24 research outputs found

    Feasibility of ASsisTed WARfarin Dosing by Clinical Pharmacy Support Assistants (FAST-WARD Study)

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    ABSTRACTBackground: Pharmacy-managed warfarin dosing has been established at Burnaby Hospital, in Burnaby, British Columbia, for over 10 years. With increases in the number and acuity of patients enrolled, it has become challenging to maintain a successful anticoagulation program. The clinical pharmacy support assistant (CPSA) program was initiated to support the provision of clinical pharmacy services. At the time of the study, Burnaby Hospital had 2 CPSAs. It was anticipated that the pharmacy-managed inpatient warfarin dosing service might benefit from support through the CPSA program to maintain a consistent level of delivery.Objective: To examine the feasibility of CPSAs supporting the pharmacy-managed inpatient warfarin dosing service at Burnaby Hospital. Feasibility was based on 4 key parameters: knowledge base, accuracy of data collection, dosage recommendations, and time spent on the process.Methods: An observational, prospective pilot study was conducted over 3 months. The CPSAs were given appropriate education and training, and their performance was assessed to determine the feasibility of CPSAassisted warfarin dosing. The CPSAs had to achieve a priori target scores for each of the 4 parameters in order for CPSA-assisted warfarin dosing to be considered feasible.Results: After the didactic sections, both CPSAs answered all review questions correctly. The accuracy of data collection (based on 60 patient encounters) was 98.3%. The warfarin regimens recommended by the CPSAs were similar to those recommended by the clinical pharmacists, with doses differing by a mean of 0.46 mg. For 39 (65%) of the 60 patient encounters, the dosing recommendations of CPSAs and clinical pharmacists were identical. The average time spent per patient encounter was 10.5 min.Conclusion: With appropriate training and education, it is feasible for CPSAs to support the pharmacy-managed inpatient warfarin dosing program at Burnaby Hospital.RÉSUMÉContexte : Un programme d’ajustement posologique de la warfarine gĂ©rĂ© par le pharmacien est en place Ă  l’hĂŽpital Burnaby depuis plus de 10 ans. Comme le nombre de patients inscrits au programme s’accroĂźt et que la gravitĂ© des cas augmente, il est maintenant difficile pour le programme d’anticoagulothĂ©rapie de conserver le mĂȘme niveau de performance. Le programme d’assistant au soutien de la pharmacie clinique (ASPC) a Ă©tĂ© mis en place dans le but de soutenir la prestation de services de pharmacie clinique. Au moment de l’étude, l’hĂŽpital Burnaby avait deux ASPC. Le service d’ajustement par le pharmacien de la posologie de la warfarine des patients hospitalisĂ©s pourrait bĂ©nĂ©ficier du soutien du programme d’ASPC afin de conserver un niveau de prestation uniforme.Objectif : Étudier la possibilitĂ© pour les ASPC de soutenir le service d’ajustement par le pharmacien de la posologie de la warfarine des patients hospitalisĂ©s offert par l’hĂŽpital Burnaby. La faisabilitĂ© Ă©tait fondĂ©e sur quatre paramĂštres clĂ©s : la base de connaissances, l’exactitude de la collecte de donnĂ©es, les recommandations posologiques et le temps allouĂ© au processus.MĂ©thodes : Une Ă©tude pilote prospective observationnelle a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur une pĂ©riode de trois mois. Les ASPC ont obtenu un enseignement et une formation adĂ©quate et, suite Ă  cela, leur travail a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© dans le but de dĂ©terminer si une aide Ă  l’ajustement posologique de la warfarine est possible. Les ASPC devaient atteindre des scores prĂ©dĂ©finis a priori pour chacun des quatre paramĂštres pour que leur aide Ă  l’ajustement posologique de la warfarine soit considĂ©rĂ©e comme faisable.RĂ©sultats : AprĂšs avoir participĂ© aux volets didactiques, les deux ASPC ont rĂ©pondu correctement Ă  l’ensemble des questions d’évaluation. L’exactitude de la collecte de donnĂ©es (fondĂ©e sur 60 rencontres avec des patients) Ă©tait de 98,3 %. Les schĂ©mas posologiques de warfarine recommandĂ©s par les assistants Ă©taient semblables Ă  ceux recommandĂ©s par les pharmaciens cliniciens et variaient en moyenne de 0,46 mg. Pour 39 (65 %) des 60 rencontres avec des patients, les recommandations posologiques des assistants Ă©taient identiques Ă  celles des pharmacienscliniciens. Chaque rencontre durait en moyenne 10,5 minutes.Conclusion : À l’aide d’une formation et d’un enseignement adĂ©quats, il est donc possible pour les ASPC de soutenir le programme d’ajustement par le pharmacien de la posologie de la warfarine des patients hospitalisĂ©s offert par l’hĂŽpital Burnaby

