733 research outputs found

    Quantum Fluctuations and Dynamic Clustering of Fluctuating Cooper Pairs

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    We derive exact expressions for the fluctuation conductivity in two dimensional superconductors as a function of temperature and magnetic field in the whole fluctuation region above the upper critical field H_{c2}(T). Focusing on the vicinity of the quantum phase transition near zero temperature, we propose that as the magnetic field approaches the line near H_{c2}(0) from above, a peculiar dynamic state consisting of clusters of coherently rotating fluctuation Cooper-pairs forms and estimate the characteristic size and lifetime of such clusters. We find the zero temperature magnetic field dependence of the the transverse magnetoconductivity above H_{c2}(0) in layered superconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Delocalization in two dimensional disordered Bose systems and depinning transition in the vortex state in superconductors

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    We investigate two-dimensional Bose system with the long range interactions in the presence of disorder. Formation of the bound states at strong impurity sites gives rise to an additional depletion of the superfluid density. We demonstrate the existence of the intermediate superfluid state where the condensate and localized bosons present simultaneously. We find that interactions suppress localization and that with the increase of the boson density the system experiences a sharp delocalization crossover into a state where all bosons are delocalized. We map our results onto the three dimensional system of vortices in type II superconductors in the presence of columnar defects; the intermediate superfluid state maps to an intermediate vortex liquid where vortex liquid neighbors pinned vortices. We predict the depinning transition within the vortex liquid and depinning induced vortex lattice/Bose glass melting

    Competitive localization of vortex lines and interacting bosons

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    We present a theory for the localization of three-dimensional vortex lines or two-dimensional bosons with short-ranged repulsive interaction which are competing for a single columnar defect or potential well. For two vortices we use a necklace model approach to find a new kind of delocalization transition between two different states with a single bound particle. This exchange-delocalization transition is characterized by the onset of vortex exchange on the defect for sufficiently weak vortex-vortex repulsion or sufficiently weak binding energy corresponding to high temperature. We calculate the transition point and order of the exchange-delocalization transition. A generalization of this transition to arbitrary vortex number is proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
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