112 research outputs found


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    A rationale for the set of theoretical and methodological techniques of mapping and deep modeling in the Russian Arctic shelf and adjacent sedimentary basins in continental Russia is based on the materials for the Barents and Kara Seas region. This article provides the factual basis of the research and shows how to apply zonal-block model of the crust and generalized models of geodynamic settings in terms of the different geophysical data inconsistency. The necessity and approach for global and regional paleo-reconstructions are also discussed. It is shown that localization of the principal structural and compositional units of the lithosphere being a consequence of geodynamic processes at the boundaries of lithospheric plates, form at the basis of sedimentary cover and crystalline basement layered maps as well as cross-sections of the continental crust. The identified parameters of the deep structure and milestones of the regional tectonic history open new opportunities to explore the regularities of ore deposits distribution. The shown example of the forecast and metallogeny problems solution within Western Siberia and Khatanga-Vilyui petroleum provinces is made using the parameters of known industrial oil and gas fields for training the pattern recognition system

    Possible Method for Measuring the Proton Form Factors in Processes with and without Proton Spin Flip

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    The ratio of the squares of the electric and magnetic proton form factors is shown to be proportional to the ratio of the cross sections for the elastic scattering of an unpolarized electron on a partially polarized proton with and without proton spin flip. The initial proton at rest should be polarized along the direction of the motion of the final proton. Similar results are valid for both radiative epep scattering and the photoproduction of pairs on a proton in the Bethe--Heitler kinematics. When the initial proton is fully polarized in the direction of the motion of the final proton, the cross section for the epepep \to ep process, as well as for the epepγep \to ep \gamma and γpeeˉp\gamma p \to e \bar e p processes, without (with) proton spin flip is expressed only in terms of the square of the electric (magnetic) proton form factor. Such an experiment on the measurement of the cross sections without and with proton spin flip would make it possible to acquire new independent data on the behavior of GE2(Q2)G_E^2(Q^2) and GM2(Q2)G_M^2(Q^2), which are necessary for resolving the contradictions appearing after the experiment of the JLab collaboration on the measurement of the proton form factors with the method of polarization transfer from the initial electron to the final proton.Comment: 7 pages, revtex

    Prevalence of Risk Factors of Thromboembolic Complications in Women after Major Joint Arthroplasty in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

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    The aim of this study was to assess the risk factors for thromboembolic complications after total arthroplasty of large joints in women in Yakutia conditions to optimize the management tactics of this category of patients. The average age of women was 59.98±11.56 years in the age range from 50 to 70 years. In order to validate the study, women were divided into 2 groups. The main group consisted of 284 women undergoing total knee arthroplasty (Group 1). The comparison group included 147 women undergoing total hip arthoplasty (Group 2). The study demonstrated that hypertension was more common in patients of Group 1 than in patients of Group 2. However, the incidence of coronary heart disease and heart rhythm disorder was detected most frequently in patients with total hip arthroplasty. Obesity, thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities, and liver disease were detected with almost the same frequency in women with total knee arthroplasty and those with total hip arthroplasty. The frequency of occurrence of complications depending on the risk factors for thromboembolic complications and the type of surgical treatment of the joint was equal in the two groups of studied patients

    Оценка эффективности нового набора реагентов для выявления мутаций, связанных с лекарственной устойчивостью микобактерий туберкулеза к рифампицину и изониазиду, методом ПЦР по данным клинических испытаний