    Feasibility of ASsisTed WARfarin Dosing by Clinical Pharmacy Support Assistants (FAST-WARD Study)

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    BACKGROUND: Pharmacy-managed warfarin dosing has been established at Burnaby Hospital, in Burnaby, British Columbia, for over 10 years. With increases in the number and acuity of patients enrolled, it has become challenging to maintain a successful anticoagulation program. The clinical pharmacy support assistant (CPSA) program was initiated to support the provision of clinical pharmacy services. At the time of the study, Burnaby Hospital had 2 CPSAs. It was anticipated that the pharmacy-managed inpatient warfarin dosing service might benefit from support through the CPSA program to maintain a consistent level of delivery. OBJECTIVE: To examine the feasibility of CPSAs supporting the pharmacy-managed inpatient warfarin dosing service at Burnaby Hospital. Feasibility was based on 4 key parameters: knowledge base, accuracy of data collection, dosage recommendations, and time spent on the process. METHODS: An observational, prospective pilot study was conducted over 3 months. The CPSAs were given appropriate education and training, and their performance was assessed to determine the feasibility of CPSA-assisted warfarin dosing. The CPSAs had to achieve a priori target scores for each of the 4 parameters in order for CPSA-assisted warfarin dosing to be considered feasible. RESULTS: After the didactic sections, both CPSAs answered all review questions correctly. The accuracy of data collection (based on 60 patient encounters) was 98.3%. The warfarin regimens recommended by the CPSAs were similar to those recommended by the clinical pharmacists, with doses differing by a mean of 0.46 mg. For 39 (65%) of the 60 patient encounters, the dosing recommendations of CPSAs and clinical pharmacists were identical. The average time spent per patient encounter was 10.5 min. CONCLUSION: With appropriate training and education, it is feasible for CPSAs to support the pharmacy-managed inpatient warfarin dosing program at Burnaby Hospital

    Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Gynecologic Patients: Lessons Learned from Protocol Standardization

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    ABSTRACT Background: Standardized protocols for the treatment and prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) have been used to optimize patient care. The effectiveness of a protocol depends on the user and on the antiemetic agents selected. Ridge Meadows Hospital, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, initiated its PONV protocol in 2002, but it had not previously been evaluated.Objectives: To compare the efficacy of the Ridge Meadows Hospital PONV protocol with that of care provided to historical controls and to measure rates of compliance with the protocol.Methods: The study was a chart review of 100 randomly selected gynecologic cases. Patient data from the end of the procedure until 48 h after surgery were analyzed. A patient was considered to have experienced an episode of postoperative nausea if such was recorded in the chart or an antiemetic drug was given during the study period. A patient was considered to have experienced an episode of postoperative vomiting if such was recorded in the chart.Results: Because only 2 of 50 patients in the PONV protocol group had received care that was congruent with the protocol, it was impossible to fulfill the objectives of this study.Conclusions: The low rate of compliance with the PONV likely resulted from the complexities of the algorithm and the lack of staff training. It is recommended that the protocol be either revised or abandoned.RÉSUMÉ Historique : Les protocoles standardisĂ©s pour le traitement et la prĂ©vention des nausĂ©es et vomissements postopĂ©ratoires (NVPO) ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s pour optimiser les soins aux patients. L’efficacitĂ© d’un protocole dĂ©pend de la personne qui lĂ­utilise et de l’antiĂ©mĂ©tique qui est choisi. L’hĂŽpital Ridge Meadows, Maple Ridge en Colombie-Britannique a mis de l’avant son protocole NVPO en 2002, sans l’avoir prĂ©alablement Ă©valuĂ©.Objectifs : Comparer l’efficacitĂ© du protocole NVPO de l’hĂŽpital Ridge Meadows aux soins prodiguĂ©s aux patientes du groupe tĂ©moin historique et mesurer les taux d’adhĂ©sion au protocole.MĂ©thodes : L’étude consistait en un examen des dossiers mĂ©dicaux de 100 patientes en chirurgie gynÈcologique choisies au hasard. Les donnĂ©es recueillies au cours des 48 heures ayant suivi la fin de l’intervention ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es. Une patiente Ă©tait rĂ©putĂ©e avoir eu un Ă©pisode de nausĂ©es postopĂ©ratoires si cette information Ă©tait consignĂ©e dans son dossier ou si un antiĂ©mĂ©tique lui avait Ă©tĂ© administrĂ© pendant la durĂ©e de l’étude. Une patiente Ă©tait rĂ©putĂ©e avoir eu un Ă©pisode de vomissements postopĂ©ratoires si cette information Ă©tait inscrite son dossier.RĂ©sultats : Étant donnĂ© que seulement deux des 50 patientes du groupe du protocole NVPO ont reÁu des soins conformĂ©ment au protocole, il a Ă©tĂ© impossible dĂ­atteindre les objectifs de cette Ă©tude.Conclusions : Le faible taux d’adhĂ©sion au protocole NVPO semble ĂȘtre attribuable la complexitĂ© de lĂ­algorithme et au manque de formation du personnel. Il est recommandĂ© soit de revoir le protocole, soit de l’abandonner

