596 research outputs found

    Colony foundation in the ponerine ant, Mesoponera caffraria (F. Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    In the laboratory six queens of Mesoponera caffraria excavated new nests and raised their first brood alone by hunting small arthropods to feed the larvae (semiclaustral haplometrotic colony foundation). The nests consisted of two chambers. The structure of the entrance of the inner chamber, in which the brood was raised, helped to prevent other insects from entering it. Egg production followed a cyclic pattern that was co-ordinated with the periods when larvae did not require care

    Systematic status of Platypleura stridula L. and Platypleura capensis L. (Hornopter, Cicadidae)

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    Although synonymized for many decades, the Linnaean species Platypleura stridula and P. capensis are biologically distinct, differing in their host plant and habitat preferences, geographical distribution and calling songs. There are also morphological differences between the two taxa which parallel the differences in their biology. P. capensis should therefore be accorded specific rank

    Phylogeny of African Bruchids and their host plant Acacia species

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    Effect of the killing method on post-mortem change in length of larvae of Thanatophilus micans (Fabricius, 1794) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) stored in 70% ethanol

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    It is recommended that insect larvae collected for forensic purposes should be killed using the same method as was used to create existing models for rate of development. Certain killing methods have been shown to be preferable because they cause less distortion of the specimens, but these are not always practicable in a particular case, and so a method of correcting for effect of killing method is required. Larvae of all instars of Thanatophilus micans (Fabricius 1794) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) were measured and then killed by immersion in ethanol, immersion in hot water or freezing. Samples were re-measured immediately after death, then stored in excess 70% ethanol and re-measured after 1 week and again after 4 weeks. The change in length was significantly different from zero in all samples (t = -9.07022, p < 0.001). An analysis of covariance showed that instar, killing method and storage time all had a significant effect on the change in length. The results showed that T. micans larvae have a great potential for change in length during storage but that the change is not predictable, as the magnitude and sign of the change are variable

    IsiXhosa insect names from the Eastern Cape, South Africa

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    We present a list of isiXhosa names for a wide diversity of South African insects, and their English translations and scientific names, to contribute to bridging the knowledge gap between rural development workers and isiXhosa speakers. We interviewed 51 people in their homes at eight sites across the Eastern Cape and also included words from a published dictionary. We found 151 insect names, and categorized them into personal, dialectal and standard categories. Response-frequency distributions of the categories of names showed that the dialectal and standard lists were essentially complete. Sample accumulation curves showed levelling-off within sites and across the whole study, demonstrating that samples were adequate. The literal translations of some names show that isiXhosa speakers relate insects either to people, to their habitat and/or to their behaviour. The list can contribute to the standardization of knowledge of insects' indigenous names in South Africa for a variety of practical applications such as agricultural training and health services

    3000 miles from home: a new Gastrosericus baobabicus Pulawski, 1995 (Hymenoptera, Larridae) distribution record highlights that the Sahel has a distinct entomofaunal signature

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    [from introduction] On October 30, 1953, an unidentified female wasp (Fig. 1) was collected from ‘Belet Uen, Somaliland’ (= Beledweyne, 4°44’N 45°12’E), situated in the valley of the Shebelle River, HiraanProvince,Somalia. It was deposited in the aculeate Hymenoptera collection of the Albany Museum, Grahamstown by D. Greathead prior to 1968. Apart from the words ‘Somaliland’ and ‘Desert Locust Survey’ the label is handwritten and the collector’snameis not recorded. Greathead’s sister, S. Gess (Albany Museum), deciphered the label and stated that he had worked for the Desert Locust Survey, investigating the natural enemies of locusts and had been in Somalia (then Somaliland) at that time (Murphy & Cock 2007). The specimen was sent in 2004 by F. Gess to W. Pulawski, who determined it as Gastrosericus baobabicus Pulawski, 1995. Gastrosericus species prey on spiders and a variety of small insects (Pulawski 1995), including Orthoptera (Krombein & Pulawski 1986), so it is likely that Greathead collected the specimen in connection with his interest in the insect enemies of Acridoidea (Orthoptera) (Greathead 1962)

    A history of southern African research relevant to forensic entomology

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    Entomological forensic evidence has been used in southern Africa for decades but explicitly forensic research began in southern Africa only 26 years ago. Although applicable local research has accumulated since 1921, it is scattered in a diverse literature or unpublished. Some overseas research has also touched on local species. This review uses a historical approach to synthesize the southern African literature and to illustrate the cross-disciplinary, opportunistic nature of forensic entomology. Distinct phases of research focused on agriculture (1921-1950), medicine (1952- 1965), ecology (1968-1990) and forensics (1980-2005), but systematics spanned the entire period and tended to be ad hoc. Few scientists were involved, situated at geographically distant locations and with widely disparate research interests. The review concludes with an overview of southern African entomologists who have been involved in medico-legal investigations, and a critical evaluation of the past and future of the discipline locally

    Seasonal phenology of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.), (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), and its parasitoids on canola, Brassica napus (L.), in Gauteng province, South Africa

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    Canola, Brassica napus L. (Brassicaceae), is a relativelynewcrop in SouthAfrica. Several insect pests, including diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), that attack cruciferous vegetables, also attack canola. The aims of this study were to determine the seasonal phenology of P. xylostella populations on canola, and the composition, relative abundance and seasonal phenology of parasitoids attacking P. xylostella on this crop. Diamondback moth adults were monitored with synthetic sex-pheromone traps. Larval and pupal populations of P. xylostella were monitored weekly for three years at Bapsfontein and Rietondale in Gauteng province. Samples of diamondback moth larvae, pupae and parasitoid cocoons were collected and transported to the laboratory. Parasitoids that emerged were identified and their incidence recorded. Berlese funnel catches were used as an indicator of the accuracy of the visual counts. The infestation level of P. xylostella larvae was high from May to August at Rietondale, while at Bapsfontein it was high from September to December. There was a high correlation (r=0.79, P<0.001) between pheromone trap catches and subsequent larval infestations at Bapsfontein. The pheromone traps indicated that diamondback moth adults were present throughout the year. Berlese funnel catches indicated that a large number of larvae, especially first instars, were overlooked during visual plant scouting. Parasitism rates were often very high, reaching 90–100 %. The following parasitoids were recorded from field-collected P. xylostella: the larval parasitoids Cotesia plutellae (Kurdjumov) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Apanteles halfordi Ullyett (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), the larval/pupal parasitoids Diadegma mollipla (Holmgren) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and Oomyzus sokolowskii (Kurdjumov) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), the pupal parasitoid Diadromus collaris (Gravenhorst) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), and the hyperparasitoids Mesochorus sp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and Pteromalus sp. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Cotesia plutellae was the most abundant parasitoid throughout the study
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