313 research outputs found


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    Children experiencing trauma and entering child protective services have been continuously increasing. Problems associated with childhood trauma, such as neurodevelopmental disorder, trauma and stress-related disorders, personality disorders, substance use disorder, externalizing and internalizing disorders, academic problems, relational difficulties, and delinquent behaviors, have been found increasing despite advances in trauma and translational research. Children’s trauma is mostly interpersonal in nature and nested in their immediate environment. There is a need for a change in focus from helping children to overcome challenges and adversities to strengthening the resilience-building process by utilizing functional strengths in the environment to achieve sustainable outcomes. This study’s goal was to investigate how ecological community-oriented variables can help strengthen resilience-building processes of adaptive abilities and skills based on cognitive, behavioral, and motivational principles and moderate the progression of risks in children, adolescents, and young adults ages 10 and 21. The results of this study revealed that the ecological models comprising several community-oriented variables were statistically significant in influencing the expected variance on the resilience-building adaptive abilities of children, adolescents, and young adults

    Spectroscopic, Thermal and Biological Studies on Some Trivalent Ruthenium and Rhodium NS Chelating Thiosemicarbazone Complexes

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    The synthetic, spectroscopic, and biological studies of sixteen ring-substituted 4-phenylthiosemicarbazones and 4-nitrophenyl-thiosemicarbazones of anisaldehyde, 4-chlorobenzaldehyde, 4-fluorobenzaldehyde, and vanillin with ruthenium(III) and rhodium(III) chlorides are reported here. Their structures were determined on the basis of the elemental analyses, spectroscopic data (IR, electronic, (1)H and (13)C NMR) along with magnetic susceptibility measurements, molar conductivity and thermogravimetric analyses. Electrical conductance measurement revealed a 1 : 3 electrolytic nature of the complexes. The resulting colored products are monomeric in nature. On the basis of the above studies, three ligands were suggested to be coordinated to each metal atom by thione sulphur and azomethine nitrogen to form low-spin octahedral complexes with ruthenium(III) while forming diamagnetic complexes with rhodium(III). Both ligands and their complexes have been screened for their bactericidal activities and the results indicate that they exhibit a significant activity

    Raspodjela levofloksacina i njegovo izlučivanje mokraćom u febrilne križane teladi.

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    Disposition and urinary excretion of levofloxacin following a single intravenous administration of 4 mg/kg body mass were investigated in six febrile crossbred calves. The drug levels in plasma and urine were estimated by microbiological assay. Levofloxacin was rapidly distributed from the blood to the tissue compartment, as evidenced by the high values of the distribution coefficient (9.93 ± 0.73 h -1). The high AUC (11.5 ± 0.95 µg/mL/h) indicated good antibacterial activity of levofloxacin in calves. The elimination half-life, volume of distribution and total body clearance were 2.22 ± 0.07 h, 1.18 ± 0.15 L/kg and 0.36 ± 0.03 L/kg/h, respectively. About 37.7 per cent of the administered dose of levofloxacin was eliminated in urine within 24 h. An appropriate intravenous dosage regimen for levofloxacin would be 5.0 mg/kg, repeated at 12 h intervals for the treatment of bacterial infections, manifested with fever in calves.Istražena je raspodjela levofloksacina i njegovo izlučivanje mokraćom nakon jednokratne intravenske primjene u dozi od 4 mg/kg tjelesne mase u šestero febrilne križane teladi. Razine lijeka u plazmi i mokraći bile su procijenjene na osnovi mikrobiološkog postupka. Levofloksacin se brzo proširio iz krvi u tkiva što je vidljivo po visokim vrijednostima koeficijenta raspodjele (9,93 ± 0,73 h). Visoki AUC (površina ispod krivulje) (11,5 ± 0,95 µg/mL/sat) upućuje na dobro antibakterijsko djelovanje levofloksacina u teladi. Poluvrijeme eliminacije iznosilo je 2,22 ± 0,07 sati, volumen raspodjele 1,18 ± 0,15 L/kg, a ukupni klirens 0,36 ± 0,03 L/kg/sat. Oko 37,7% primijenjene doze levofloksacina bilo je tijekom 24 sata izlučeno putem mokraće. Kod bakterijskih zaraza što se očituju vrućicom levofloksacin treba primijeniti u dozi od 5,0 mg/kg u razmaku od 12 sati