    Risk Evaluation for Antipsychotic Agents Used in Elderly Inpatients (REPAIR)

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    ABSTRACTBackground: Antipsychotics have been approved for the treatment of certain psychiatric illnesses. However, these medications are also frequently used off label, and recent studies have suggested a concerning potential increase in the risk of death when used by elderly patients with dementia. Most of the available literature focusing on off-label use of antipsychotics comes from long-term care facilities; there is a lack of quantitative data for elderly patients in the acute care setting. This study was designed to examine this scenario and to identify potential quality improvement opportunities to minimize harm.Objectives: The primary objectives were to determine the prevalence of hospital-initiated off-label use of antipsychotics for elderly inpatients and to determine the plan for these drugs upon discharge. The secondary objectives included identifying the most common diagnosis and the most common agent used.Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed with a convenience sample. Patients included in the analysis were elderly adults (≄ 65 years) who had been admitted to either of 2 medical units at a community hospital between September 1 and November 8, 2014. Descriptive statistics were used to examine prevalence patterns for the off-label use of antipsychotics. Results: A total of 250 patients were included in the analysis. Forty-five patients (18%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 13.7%–23.2%) received a hospital-initiated antipsychotic for off-label use during the admission. For 27 (60%, 95% CI 45.5%–73.0%) of these 45 patients, the off-label therapy was discontinued upon discharge or death, and for 13 (29%, 95% CI 17.7%–43.4%), the agent was continued upon discharge without a plan in place. The most frequent diagnosis was delirium, and the agent most frequently used was haloperidol.Conclusions: Off-label antipsychotic therapy was initiated for almost 1 in every 5 elderly patients receiving care in 2 medical units at a community hospital. These findings suggest a need to monitor and reassess the off-label use of these agents, especially at the time of discharge.RÉSUMÉContexte : Les antipsychotiques ont Ă©tĂ© approuvĂ©s pour le traitement de certains troubles psychiatriques. Or, ces mĂ©dicaments sont aussi frĂ©quemment utilisĂ©s en dĂ©rogation des directives de l’étiquette et des Ă©tudes rĂ©centes ont supposĂ© une potentielle augmentation prĂ©occupante du risque de dĂ©cĂšs lorsqu’ils sont employĂ©s pour traiter des patients ĂągĂ©s atteints de dĂ©mence. La majeure partie de la littĂ©rature portant sur l’emploi non conforme d’antipsychotiques provient de centres d’hĂ©bergement et de soins de longue durĂ©e. Or, on constate un manque de donnĂ©es quantitatives sur les patients ĂągĂ©s dans les milieux de soins de courte durĂ©e. