1,715 research outputs found

    Dialoghi post-secolari

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    Un uomo politico e un vescovo, fondatore della Comunità di Sant'Egidio, conducono con questo loro originale colloquio nella dimensione "post-secolare", che è stata così definita per indicare un tempo in cui la religione chiede più visibilità e influenza nello spazio pubblico. Fede e ragione sono chiamate in queste pagine ad una nuova alleanza di fronte alla crisi profonda in cui versa l'intero pianeta, superando le armature concettuali che le vogliono alternative. Davanti alla necessità di gestire con criteri nuovi le possibilità illimitate della scienza e di trovare convergenze su assoluti etici, il dialogo propone un nuovo umanesimo per il XXI secolo, che individui un modello di laicità nel quale la religione non sia confinata nel privato, ma possono concorrere al bene di tutti e favorire la convivenza civile

    On the symmetric rearrangement of the gradient of a Sobolev function

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    In this paper, we generalize a classical comparison result for solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions, to solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi equations with non-zero boundary trace. As a consequence, we prove the isoperimetric inequality for the torsional rigidity (with Robin boundary conditions) and for other functionals involving such boundary conditions

    Estimates on the Neumann and Steklov principal eigenvalues of collapsing domains

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    We investigate the relationship between the Neumann and Steklov principal eigenvalues emerging from the study of collapsing convex domains in R2\mathbb{R}^2. Such a relationship allows us to give a partial proof of a conjecture concerning estimates of the ratio of the former to the latter: we show that thinning triangles maximize the ratio among convex thinning sets, while thinning rectangles minimize the ratio among convex thinning with some symmetry property

    The use of mathematical models for the management of operations in water distribution networks

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    Il presente progetto viene articolato in 4 parti distinte: le prime due parti teoriche fanno da introduzione e sviluppo al caso di studio vero e proprio; sono necessarrie a spiegare cosa sono i modelli matematici e a che scopo vengono utilizzati nelle reti idriche di distribuzione, quali sono gli strumenti necessari al confezionamento e quali parte integrante. La terza parte analizza la rete di Valencia e descrive il modello strategico, utilizzato dall’impresa direttrice Aguas de Valencia S.A., nei tipici scenari in cui esso funge da strumento di supporto per prendere le decisioni per la gestione delle operazioni; nell’ultima parte vengono analizzati i risultati ottenuti dal modello e i campi in cui vengono indirizzati gli sviluppi futuri: 1. Uso dei modelli idraulici nelle reti di distribuzione d’acqua in pressione; 2. Strumenti e informazioni necessari al confezionamento del modello; 3. Applicazione del modello alla rete di Valencia e simulazione di una situazione d’emergenza; 4. Utilità del progetto e sviluppo futuro

    A Model For e-Government Digital Document

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    The presence of a great amount of information is typical of bureaucratic processes, like the ones pertaining to public and private administrations. Such information is often recorded on paper or in different digital formats and its management is very expensive, both in terms of space used for storing documents and in terms of time spent in searching for the documents of interest. Furthermore, the manual management of these documents is absolutely not error-free. To efficiently access the information contained in very large document repositories, such as public administration archives, techniques for syntactic and semantic document management are required, so to ensure a large and intense process of document dematerialization, and eliminate, or at least reduce, the quantity of paper documents. In this work we present a novel RDF model of digital documents for improving the dematerialization effectiveness, that constitutes the starting point of an information system able to manage documental streams in the most efficient way. Such model takes into account the important need that is required in several E-Government applications which, depending on authorities or final users or time, provides different representations of the same multimedia contents

    On the gradient rearrangement of functions

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    In this paper, we introduce a symmetrization technique for the gradient of a \BV function, which separates its absolutely continuous part from its singular part (sum of the jump and the Cantorian part). In particular, we prove an \text{\emph{L}}^{\text{1}} comparison between the function and its symmetrized. Furthermore, we apply this result to obtain Saint-Venant type inequalities for some geometric functionals

    A diagnostic trap for the dermatopathologist: granulomatous reactions from cutaneous microimplants for cosmetic purposes.

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    We present a case of late granulomatous reactions from silicone that first appeared in a site different from that of the injection causing an incorrect diagnosis of liposarcoma in the beginning. The histological picture was a cystic-macrophagic granuloma in both the injection site (upper lip) and the migrating site (paranasal regions). We think that the foreign body has undergone an antigravity migration from the upper lip to the right paranasal region. To our knowledge, such a phenomenon has not been yet reported in literature
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