    Obstetric outcome in sonologically short cervix: a prospective observational study

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    Background: Preterm delivery is associated with significant perinatal morbidity and mortality. The prediction or early detection of preterm labour is often difficult because signs and symptoms often vary only a little from the normal physiological symptoms and signs of pregnancy. Prediction of preterm birth should ideally be by a screening test with high sensitivity and high negative predictive value. The screening tools available today have not enabled obstetricians to decrease the incidence of preterm birth. However, they may allow time for in-utero transfer to a tertiary care centre as well as administration of glucocorticoids to enhance fetal lung maturity. Till 24 weeks period of gestation, a cervical length measurement of <25 mm increases the risk of preterm labour by 4.5 times. Only limited data are available about the significance of cervical length measurement beyond 24 weeks period of gestation.Methods: Antenatal patients were screened with trans-vaginal sonography (TVS) between 24 and 28 weeks period of gestation and cervical length recorded. Those who had undergone cervical encirclage prior to 24 weeks, those who were having vaginal bleeding or leaking of amniotic fluid, multifetal gestation and those who were unwilling for trans-vaginal sonography were excluded. A total of 611 antenatal patients were enrolled in the study, out of which 86 were lost to follow up. Relationship of cervical length with spontaneous preterm delivery at <34 weeks (primary outcome) and <37 weeks (secondary outcome) was statistically analyzed.Results: There was a significant association between cervical length <26 mm and risk of preterm delivery at <34 weeks. However, no such association could be found for PTD <37 weeks.Conclusions: The study confirmed that there is an increased risk of preterm delivery in women with sonologically short cervix. The study has brought out the significance of cervical length measurement after 24 weeks and its association with preterm labour at <34 weeks. Cervical length measurement by trans-vaginal sonography is a cost effective and simple method for prediction of preterm delivery at <34 weeks period of gestation

    Prevalence of ocular morbidity in rural population of eastern Uttar Pradesh, India

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    Background: Ocular morbidity is a significant problem in rural areas of India as it remains undiagnosed and neglected. Aims & Objectives:  To determine the prevalence of ocular morbidity in the rural population of Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh. Material & Methods: A community based cross-sectional study was conducted in the villages around RHTC Satrikh of HIMS Barabanki. Ocular examination and vision testing was done among 812 people using ophthalmoscopic instruments. Information was collected using pre-tested questionnaire. Analysis was done using SPSS and appropriate Statistical tests. Results: Of the total 812 individuals interviewed, the prevalence of ocular morbidity was 41.3% (335 subjects had one or more ocular morbidity); with 88.8% elderly affected (age >65 years).   Myopia was the most common ocular morbidity 14.8%, followed by cataract (14.3%) and hypermetropia (12.8%).  Allergic and infective conjunctivitis affected 5.8% and 3.9%, respectively.  The prevalence of Vitamin A deficiency disorder (including night blindness and bitot spots) was 1.3%.  Higher ocular morbidity was present in houses with higher SES. Environmental conditions had no significant relation to ocular morbidity.  Conclusion: The prevalence of ocular diseases among the elderly was highest and requires prompt attention.  Myopia was the most common ocular morbidity having a prevalence of 14.8%, followed by cataract (14.3%) and hypermetropia (12.8%)

    2 Loop Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Fuel Flow Controller Design for Air to Air Ducted Ramjet Rocket