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    The objective: to evalute effectiveness in clinical trials of the new kit of reagents of AmpliTest® MBT-Resist-I based on real-time PCR (RT-PCR) versus similar kits of reagent registered in Russia, to identify genetic markers of M. tuberculosis complex (MTB) resistance to rifampicin (RIF) and isoniazid (INH) in human biological samples and MTB cultures.Subjects and Methods. 200 DNA samples were studied, they had been obtained from biological specimens (sputum (N=100), bronchoalveolar lavage (N=50), biopsy (surgical material; N=50)) of pulmonary tuberculosis patients and containing MTB DNA at a concentration of at least 1 x 103 GE/ml, and from 100 DNA samples of MTB cultures. Efficiency of detecting mutations associated with MTB resistance to RIF and INH using the new kit of reagent of AmpliTest® MBT-Resist-I was evaluated in comparison with HP Amplitube-MDR-RV (OOO Sintol, Russia). In the case of discordant results, the target MTB DNA loci were sequenced by Sanger.Results. We observed complete agreement of the results and consequently high efficiency rates (positive and negative concordance of results - 100%, respectively) of the new kit of reagents of AmpliTest® MBT-Resist-I in comparison with the kit of reagent of Amplitube-MDR-RV in detection of mutations associated with MTB resistance to both RIF and INH, both for human samples and for MTB cultures. In two DNA samples of MTB cultures, an additional mutation (I572L) in the rpoB gene was detected using the new kit of reagents which was not detected by the comparison kit and was confirmed by Sanger sequencing.Conclusion. Inhalers vary significantly by the patients' ability to use them correctly. Asthma patients master the correct inhalation technique better versus COPD patients. Liquid inhalers were more difficult to be used correctly, and the best results were observed with multi-dose powder inhalers. The patient's training by a healthcare professional is critical to assure the correct use of inhalers.Цель исследования: оценка эффективности использования в клинических испытаниях нового набора реагентов (НР) «АмплиТест® МБТ-Резист-I» на основе ПЦР в реальном времени (ПЦР-РВ) в сравнении с аналогичным по назначению, зарегистрированным российским НР, по выявлению генетических маркеров резистентности М. tuberculosis complex (МБТ) к рифампицину (RIF) и изониазиду (INH) в образцах биологического материала человека и культурах МБТ.Материалы и методы. Были исследованы 200 образцов ДНК, полученных из биологического материала (мокроты (N=100), бронхоальвеолярного лаважа (N=50), биоптата (операционного материала; N=50)) от пациентов с туберкулезом лeгких и содержащих ДНК МБТ в концентрации не менее 1 х 103 ГЭ/мл, и 100 образцов ДНК культур МБТ. Оценку эффективности выявления мутаций, связанных с устойчивостью МБТ к RIF и INH, с помощью нового НР «АмплиТест® МБТ-Резист-I» проводили в сравнении с НР «Амплитуб-МЛУ-РВ» (ООО «Синтол», Россия). В случае получения дискордантных результатов целевые локусы ДНК МБТ секвенировали по Сэнгеру.Результаты. Получено полное совпадение результатов и, как следствие, высокие показатели эффективности (положительное и отрицательное соответствие результатов - 100% соответственно) нового НР «АмплиТест® МБТ-Резист-I» в сравнении с НР «Амплитуб-МЛУ-РВ» при выявлении мутаций, связанных с устойчивостью МБТ как к RIF, так и к INH, как для образцов биологического материала человека, так и для культур МБТ. В двух пробах ДНК культур МБТ с помощью нового НР обнаружена дополнительная мутация (I572L) в гене rpoB, не выявляемая набором сравнения и подтвержденная секвенированием по Сэнгеру


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    The paper reports on the deep geophysical studies performed by the Geological Survey of Russia (VSEGEI) under the international project – Deep Processes and Metallogeny of Northern, Central and Eastern Asia. A model of the deep crustal structure is represented by a set of crustal thickness maps and a 5400-km long geotransect across the major tectonic areas of Northeastern Eurasia. An area of 50000000 km2 is digitally mapped in the uniform projection. The maps show the Moho depths, thicknesses of the main crustal units (i.e. the sedimentary cover and the consolidated crust), anomalous gravity and magnetic fields (in a schematic zoning map of the study area), and types of the crust. The geotransect gives the vertical section of the crust and upper mantle at the passive margin of the Eurasian continent (including submarine uplifts and shelf areas of the Arctic Ocean) and the active eastern continental margin, as well as an area of the Pacific plate.В работе представлены результаты обобщения и интерпретации глубинных геофизических исследований, выполненных Геологической службой России (ВСЕГЕИ) в рамках международного проекта «Глубинные процессы и металлогения Северной, Центральной и Восточной Азии». Модель глубинного строения земной коры представлена комплектом карт, отражающих мощностные параметры земной коры, и геотрансектом протяженностью 5400 км, пересекающим основные тектонические области Северо-Восточной Евразии. Комплект цифровых карт, охватывающих область в 50 млн км2, создан в единой проекции и включает карты глубины залегания поверхности Мохоровичича, мощности основных подразделений земной коры (осадочный чехол и консолидированная земная кора), аномального поля силы тяжести и аномального магнитного поля, использованных для районирования территории, а также карту типов земной коры. Геотрансект пересекает северо-восточную часть Евразии и характеризует вертикальный срез земной коры и верхней мантии пассивной окраины Евразийского континента (включая глубоководные поднятия Северного Ледовитого океана и его шельфовую часть), активную восточную континентальную окраину и выходит в область Тихоокеанской плиты

