbidities, and malnourished people. Sustenance is central to acceptable wellbeing and safe capacity. It frames an essential segment of therapy modalities for different intense and persistent infections, particularly where a causative therapy isn't yet perceived. Despite the fact that reviews tending to the part of explicit supplements in COVID-19 are still at a beginning phase, accessible proof recommends that addressing the necessities of a variety of large scale and miniature supplements (energy, proteins, fats, nutrients A, D, E, C, B nutrients, iron, selenium, zinc, and so forth) Additionally, supplements are Immune System Might Promote Recovery for Mild COVID-19 Patients Impact of Coronavirus on Education in India Review 466 determinants of the sythesis of the gut microbiota that thusly impacts the attributes of safe reactions in the body

    Influence of nitrogen dopant source on the structural, photoluminescence and electrical properties of ZnO thin films deposited by pulsed spray pyrolysis

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    The N-doped ZnO thin films have been deposited using pulsed spray pyrolysis from Zinc Acetate (ZA) precursor along with the N dopants of N2 carrier gas (N2 – series) and Ammonium Acetate (AA – series) on glass substrates at the optimized substrate temperature of 300 °C with different spraying pulse intervals. The X-ray powder diffraction studies confirmed the polycrystalline structures with the presence of mixed compressive and tensile strain along ‘a’ and ‘c-axes’ respectively for the N2 doped films and the presence of compressive strain alone along both ‘a’ and ‘c-axes’ for the AA doped films. The XPS analysis revealed that the N2 gas source led to the incorporation of elemental N into the film and the AA source led to the incorporation of both elemental and molecular N into the film. The Micro Raman Analysis confirmed the N-doping and its contributed carrier localization by exhibiting A1(LO) and A1(TO) modes. Photoluminescence studies exhibited the active band gap of ~3.19 eV with additional peaks related to hole traps at ~3 eV and electron traps at ~2.8 eV without exhibiting peaks correspond to oxygen vacancy defects. The Seebeck measurements confirmed the establishment of intrinsic p-type conductivity in both the cases at room temperature (RT) and the films deposited with pure elemental doping from N2 source found exhibiting better p-type conductivity than those films deposited using AA source

    Five-year retrospective study on primary hyperparathyroidism in South India: Emerging roles of minimally invasive parathyroidectomy and preoperative localization with methionine positron emission tomography-computed tomography scan

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    Background: Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is a common endocrine disease with a variable clinical presentation. PHPT is usually symptomatic at presentation in majority of the patients, especially in developing countries. As the accessibility to investigations, advanced imaging methods and surgical procedures are improving, the clinical profile of the patients with PHPT has undergone a palpable change compared to the earlier description. Hence we decided to look for a change in clinical, imaging and surgical outcomes of PHPT patients from South India. Methods: We collected the data on clinical presentation, biochemistry, radiological features and operative findings of patients with PHPT treated in our hospital from 2011-2015. Cases of PHPT were identified from the laboratory values using the biochemical criteria, after the exclusion of secondary and tertiary hyperparathyroidism cases. Results: Our study identified 54 patients (19 males and 35 females) with age ranging from 16 to 71 years. A Significant proportion(38.9%) of the patients were asymptomatic. Musculoskeletal symptoms (40.7%), renal manifestations (27.7%) and gastrointestinal system involvement (27.7%) constituted the other common modes of presentation. CNS involvement was seen in 3 patients. A palpable nodule in the neck was detected in 4 patients. Interestingly 4 patients were managed for parathyroid crisis at presentation. Biochemical features included hypercalcaemia (100%) and hypophosphatemia (59%) with a mean intact PTH level of 602.0±721.3 pg/ml. Sensitivity of Ultrasonography and Tc99M Sestamibi was 72% and 70.6% respectively for detecting a parathyroid adenoma. Sensitivity of C11 methionine PET-CT was 71.4% in those patients who were negative for other imaging modalities. Forty three patients (79.6%) underwent minimally invasive parathyroidectomy. Conclusion: In South India we have a notable change in the clinical presentation of PHPT from a symptomatic to an asymptomatic state. C11 Methionine PET - CT is an emerging modality for preoperative localisation especially when other imaging modalities are negative and when a minimally invasive parathyroidectomy is desired