14 research outputs found

    Mezőgazdasági gépek fogaskerék-hajtóműveinek az optimálása

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    1. Meghatároztuk a szerszámgép-beállításnak és a fogakat megmunkáló szerszám geometriájának megfelelő fogfelületek valós geometriáját és az így kialakított fogak egymással történő kapcsolódásának a jellemzőit. 2. Új módszert dolgoztunk ki a pillanatnyilag kapcsolódó fogpárok közötti és a fogak menti terheléseloszlás számítására. Az új módszer alapgondolata, hogy terhelés alatt az elméleti pontérintkezés egy meghatározott vonal teljes hosszában, vagy részhosszában húzódó, kis szélességű, felületi érintkezésbe megy át. A módszer figyelembe veszi a fogak hajlításból és nyírásból eredő deformációját, a fogak lokális Hertz-féle összenyomódását, a tengelyek alakváltozását, a kapcsolódó fogaskerekek beállítási hibáit, valamint a csapágyakban fellépő hézagokat. A fogak deformációjának és a bennük fellépő feszültségek számítására egy külön végeselem módszert dolgoztunk ki. 3. Kidolgoztunk egy új módszert a hipoid fogaskerékpár és az íveltfogú kúpkerekpár termo-elasztohidrodinamikus kenésvizsgálatára4. Megalkottuk a megfelelő számítógépes programokat. 5. Eredmények: A szerszámprofil körívsugarainak, illetve a szerszám átmérőjének optimálásával a maximális fogfelületi nyomás 16.22 %-kal, a hajtott kerék szögelfordulási hibája pedig 178.72 %-kal csökkent, a gépbeállítási paraméterek helyes megválasztásával még további 5.8 %-kos, illetve 65.4 %-kos csökkenés érhető el. | 1. The tooth geometry due to cutter geometry and machine tool settings for pinion and gear teeth processing was defined. 2. A new method for load distribution calculation was developed: It was assumed that the theoretical point contact of the mismatched (modified) spiral bevel and hypoid gears under load spreads over a surface along the whole or part of the ?potential? contact line made up of the points of the mating teeth surfaces in which the separations of these surfaces along the tooth face width are minimal. The bending and shearing deflections of gear teeth, the local contact deformation of mating surfaces, gear body bending and torsion, the deflection of supporting shafts, and the manufacturing and alignment errors were included. A new finite element method for the calculation of tooth deflections and stresses was developed. 3. A new method for the thermal elastohydrodynamic analysis of lubrication in spiral bevel and hypoid gears was developed. 4. The corresponding computer programs were developed. 5. The obtained results: By applying the optimal geometry and diameter of the cutter for pinion processing the maximum tooth contact pressure was reduced by 16.22% and the angular position error of the driven gear by 178.72%. The optimization of the machine tool settings in pinion teeth processing yields to further reductions of 5.8% and 65.4%, respectively

    Constructing an Authoring Tool for Intelligent Tutoring Systems with Hierarchical Domain Models

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    Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs), while effective in enhancing students’ problem solving skills, are difficult and time-consuming to build. In order to reduce the length and the complexity of ITS construction, authoring tools are used. These tools provide a solid foundation for creating pedagogical exercises for students, and offer graphical user interfaces that eliminate the need for programming expertise. One of the major problems with today’s authoring tools is that they are still quite intricate and time-consuming to utilize, even for users who are familiar with them. Their steep learning curves often intimidate users who are only interested in creating simple tutoring systems. I have designed and implemented an authoring tool, called Mason, which strips away the visual interface design features of today’s top ITSs, and focuses on the creation of sophisticated pedagogical exercises using a hierarchical domain model. The exercise creation process includes the definition of numerous components, such as: a problem statement, the desired answer to the exercise, the strategies for tutoring students on the mistakes they make while trying to formulate the correct answer, and diagnostic rules for launching the appropriate strategies for specific student errors. The ultimate goal of Mason is to be able to significantly reduce the time needed to author text-based ITSs that are able to diagnose student answers and generate pedagogical dialogue accordingly. This goal was verified by using Mason to replicate the architecture of Ms. Lindquist, a sophisticated ITS for algebra that originally took over a year a construct. The replica was finished in less than a week, and was able to emulate Ms. Lindquist’s dialogue generation accurately with minor limitations

    Virtual desktop -- dynamic scheduling and file management system

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    Our project is to create an online Virtual Desktop that performs several options which users will find helpful to their everyday lives. We accomplish this goal by combining two key elements into a complete online solution. The first part is to create an online scheduling system where users can keep track of personal and class-assigned tasks. The second part is to create a file management system where users can store and retrieve personal files online. Finally, we bring both together with an interface that is as intuitive and customizable as a local computer desktop with the ubiquitous advantage of being on the web

    Improving the efficiency of the Caribe General Electric transportation system.

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    The purpose of this project was to present a plan to increase the efficiency of Caribe GE's inter-island truck transportation system. Since the corporation had installed tracking systems into their trucks, we needed to analyze the effects the system might have on the drivers. The methodology included the analysis of driver report forms for identifying efficiency flaws. The thirteen drivers of Caribe GE were also surveyed in order to find out what they knew about the hardware system that was installed in their trucks and what their assessments of the current transportation system are. In particular, the impact of overtime reduction and the psychological effects of being tracked were studied. We have evaluated the ten Caribe GE plants according to their efficiency for preparing, loading, and unloading cargo and have prepared recommendations to improve the less efficient components of the process

    Targeted deletion of CX3CR1 reveals a role for fractalkine in cardiac allograft rejection

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    Fractalkine (Fk) is a structurally unusual member of the chemokine family. To determine its role in vivo, we generated mice with a targeted disruption of CX(3)CR1, the receptor for Fk. CX(3)CR1(–/–) mice were phenotypically indistinguishable from wild-type mice in a pathogen-free environment. In response to antibody-induced glomerulonephritis, CX(3)CR1(–/–) and CX(3)CR1(+/+) mice had similar levels of proteinuria and injury. CX(3)CR1(–/–) and CX(3)CR1(+/+) mice also developed similar levels of disease in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. We performed heterotopic MHC class I/II cardiac transplants from BALB/c mice into C57BL/6 mice. In the absence of cyclosporin A (CsA), there was no difference in graft survival time between CX(3)CR1(–/–) and CX(3)CR1(+/+) recipient mice. However, in the presence of subtherapeutic levels of CsA, graft survival time was significantly increased in the CX(3)CR1(–/–) mice. Characterization of cells infiltrating the grafts revealed a selective reduction in natural killer cells in the CX(3)CR1(–/–) recipients in the absence of CsA and a reduction in macrophages, natural killer cells, and other leukocytes in the presence of CsA. We conclude that Fk plays an important role in graft rejection. The development of CX(3)CR1 antagonists may allow reductions in the doses of immunosuppressive drugs used in transplantation