    Safety and efficacy of convalescent plasma for COVID-19: the preliminary results of a clinical trial

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    Background. The lack of effective etiotropic therapy for COVID-19 has prompted researchers around the globe to seekr various methods of SARS-CoV-2 elimination, including the use of convalescent plasma. Aim. The aim of this work was to study the safety and efficacy of the convalescence plasma treatment of severe COVID-19 using the plasma containing specific antibodies to the receptor binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2 S protein in a titer of at least 1:1000. Methods. A single-center, randomized, prospective clinical study was performed at the FRCC FMBA of Russia with the participation of 86 patients who were stratified in two groups. The first group included 20 critically ill patients who were on mechanical ventilation the second group included 66 patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 and with spontaneous respiration. The patients in the second group were randomized into two cohorts in a ratio of 2:1. In the first cohort (46 patients), pathogen-reduced convalescent plasma was transfused (twice, 320 ml each), in the second cohort (20 patients) a similar amount of non-immune freshly frozen plasma was transfused to the patients. Results. The use of plasma of convalescents in patients with severe COVID-19 being on mechanical ventilation does not affect the disease outcome in these patients. The mortality rate in this group was 60%, which corresponds to the average mortality of COVID patients on mechanical ventilation in our hospital. In the second group, clinical improvement was detected in 75% and 51%, for convalescent and non-immune plasma, respectively. Of the 46 people who received convalescent plasma, three patients (6.5%) were transferred to mechanical ventilation, two of them died. In the group receiving non-immune plasma, the need for mechanical ventilation also arose in three patients (15%), of which two died. The hospital mortality in the group of convalescent plasma was 4.3%, which is significantly lower than the average COVID-19 hospital mortality at our Center (6.73%) and more than two times lower than the hospital mortality in the control group (n=150), matched by age and by the disease severity. Conclusions. Thus, we demonstrated a relative safety of convalescent plasma transfusion and the effectiveness of such therapy for COVID-19 at least in terms of the survival of hospitalized patients with severe respiratory failure without mechanical ventilation. In the absence of bioengineered neutralizing antibodies and effective etiotropic therapy, the use of hyperimmune convalescent plasma is the simplest and most effective method of specific etiopathogenetic therapy of severe forms of COVID-19


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    A rationale for the set of theoretical and methodological techniques of mapping and deep modeling in the Russian Arctic shelf and adjacent sedimentary basins in continental Russia is based on the materials for the Barents and Kara Seas region. This article provides the factual basis of the research and shows how to apply zonal-block model of the crust and generalized models of geodynamic settings in terms of the different geophysical data inconsistency. The necessity and approach for global and regional paleo-reconstructions are also discussed. It is shown that localization of the principal structural and compositional units of the lithosphere being a consequence of geodynamic processes at the boundaries of lithospheric plates, form at the basis of sedimentary cover and crystalline basement layered maps as well as cross-sections of the continental crust. The identified parameters of the deep structure and milestones of the regional tectonic history open new opportunities to explore the regularities of ore deposits distribution. The shown example of the forecast and metallogeny problems solution within Western Siberia and Khatanga-Vilyui petroleum provinces is made using the parameters of known industrial oil and gas fields for training the pattern recognition system

    New Settlements of the Golden Horde Period and Ottoman Time near Classical Antiquity Settlement Artesian in Eastern Crimea

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    The paper presents the results of archaeological survey in 2018–2021, related to the study of antiquities of the 14th –15th centuries and the epoch of the Crimean Khanate nearby and on the territory of the classical antiquity settlement Artesian, that is located in the north-west of the Kerch Peninsula on the territory of the Chistopolye rural settlement of the Lenino district in the Republic of Crimea. The Saltovo-Mayaki horizons of this settlement were almost completely introduced into scientific use, while the Golden Horde and late medieval time materials were only mentioned in publications and are generalized for the first time. Analysis of ceramic material found during reconnaissance works is given. Special attention is paid to Christian cultic finds unique to the region, represented by a fragment of the ancient Russian engolpion and a large iron cross. Information about synchronous nearby sites of the northern part of the Kerch Peninsula is briefly analyzed and the historical situation is considered roughly