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© conçue pour examiner ce scĂ©nario et dĂ©couvrir de potentielles occasions d’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© en vue de rĂ©duire au minimum les risques de prĂ©judice.Objectifs : Les objectifs principaux Ă©taient de dĂ©terminer la prĂ©valence de l’emploi non conforme d’antipsychotiques amorcĂ© Ă  l’hĂŽpital chez les patients aĂźnĂ©s et de dĂ©terminer le plan relatif Ă  la prescription de ces mĂ©dicaments au moment du congĂ©. Les objectifs secondaires incluaient de dĂ©terminer quels Ă©taient le diagnostic le plus frĂ©quent et le mĂ©dicament le plus utilisĂ©.MĂ©thodes : Une Ă©tude de cohorte rĂ©trospective a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e Ă  l’aide d’un Ă©chantillon de commoditĂ©. Les patients retenus pour l’analyse Ă©taient des personnes ĂągĂ©es (de 65 ans et plus) ayant Ă©tĂ© admises Ă  l’une des deux unitĂ©s mĂ©dicales dans un hĂŽpital communautaire entre le 1er septembre et le 8 novembre 2014. Des statistiques descriptives ont Ă©tĂ© employĂ©es pour analyser les modĂšles de prĂ©valence en ce qui concerne l’emploi non conforme d’antipsychotiques. RĂ©sultats : Au total, 250 patients ont Ă©tĂ© retenus pour l’analyse. Pendant l’hospitalisation, un antipsychotique a Ă©tĂ© amorcĂ© hors conformitĂ© chez 45 patients (18 %, intervalle de confiance [IC] de 95 % de 13,7 % Ă  23,2 %). Pour 27 (60 %, IC de 95 % de 45,5 % Ă  73,0 %) de ces 45 patients, le traitement non conforme a Ă©tĂ© arrĂȘtĂ© au moment du congĂ© et, pour 13 autres (29 %, IC de 95 % de 17,7 %–43,4 %), le traitement a Ă©tĂ© poursuivi au congĂ© sans mise en place d’un plan. Le diagnostic motivant le plus souvent l’emploi non conforme de ces mĂ©dicaments Ă©tait le dĂ©lire et le mĂ©dicament le plus employĂ© Ă©tait l’halopĂ©ridol.Conclusions : Le traitement non conforme par antipsychotique a Ă©tĂ© amorcĂ© pendant le sĂ©jour Ă  l’hĂŽpital pour prĂšs d’un patient ĂągĂ© sur cinq qui recevait des soins dans l’une des deux unitĂ©s mĂ©dicales d’un hĂŽpital communautaire. Ces rĂ©sultats laissent croire qu’une surveillance de l’emploi non conforme de ces mĂ©dicaments et qu’une rĂ©Ă©valuation d’un tel traitement sont nĂ©cessaires, particuliĂšrement au moment du congĂ©

    Analysis of Orders for QTc-Prolonging Medication for Intensive and Cardiac Care Unit Patients with Pre-existing QTc Prolongation (QTIPPP Study)