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    Fuel Flow controller based ramjet propulsion system have a flexibility to change rocket velocity depending on guidance requirement by controlling the fuel flow rate as a function of atmospheric conditions like altitude, Mach no. and angle of attack. In this paper, Design objectives & requirements of fuel flow controller have been brought out from guidance loop for air-to-air target engagement. 2-loop non-linear dynamic inversion (DI) based controller design has been proposed to track the commanded thrust and to meet the time constant requirement as a function of altitude, Mach no. and angle of attack. The outer thrust loop is to control commanded thrust and to generate the demand for gas generator pressure loop and inner pressure loop is to meet outer loop demand by controlling throttle valve area. The engine state space plant model has been adapted with improvement of existing model. Throttle valve actuator specifications requirement are also brought out

    3 Loop Structure based Fuel Flow Controller Design for Robust Operation of Ducted Ramjet Rocket

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    This paper is about the designing of 3-loop structure based fuel flow controller (FFC) for efficient operation of supersonic ramjet based propulsion system. The main objective of the control design is to vary appropriately the engine controllable parameters (throttle value area) such that commanded thrust is achieved by ramjet engine without endangering the engine stability and performance. Various factors such as combustion-intake interaction, atmospheric disturbance and other flight conditions have a significant impact on the air intake operation which lead to effect on engine performance. Due to above effect, intake un-start and buzzing phenomena can occur due to back pressure fluctuation and it disturb the intake pressure recovery and air mass flow rate. So, back pressure based extra loop introduce in 2-loop FFC design to have tight control on back pressure margin for smooth and efficient operation of air intake without need of extra hardware


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    Access and Mobility Management Function (AMF) sets and regions, as defined in Release 15 of Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standards, provide for the hierarchical organization of AMFs in which an AMF can belong to a set, and different AMF sets can belong to an AMF region. When an AMF fails, a peer can then search for an AMF in the same set, and if that fails, can then search for an AMF in the same region. 3GPP Release 16 standards introduced the indirect communications that can involve a Service Communication Proxy (SCP). However, the hierarchical discovery of an AMF by an SCP is not fully described in standards. Thus, when AMF reselection is performed through an SCP, information indicating that reselection has occurred and which old AMF was hosting certain user equipment (UE) is not send to the new AMF, which can lead to race conditions. Presented herein are techniques to address such issues through the incorporation of additional information that can be appended to messaging provided to an SCP that can allow the SCP to perform AMF reselection and send the additional information to a newly selected AMF, which allows the new AMF to detect and resolve such race conditions

    Effects of integrated nutrient management on agronomical attributes of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) under field conditions

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    In this investigation the effects of different integrated nutrient management on agronomical attrib-utes of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L. cv. F1 Hybrid Arka Rakshak) under field conditions were investigated. Ten nutrients treatments viz., without nutrient (control) (T1), recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) (T2), agro residue vermicompost (ARV) @ 5 t ha-1 (T3), sugarcane pressmud compost (SPC) @ 5 t ha-1 (T4), cattle dung compost (CDC) @ 12.5 t ha-1 (T5), sewage sludge (SS) @ 2 t ha-1 (T6), T7 (50 % RDF + ARV @ 5 t ha-1), T8 (50 % RDF + SPC @ 5 t ha-1), T9 (50 % RDF + CDC @ 12.5 t ha-1) and T10 (50% RDF + SS @ 2 t ha-1) were used for the cultivation of L. esculentum. The results showed that different treatments showed significant (P-0.05/P-0.01) change in EC, OC, TKN, PO43-, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn of the soil. Among various treatments the most plant height, root length, dry weight, chlorophyll content, LAI, number of flowers/plant, fruits/plant, crop yield/plant, and biochemical ingredient like crude protein, dietary fiber, total carbohydrates and total sugar of L. esculentum was recorded with 50% RDF + ARV @ 5 t ha-1. The agronomical performance of L. esculentum was recorded in the order of T7 > T10 > T9 > T8 > T3 > T6 > T5 > T4 > T2 > T1 treatments. Thus, sole ARV and 50% RDF along with ARV @ 5 t ha-1 can be used to achieve the maximum crop yield of L. esculentum