240 research outputs found

    Evidences of Interdependence and Contagion using a Frequency Domain Framework

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    The purpose of this paper is to propose a new measure of contagion. Our approach to testing contagion is based on the frequency analysis of causality developed recently by Breitung and Candelon (2004). This approach handles, in a unified framework, several of the statistical problems identified in the literature. It also permits clear differentiation between temporary and permanent shifts in cross-market linkages: the first case is contagion while the second one is simply a measure of interdependence among markets. In examining the ”Tequila” and Asian crises, we find evidence for contagion during both. It also turns out that during the Asian crisis both contagion and higher interdependence have contributed simultaneously to the diffusion of the crisis in Asia. The spillover effects of these crises have been geographically limited to the region where the shock originated.macroeconomics ;

    Do Foreign Exchange Markets Matter Dor Industry Stock Returns ? An empirical investigation

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    In this paper, we develop a bivariate two factor-two country GARCH model of stock returns in order to investigate whether exchange rate fluctuations have a significant impact on the conditional mean, variance, and correlation of industry stock returns. Weekly data for seven industries in five European countries over the 1990-1998 period are used. We document that exchange rates have a significant effect on expected industry stock returns and on their volatility. The magnitude of this effect is, however, quite small. The contribution of the exchange rate factor to the time-varying correlation coefficients between two countries’industry returns is also very modest. The paper also shows that the importance of the exchange rate spillovers is influenced by the exchange rate regime, the magnitude and the direction of exchange rate shocks.Industry stock returns; Fx market; Volatility; International correlation

    Real exchanges rates in commodity producing countries : A reappraisal

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    Commodity currency literature recently stressed the importance of commodity prices as a determinant of real exchange rates in developing countries (Cashin, Cespedes and Sahay 2004). We provide new empirical evidence on this issue by focusing on countries which are specialized in the ex-port of one leading commodity. For those countries, we investigate to which extent their real exchange rate is sensitive to price fluctuations of their dominant commodity. By using non-stationary panel techniques robust to cross-sectional-dependence, we find that the price of the dominant commodity has a significant long-run impact on the real exchange rate when the exports of the leading commodity have a share of at least 20 percent in the country’s total exports of merchandises. Our results also show that the larger the share, the larger the size of the impact.real exchange rates, commodity prices, non-stationary panel

    Real Exchange Rates, Commodity Prices and Structural Factors in Developing Countries

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    This paper provides new empirical evidence about the relationship that may exist between real exchange rates and commodity prices in developing countries that are specialized in the export of a main primary commodity. It investigates how structural factors like the exchange rate regime, the degree of financial and trade openness, the degree of export concentration and the type of the commodity exports affect the strength of the commodity price-real exchange rate dependence.Real exchange rates, commodity prices, exchange rate regime, financial openness, panel analysis

    Real Exchanges Rates in Commodity Producing Countries: A Reappraisal

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    Commodity currency literature recently stressed the importance of commodity prices as a determinant of real exchange rates in developing countries (Cashin, Cespedes and Sahay 2004). We provide new empirical evidence on this issue by focusing on countries which are specialized in the export of one leading commodity. For those countries, we investigate to which extent their real exchange rate is sensitive to price uctuations of their dominant commodity. By using non-stationary panel techniques robust to cross-sectional-dependence, we find that the price of the dominant commodity has a significant long-run impact on the real exchange rate when the exports of the leading commodity have a share of at least 20 percent in the country's total exports of merchandises. Our results also show that the larger the share, the larger the size of the impact.Real exchange rates,commodity prices,non-stationary panel

    Identifying and Forecasting the Turning Points of the Belgian Business Cycle with Regime-Switching and Logit Models

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    This paper seeks to elaborate econometric models that can be used to forecast the turning points of the Belgian business cycle. We begin by suggesting three reference cycle, which we hope will fill the void of an official reference chronology for Belgium. We then construct two different types of model to estimate the probabilities of recession : Markov-switching models, and Logit models. We apply each approach to a limited set of data, which are a good representation of the economy, are available early and are subject to only minor revisions. We then select the best performing model for each chronology and type of approach. The out-of-sample results show that the models provide useful indicators of business cycle turning points. They are however far from perfect forecasting tools, especially when it comes to forecasting periods of classical recession.Refrence chronologies; Markov-Switching and Logit models, forecasting business cycle turning points

    An Employment Equation for Belgium

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    Economic theory considers economic growth and wage costs as crucial determinants in the process of job creation. In this paper, we try to quantify the relationship that exists between these variables in Belgium. Our objective being mainly the use of the empirical model for forecasting purposes, we use a V AR model to enable us to apply statistical tools to test some possible constraints within a loose model. We analyse the relationship at three levels: one national and two sectoral.Employment growth, long-run equilibrium, VAR model

    Les Belges sont-ils tous égaux face à l'inflation ?

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    L'inflation est impopulaire car elle rogne les revenus de tout un chacun. Mais son impact est-il plus important pour certains ménages que pour d'autres ? Renforce-t-elle, comme certains le suggèrent parfois, les inégalités entre les plus riches et les plus pauvres ? Notre étude montre qu'en Belgique, les écarts d'inflation entre ménages de revenus différents sont très faibles.