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    ABSTRACTBackground: A prolonged QTc interval on electrocardiography is often used as a surrogate marker for ventricular arrhythmia. Medications that can prolong the QTc interval may increase the risk of cardiac complications, although the exact incidence is unknown. It is reasonable to assume that administration of QTc-prolonging medications to patients with pre-existing QTc prolongation will further increase the risk of cardiac consequences. This study was designed to examine the frequency of prescription of QTc-prolonging medications in such patients and to explore the potential for clinical pharmacists to minimize the associated risks.Objectives: The primary objective was to identify the number of patients with pre-existing prolonged QTc interval for whom QTc-prolonging medications were prescribed, from among all patients with orders for QTc-prolonging medications. The secondary objectives were to determine patterns of intervention by clinical pharmacists in these cases and to document any further QTc prolongation and occurrence of cardiac events.Methods: A prospective, observational, quality assessment study was conducted over 4.5 months. Adult patients admitted to beds with cardiac monitoring by telemetry for whom one or more QTc-prolonging medications were ordered were eligible for inclusion. Patients were included if the QTc interval was longer than 450 ms on the most recent 12-lead electrocardiogram before the QTc-prolonging medication was ordered. These patients were followed to identify outcomes of interest after administration of QTc-prolonging medication.Results: Overall, a QTc-prolonging medication was prescribed for 207 patients. Of these, 53 patients (26%) had pre-existing prolongation of the QTc interval. Clinical pharmacists made recommendations related to 28 medication orders; of these, 16 (57%) were accepted by the physician. Fifty-one (96%) of the 53 patients received at least one dose of QTc-prolonging medication and were monitored daily for complications. Nine (18%) of the 51 patients who underwent daily monitoring experienced at least one cardiac event.Conclusions: A substantial proportion (26%) of patients for whom QTc-prolonging medications were prescribed had pre-existing prolongation of the QTc interval. Clinical pharmacists may have a role in reducing the risk of subsequent complications.RÉSUMÉContexte : Le L’allongement de l’intervalle QTc Ă  l’électrocardiogramme est souvent utilisĂ© comme critĂšre de substitution d’arythmie ventriculaire. Les mĂ©dicaments pouvant allonger l’intervalle QTc peuvent accroĂźtre le risque de complications cardiaques, bien que l’incidence exacte demeure inconnue. On peut raisonnablement prĂ©tendre que l’administration de mĂ©dicaments allongeant l’intervalle QTc chez des patients prĂ©sentant un allongement prĂ©existant de l’intervalle QTc augmentera le risque de complications cardiaques. Cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© conçue pour examiner la frĂ©quence de prescription de mĂ©dicaments allongeant l’intervalle QTc chez de tels patients et la possibilitĂ© pour les pharmaciens cliniciens de rĂ©duire au minimum les risques associĂ©s Ă  cette situation.Objectifs : Le principal objectif Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer le nombre de patients prĂ©sentant un allongement prĂ©existant de l’intervalle QTc Ă  qui l’on a prescrit des mĂ©dicaments allongeant cet intervalle sur l’ensemble des patients Ă  qui l’on a prescrit des mĂ©dicaments allongeant l’intervalle QTc. Les objectifs secondaires Ă©taient de dĂ©terminer les habitudes d’intervention par les pharmaciens cliniciens dans ces cas et de constater tout allongement supplĂ©mentaire de l’intervalle QTc et la survenue d’évĂ©nements cardiaques.MĂ©thodes : Une Ă©tude d’évaluation qualitative, prospective et observationnelle a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur une pĂ©riode de quatre mois. Les patients adultes hospitalisĂ©s avec surveillance cardiaque par tĂ©lĂ©mĂ©trie au chevet et Ă  qui l’on prescrivait au moins un mĂ©dicament allongeant l’intervalle QTc Ă©taient admissibles Ă  l’étude. Les patients Ă©taient admis si l’intervalle QTc objectivĂ© sur le plus rĂ©cent ECG Ă  12 dĂ©rivations excĂ©dait 450 ms avant la prescription de mĂ©dicaments allongeant l’intervalle QTc. Ces patients ont Ă©tĂ© suivis afin de dĂ©terminer les rĂ©sultats d’intĂ©rĂȘt aprĂšs l’administration de tels mĂ©dicaments.RĂ©sultats : Dans l’ensemble, on a prescrit un mĂ©dicament allongeant l’intervalle QTc Ă  207 patients. De ceux-ci, 53 (26 %) prĂ©sentaient un allongement prĂ©existant de l’intervalle QTc. Les pharmaciens cliniciens ont formulĂ© des recommandations liĂ©es Ă  28 des prescriptions de ces mĂ©dicaments; de ces recommandations, 16 (57 %) ont Ă©tĂ© acceptĂ©es par le mĂ©decin. De plus, 51 (96 %) des 53 patients ont reçu au moins une dose de mĂ©dicament allongeant l’intervalle QTc et ont fait l’objet d’une surveillance quotidienne des complications. Neuf (18%) de ces 51 patients ont prĂ©sentĂ© au moins un Ă©vĂ©nement cardiaque.Conclusions : Une proportion considĂ©rable (26 %) des patients Ă  qui l’on a prescrit un mĂ©dicament allongeant l’intervalle QTc prĂ©sentait un allongement prĂ©existant de cet intervalle, ce qui porte Ă  croire que les pharmaciens cliniciens pourraient avoir un rĂŽle Ă  jouer dans la rĂ©duction du risque de complications subsĂ©quentes