159 research outputs found

    The 1980 pressure response and flank failure of Mount St. Helens (USA) inferred from seismic scaling exponents

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    The cataclysmic 18 May 1980 eruption at Mount St. Helens was preceded by intense seismic activity marking the mechanical response of the volcanic edifice to interior pressurisation. This seismicity is analysed to yield the temporal change in the seismic scaling exponent, D, inferred from the seismic b-value, that in-turn is related to the seismic moment of an earthquake. Time evolution of D preceding the eruption onset reveals: (1) a major decrease in D occurring over only a few days at the end of March; (2) a steady but stepped decrease in D (steps ~5–10 days) occurring from the end of March to early May; (3) a sharp decrease in D in early May; and (4) steady low values of D occurring 2–3 days before the eruption onset. This response is interpreted as major ruptures, formed at the end of March, arresting and participating in, but not triggering the ultimate failure of the flank. Rather, the rate of interior fracturing slowed in the 2 months preceding the 18 May 1980 major blast, and the triggering of failure is consistent with interior gas overpressurisation. The occurrence of two swarms of low frequency seismic events and the high values of the harmonic tremor indicate the action of interior pressurisation on a cycle of 20–25 days. Solutions are applied to represent the harmonic interior pressurisation of the edifice by gas exsolving from the volcano core. The transient radial migration of overpressured gas may reduce the apparent strength of the edifice, and ultimately trigger failure of the flank. Importantly, this mechanism is capable of triggering flank failure both after multiple core pressurisation cycles have been sustained, and as core pressures are low and diminishing—and may be a minimum. These twin attributes are both apparent in the seismic record for Mount St. Helens, used as a proxy for the unrecorded timing and magnitude of gas pressurisation at the volcano core.Published155-168partially_ope

    Relating seismic velocities, thermal cracking and permeability in Mt. Etna and Iceland basalts

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    We report simultaneous laboratory measurements of seismic velocities and fluid permeability on lava flow basalt from Etna (Italy) and columnar basalt from Seljadur (Iceland). Measurements were made in a servo-controlled steady-state-flow permeameter at effective pressures from 5–80 MPa, during both increasing and decreasing pressure cycles. Selected samples were thermally stressed at temperatures up to 900 °C to induce thermal crack damage. Acoustic emission output was recorded throughout each thermal stressing experiment. At low pressure (0–10 MPa), the P-wave velocity of the columnar Seljadur basalt was 5.4 km/s, while for the Etnean lava flow basalt it was only 3.0–3.5 km/s. On increasing the pressure to 80 MPa, the velocity of Etnean basalt increased by 45%–60%, whereas that of Seljadur basalt increased by less than 2%. Furthermore, the velocity of Seljadur basalt thermally stressed to 900 °C fell by about 2.0 km/s, whereas the decrease for Etnean basalt was negligible. A similar pattern was observed in the permeability data. Permeability of Etnean basalt fell from about 7.5×10−16 m2 to about 1.5×10−16 m2 over the pressure range 5–80 MPa, while that for Seljadur basalt varied little from its initial low value of 9×10−21 m2. Again, thermal stressing significantly increased the permeability of Seljadur basalt, whilst having a negligible effect on the Etnean basalt. These results clearly indicate that the Etnean basalt contains a much higher level of crack damage than the Seljadur basalt, and hence can explain the low velocities (3–4 km/s) generally inferred from seismic tomography for the Mt. Etna volcanic edifice

    Spectral analysis and correlation of ambient seismic noise. The case study of Madonna del Sasso (NW Italy)

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    Ambient vibrations recorded on potentially-unstable rock slopes show that the temporal variations in the spectral content and in the correlation of seismic noise can be related to both reversible and irreversible changes within the rock mass. In this work, we analyzed the seismic recordings acquired at the potentiallyunstable granitic cliff of Madonna del Sasso (NW Italy) from October 2013 to November 2014. The spectral content of noise systematically highlighted clear energy peaks at specific frequencies on the most unstable sector, interpreted as resonant frequencies of the investigated volume. Horizontal ground motion at the fundamental frequency was moreover found to be orthogonal to the main fractures observed at the site and consequently parallel to the potential direction of collapse. Cross-correlation was computed between the recordings of the sensors placed in the prone-to-fall compartment and a stable reference station. Both the temporal variations of the resonant frequencies and the results of cross-correlation showed seasonal reversible variations related to temperature fluctuations. No irreversible changes, resulting from damage processes within the rock mass, were detected during the monitored period

    Decarbonation and thermal microcracking under magmatic P-T-fCO2 conditions: the role of skarn substrata in promoting volcanic instability

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    We present a systematic study on the influence of pressure (0.1-600 MPa), temperature (750- 1200oC), carbon dioxide fugacity (logfCO2 = -4.41 to 3.60) and time (2-12 hr) on the chemical and physical properties of carbonate rock. Our experiments aim to reproduce the conditions at the periphery of magma chamber where carbonate host rock is influenced by, but not readily assimilated by, magma. This permits the investigation of the natural conditions at which circulating fluids/gases promote infiltration reactions typical of metasomatic skarns that can involve large volumes of subvolcanic carbonate basements. Results show that, providing that carbon dioxide is retained in the pore space, decarbonation does not proceed at any magmatic pressure and temperature. However, when the carbon dioxide is free to escape, decarbonation can occur rapidly and is not hindered by a low initial porosity or permeability. Together with carbon dioxide and lime, portlandite, a mineral commonly found in voluminous metasomatic skarns, readily forms during carbonate decomposition. Post-experimental analyses highlight that thermal microcracking, a result of the highly anisotropic thermal expansion of calcite, exerts a greater influence on rock physical properties (porosity, ultrasonic wave velocities and elastic moduli) than decarbonation. Our data suggest that this will be especially true at the margins of dykes or magma bodies, where temperatures can reach up to 1200oC. However, rock compressive strength is significantly reduced by both thermal cracking and decarbonation, explained by the relative weakness of lime + portlandite compared to calcite, and an increase in grain size with increasing temperature. Metasomatic skarns, whose petrogenetic reactions may involve a few tens of cubic kilometres, could therefore represent an important source of volcanic instability. © The Authors 2013 Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society
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