7,778 research outputs found


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    Kelompok buah beri dapat dijadikan sebagai bubur buah dan sari buah yang kemudian dapat ditambahkan ke dalam produk olahan susu yaitu yogurt. Produk olahan yogurt dipilih karena yogurt lebih mudah untuk dicerna oleh pengidap lactose intolerance. Penambahan buah kelompok beri seperti elderberry, strawberry, blueberry, dan chokeberry dipilih karena mengandung senyawa antioksidan yaitu pigmen antosianin.Pigmen antosianin sangat sensitif terhadap perubahan pH. Penambahan buah kelompok beri perlu untuk mempertahankan karakteristik kimia dari yogurt. Parameter yang diulas berupa sifat kimiawi dari yogurt yaitu total fenol, kadar antosianin, pH, dan Total Asam Tertitrasi (TAT). Penambahan produk buah berpigmen antosianin berdampak pada jumlah total fenol dan kadar antosianin yogurt dengan penambahan pigmen antosiain. Penambahan sari buah atau puree buah berpigmen antosianin tidak berdampak pada pH dan TAT yogurt karena kedua parameter tersebut dipengaruhi oleh kultur starter yang bekerja dalam proses fermentasi susu menjadi yogurt. Total fenol dan kadar antosianin sangat dipengaruhi oleh lama penyimpanan dan konsentrasi penambahan produk, sedangkan pH dan TAT dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas Bakteri Asam Laktat yang terjadi selama proses fermentasi dan penyimpanan

    Growth Rate of Mugil cephalus from Two Isolated Ponds in Huntington Beach State Park, South Carolina

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    Measurement of growth of the euryhaline teleost Mugil cephalus is quite common in open ocean settings, but growth rates of M. cephalus in isolated areas is non-existent. Two isolated ponds in Huntington Beach State, Horry County, South Carolina were selected to study the growth rate of M. cephalus; Sandpiper Pond with virtual no hydrologic connection to the ocean and Jetty Pond with adequate hydrologic connection to the ocean were the sites of sample collection. Scales from M. cephalus in both ponds were collected then aged by two readers, where agreeing ages were kept in the dataset. A von Bertalanffy growth model was fit individually for the two study sites. Length-at-age data and von Bertalanffy growth curves for Sandpiper Pond and Jetty Pond were compared to similar data from the Atlantic Ocean near Charleston, South Carolina and the Gulf of Mexico near Vera Cruz, Mexico. Sandpiper Pond was observed to be the most stressful of the environments and resulted in the slowest growth rate. Jetty Pond specimens on the other hand exhibited the fastest growth rate, possibly due to regeneration of eggs and optimal water circulation. Length-at-age data for M. cephalus in the Atlantic Ocean near Charleston fitted a von Bertalanffy growth curve that reached an asymptotic length at age 3, the same age as maturity. The von Bertalanffy growth model for M. cephalus in the Gulf of Mexico showed a slower growth than those in the Atlantic Ocean but greater than that of Sandpiper Pond. Each environment influenced the growth of the fish within it and caused significantly different growth rates between the four locations

    A generalized topological recursion for arbitrary ramification

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    The Eynard-Orantin topological recursion relies on the geometry of a Riemann surface S and two meromorphic functions x and y on S. To formulate the recursion, one must assume that x has only simple ramification points. In this paper we propose a generalized topological recursion that is valid for x with arbitrary ramification. We justify our proposal by studying degenerations of Riemann surfaces. We check in various examples that our generalized recursion is compatible with invariance of the free energies under the transformation (x,y) -> (y,x), where either x or y (or both) have higher order ramification, and that it satisfies some of the most important properties of the original recursion. Along the way, we show that invariance under (x,y) -> (y,x) is in fact more subtle than expected; we show that there exists a number of counter examples, already in the case of the original Eynard-Orantin recursion, that deserve further study.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure
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