2 research outputs found

    Linguistic Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of Tamil Version of General Oral Health Assessment Index‑Tml

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    Background: Oral health has an impact on quality of life hence for research purpose validation of a Tamil version of General Oral Health Assessment Index would enable it to be used as a valuable tool among Tamil speaking population.Aim: In this study, we aimed to assess the psychometric properties of translated Tamil version of General Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI‑Tml).Subjects and Methods: Linguistic adaptation involved forward and backward blind translation process. Reliability was analyzed using test‑retest, Cronbach alpha, and split half reliability. Inter‑item and item‑total correlation were evaluated using Spearman rank correlation. Convenience sampling was done, and 265 consecutive patients aged 20–70 years attending the outpatient department were recruited. Subjects were requested to fill a self‑reporting questionnaire along with Tamil GOHAI version. Clinical examination was done on the same visit. Concurrent validity was measured by assessing the relationship between GOHAI scores and self‑perceived oral health and general health status, satisfaction with oral health, need for dental treatment and esthetic satisfaction. Discriminant validity was evaluated by comparing the GOHAI scores with the objectively assessed clinical parameters. Exploratory factor analysis was done to examine the factor structure.Results: Mean GOHAI‑Tml was 52.7 (6.8, range 22–60, median 54). The mean number of negative impacts was 2 (2.4, range 0–11, median 1). The Spearman rank correlation for test‑retest ranged from 0.8 to 0.9 (P < 0.001) for all the 12 items between visits. The Cronbach alpha for 265 samples was 0.8 suggesting good internal consistency and homogeneity between items. Item scale correlation ranged from 0.4 to 0.8 (P < 0.001). Concurrent and discriminant validity was established. Principal component analysis resulted in extraction of four factors which together accounted for 66.4% (7.9/12) variance.Conclusion: GOHAI‑Tml has shown acceptable psychometric properties, so that it can be used as an efficient tool in identifying the impact of oral health on quality of life among the Tamil speaking population.Keywords: General oral health assessment index, Linguistic adaptation, Oral health‑related quality of life, Psychometric properties, Reliability, Validit


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    ABSTRACT Orthodontic treatment for malocclusion correction may involve extraction or non-extraction of specified teeth for esthetic and functional harmony. Antero-posterior and transverse arch dimensional changes following orthodontic treatment has been evaluated using many methods. The present study evaluated the arch dimensional changes after orthodontic treatment in extraction and non-extraction cases using AUTO CAD system with medial and lateral edges of 3 rd primary rugae and mesio-incisal tip of the most prominent incisor as the reference points. A total of 100 (Group 1-Upper bicuspid extraction=50; Group 2-Non-extraction=50) orthodontically treated cases were selected in the age range of 19-25 years (Males=50; Females=50). Their pre and post treatment study models were collected and photographed. The photographic data was then digitized and arch dimensional changes were measured using AUTO CAD. The data obtained were subjected to statistical analyses using Paired t-test, Unpaired t-test, Levene's test and Gain score measurement test. There were significant antero-posterior tooth movements in extraction cases when compared to non extraction cases, a significant reduction in the intermolar width after premolar extractions but minimal changes in the intercanine width showing significance at 5% level. In non-extraction cases, there was no significant arch dimensional changes after orthodontic treatment in both intermolar and intercanine region. Maximum antero-posterior arch dimensional changes can be seen in orthodontically treated bicuspid extraction cases and non extraction cases show minimal changes in the antero-posterior dimensions even after orthodontic treatment. Significant amount of anchorage loss can be seen in upper bicuspid extraction cases when compared to non extraction cases. Reduction in the intermolar width and contraction of maxillary arch occurred in upper bicuspid extraction cases with minimal changes in the intercanine width. Minimal transverse arch dimensional changes occurred in non-extraction cases after orthodontic treatment