10 research outputs found

    Characteristics of the population (N = 3076).

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    <p>Values are percentages for categorical variables, means (SD) for continuous, normally distributed variables and medians (IQD) for non-normally distributed variables.</p

    Multilevel logistic regression models of neighborhood ethnic diversity and ethnic background on maternal-reported CBCL Total Problems (N = 3076).

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    <p>Models include 60 levels (neighborhoods). Variance (SE) null model 0.39 (0.14); p-value<0.001.</p><p>Model 1 is adjusted for child gender, age, maternal age, marital status, parity, maternal educational level, family income Model 2 is adjusted for neighborhood wealth and urbanity level.</p><p>Model 3 is the fully-adjusted model.</p>a<p>Models 1 and 3 repeated with maternal ethnic background categorized as Dutch vs. Non-Dutch.</p>*<p>p<0.05.</p>**<p>p<0.01.</p>***<p>p<0.001.</p

    Diminishing causal effect of developmental overnutrition across the life course.

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    <p>Multivariable and IV effect estimates from ALSPAC at ages 7–18 (<a href="http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.1002221#pmed.1002221.t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>) compared with those obtained when investigating the effect of maternal BMI on offspring ponderal index (kg/m<sup>3</sup>) at birth in the same cohort.</p

    Per-protocol analyses: Prevalence and effect estimates of primary and secondary outcomes at age 6 years follow-up by allocation group.

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    <p>*Adjusted for randomisation stratum, and baseline prevalence of outcomes. Care as usual is the reference group.</p>a<p>Data are numerator/denominator (%).</p>b<p>Mean ± standard deviation.</p>c<p>Median (range).</p>d<p>No baseline measurement available.</p>e<p>Applying Bonferroni correction: we performed 20 comparisons. At p = 0.0025 (i.e. 0.05/20), the decreased risk on ETS exposure at home ever in the intervention group remained statistically significant.</p><p>Numbers of children does not equal the sum of the denominators in each subgroup because only those with baseline and follow-up data are included. Measurements on FeNO and Rint were available for respectively 3497 (45%) and 3828 (49%) of the participating children. FeNO = Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide, Rint = airway resistance, ETS = Environmental Tobacco Smoke.</p

    Flow of participants through the study.

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    <p>FeNO = fractional exhaled nitric oxide, HRQOL = health related quality of life, Rint = airway resistance, ETS = environmental tobacco smoke.</p

    Baseline characteristics by allocation group (n = 7775).

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    <p>Values are absolute numbers (percentages) for categorical variables. *Tested for differences in characteristics in intervention and control group using multinomial regression adjusted for randomisation stratum. Characteristics established using postal questionnaires during pregnancy included: <i>smoking during pregnancy</i> (yes, no), <i>maternal atopy</i> (yes, no), <i>maternal ethnicity</i> (Dutch, non-Western, other-Western) and <i>maternal educational level</i>. The Dutch Standard Classification of Education was used to categorise women’s self-reported highest education qualification <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0090982#pone.0090982-Statistics1" target="_blank">[21]</a>: low (less than 4 years of high school), middle (college), and high (Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree). Data on net household income were available at the 2<sup>nd</sup> year of life. <i>Birth weight</i> (grams) and <i>gestational age at birth</i> (weeks) were obtained from medical records. Postnatal factors were established using questionnaires and included: <i>breastfeeding ever</i> at age 0–6 months (yes, no); <i>keeping pets</i> (yes, no) at the 1<sup>st</sup> year of life; <i>ETS exposure</i> at home (yes, no) measured at age 0–6 months; <i>respiratory tract infections</i> (yes, no) <i>and wheezing</i> (yes, no) at the 1<sup>st</sup> year of life.</p

    Intention-to-treat analyses: Prevalence and effect estimates of primary and secondary outcomes at age 6 years follow-up by allocation group.

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    a<p>Data are numerator/denominator (%).</p>b<p>Mean ± standard deviation.</p>c<p>Median (range).</p>d<p>No baseline measurement available. Numbers of children does not equal the sum of the denominators in each subgroup because only those with baseline and follow-up data are included. Measurements on FeNO and Rint were available for respectively 3497 (45%) and 3828 (49%) of the participating children. FeNO = Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide, Rint = airway resistance, ETS = Environmental Tobacco Smoke. *Adjusted for randomisation stratum, and baseline prevalence of outcomes. Care as usual is the reference group.</p

    Prevalence of ETS exposure at home of intervention and control (usual care) group by child’s age (Intention-to-treat analysis).

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    <p>ETS exposure at home was defined based on the question ‘Do people smoke occasionally at home?’. Values are percentages and were tested for differences in characteristics in intervention and control group using logistic regression analyses. Population for analysis (N) and <i>P</i> values: Prenatal (N = 5598): p>0.05, 6 months (N = 4233): p>0.05, age 2 years (N = 5290): p = 0.02, age 3 years (N = 4894): p = 0.004, age 6 years (N = 4604): p>0.05.</p