26 research outputs found

    Gajo Petrović - Teaching and History of Logic

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    Udžbenik logike Gaje Petrovića poticajan je za raspravu o potrebi da logika i nadalje bude samostalan predmet i da bude zastupljena u nastavnom programu svake srednje Å”kole. Razlog je Å”to se logika odnosi na uspostavljanje i otkrivanje misli, na osnovi kojih bi se i pomoću kojih moglo pristupiti mjerodavnom rjeÅ”avanju filozofskih i znanstvenih problema. U vezi sa sintezom misli i njezina predmeta izlazi na vidjelo mogućnost korelacije gradiva iz logike i tema iz drugih filozofskih i znanstvenih disciplina. Tradicionalnu i modernu logiku (pri čemu je pojam modernoga povijesno problematičan) neophodno je sagledavati u njihovu suodnosu budući da svaka ima svoju (didaktičku) vrijednost. Usprkos tendenciji potiskivanja tradicionalnih logičkih tema, aktualnost tema koje je Petrović iznio u svojoj Logici neprijeporna je te bi ona i nadalje trebala biti zastupljena u Å”kolskom programu.Gajo Petrovićā€™s textbook Logic stimulates the discussion on the need that Logic should continue to be an independent school course, represented in the curriculum of every type of high school. The reason is that logic enables the foundation and revealing of the thought, which is the base for merit response to philosophical and scientific questions. In connection to the synthesis of thought and its object, emerges the possibility of correlation between course material of logics and those of other philosophical and scientific disciplines. The traditional and modern logic (where the term modern is historically problematic) should be examined in their interrelations given the fact that each of them posses its (didactic) value. Despite the tendency of suppressing the traditional themes from teaching of logic, the actuality of Petrovićā€™s Logic is unquestionable and it should be a part of curriculum

    The Historical and Freedom. On Milan Kangrgaā€™s Philosophy

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    Concepts such as: citizenā€™s subject, moral consciousness, autonomy of will, freedom, revolution, the historical, praxis, time, world - in relation to which the meaning of civil society, Marxism, capitalism, socialism, communism... could be understood plausibly, then the range of the national confronting the democratic - are keywords in Milan Kangrgaā€™s philosophy. He, through classical German Idealism, reconsiders a subject of (modern) ethics, the foundation of its limits also, of its moral consciousness and the human in him/herself. Kangrga reveals the possibilities of the autonomy of will (self-consciousness as a grounding for reason). That is why Kangrga reconsiders ethics or revolution alternative, against contemplation and reproductivity, as a realization of moral consciousness in a production of one ownā€™s world. Kangrga, following this line of thinking, emphasizes that the meaning of praxis is his/her free activity in a shaping of the world or history in which the time as a horizon of Creative being is possible. Kangrga believes that in a civil society, as a system of inter-relations between civic subjects, capitalism, although being constituted in it, essentially confronts it by accumulating Capital on the basis of alienated work. Kangrga thinks that from that, in an effort of a human to be identical - in humanity - to his/herself, comes a claim for surpassing of existing social contradictions. Kangrga reckons that for the purpose of civil society: to socialism (in a form of human community) and to communism (as a principle of human community), democracy is immanent, as a method of their establishment. According to Kangrga, democracy is - due its principle foundation in humanity of human - in opposition to nationalism, which verifies the existing circumstances by involution of the origin of every human in a Ā»privilegedĀ« community. Kangrga is also a distinctive historian of philosophy. Namely, by reconsidering divergencies in Marxism, he explicates the authenticity of Marxā€™s thought, formed in a logical and historical continuity of a modern European philosophy, following the line from Kant to Hegel, in particular. Inspired by this heritage, Kangrga - with his critical approach to other philosophical orientations, and also in regard to prosaic social-political phenomena - affirms his intellectual engagement

    The Meaning of Range in Conceptual Relations

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    U članku se dokazuje da odnosi među pojmovima u bitnome ovise o tome u dosegu kojeg se pojma promatraju. Pa tako pojmovi koji su koordinirani promatraju li se s obzirom na doseg pojma Ā»jezikĀ« postaju disparatni promatraju li se s obzirom na doseg pojma Ā»indoeuropski jezikĀ«. Jednako vrijedi i za druge odnose među pojmovima koji se mijenjaju s promjenom pojma s obzirom na čiji se doseg misle.This article proves that the relations between concepts significantly depend upon the range of the concept that they are considered within. Thus, coordinated concepts, if considered with respect to the range of the concept ā€˜languageā€™, become disparate. The same holds for all the other relations between concepts which change with the change of the concept in respect of the range of which they are reflected on