1,202 research outputs found

    Mimetologies: Aesthetic Politics in Early Modern Opera

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    In recent decades, mimesis has become a critical term for rethinking relationality, difference, and affect, reconsidered against the notions of artistic autonomy and representation. While music—and sound in general—seldom feature in these accounts, issues of musical autonomy and representation (aesthetic and political) in music studies have given way to a concern with immediacy, relationality, and vibration that bypass a revaluation of the discipline’s own accounts of mimesis, still understood largely as imitation. I propose a radical revision of mimesis away from its traditional understanding to bridge these various gaps and to reaffirm the necessity of thinking of alterity and difference in expanded conceptions of musical relationality. Music is more central in ancient Greek accounts of mimesis, especially in Plato’s Republic, than current musicology acknowledges. In close reading of these texts and drawing on the work of Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe and Jacques Derrida (1975), I elaborate a critical methodology to analyze the logics of mimesis—the mimetologies—as they are deployed in theoretical works and artistic performances. I propose to understand mimesis in music not as imitation but as (1) related to the ancient Greek mousikē—the collective performance of sung poetry and dance; (2) the production of originals out of copies (and not the reverse); (3) the inscription of the ethos and laws of the community through musical practice; (4) a general process involved in the production and negotiation of value, identity, and difference. This revaluation of mimesis challenges narratives of emancipation and discontinuity that continue to privilege a Romantic philosophy of autonomous music and which fail to offer rigorous accounts of music’s social inscription. In close dialogue with musicological and philosophical historiography, I focus on the Artusi-Monteverdi controversy, the Medici intermedi of 1589, and early operas, Peri’s L’Euridice (1600) and Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo (1607). As a mimetic performance, music does not mirror or represent social orders but participates in their production and regulation. I conclude that early modern spectacle and opera employed an ethos of allegrezza to inscribe the laws of a patriarchal society in which sovereign power was preserved across Europe through marriage ties and strictly male inheritance

    Study and application of the AVAS to electric vehicles for pedestrian safety

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    Aquest treball de fi de màster (TFM) està orientat a estudiar i analitzar un dels nous sistemes incorporats als vehicles elèctrics (EV) moderns, el SAAV, o sistema d'alerta acústica vehicular. Aquest sistema que s'obliga a incorporar-se als EV sota normativa des de l'any 2019 per a la seva circulació presenta diversos models de sons ja existents en cotxes del mercat actual. Tant la normativa com diferents models de sons SAAV són analitzats per entendre la situació actual d'aquesta tecnologia. En tractar de sons, el TFM descriu també informació teòrica base que estenc els coneixements sobre els elements acústics i la seva estructura. La substitució dels sons de propulsió vehicular que comporta l’augment de circulació d’EVs en lloc de vehicles de combustió interna (ICE) involucra una adaptació social. Per això, aquest treball busca descobrir quina és la percepció de les persones davant de diversos sons de SAAV d'EV de marques diferents. Mitjançant un Jury test realitzat a diversos estudiants es puntua diferents sons per revelar quins sons agraden més i quins fan una impressió insatisfeta. En apartats següents, s'analitzen aquests mateixos sons enquestats per establir correlacions entre els resultats obtinguts de percepció acústica i l'estructura de cada so, les freqüències, harmònics i sorolls. D'aquesta manera, es busca entendre que aspectes dels sons de SAAV són els que provoquen que siguin percebuts amb característiques més atractives que d'altres, i quins aspectes varien depenent de la categoria vehicular per a la qual va ser dissenyat el so. Finalment, aquest TFM involucra el desenvolupament i el disseny d'un model de so per al SAAV d'un vehicle en específic. Es detalla el que va comportar la producció d'aquest so de propulsió i també se'n fa l'anàlisi acústic. Aquesta secció addicional a l'enfocament principal del treball busca proporcionar una mica d'experiència més enllà del teòric i donar a saber com seria dur a terme un projecte similar a la vida realEl presente trabajo de fin de máster (TFM) está orientado a estudiar y analizar uno de los nuevos sistemas incorporados en los vehículos eléctricos (EV) modernos, el SAAV, o sistema de alerta acústica vehicular. Este sistema que se obliga a incorporarse en los EV bajo normativa desde el año 2019 para su circulación, presenta varios modelos de sonidos ya existentes en coches del mercado actual. Tanto la normativa, como distintos modelos de sonidos SAAV son analizados para entender la situación actual de esta tecnología. Al tratar de sonidos, el TFM describe también información teórica base que extiendo los conocimientos sobre los elementos acústicos y su estructura. La sustitución de los sonidos de propulsión vehicular que conlleva el aumento de circulación de EVs en lugar de vehículos de combustión interna (ICE) involucra una adaptación social. Por ello, este trabajo busca descubrir cual es la percepción de las personas ante varios sonidos de SAAV de EV de marcas diferentes. Mediante un Jury test realizado a varios estudiantes se puntúa distintos sonidos para revelar cuales sonidos agradan más y cuales dan una impresión insatisfecha. En apartados siguientes, se analizan estos mismos sonidos encuestados para establecer correlaciones entre los resultados obtenidos de percepción acústica y la estructura de cada sonido, sus frecuencias, harmónicos y ruidos. De esta forma, se busca entender que aspectos de los sonidos de SAAV son los que provocan que sean percibidos con características más atractivas que otras, y que aspectos varían dependiendo de la categoría vehicular para la cual fue diseño el sonido. Finalmente, este TFM involucra el desarrollo y diseño de un modelo de sonido para el SAAV de un vehículo en específico. Se detalla lo que conllevó la producción de este sonido de propulsión y también se realiza el análisis acústico del mismo. Esta sección adicional al enfoque principal del trabajo busca proporcionar un tanto de experiencia más allá de lo teórico y dar a saber como seria llevar a cabo un proyecto similar en la vida realhis master’s thesis (TFM) is oriented to study and analyze one of the new systems incorporated in modern electric vehicles (EV), the AVAS, or vehicle acoustic warning system. This system, which is required to be incorporated in EVs under regulations since 2019 for their circulation, presents several models of sounds already existing in cars in the current market. Both the regulations and different models of AVAS sounds are analyzed to understand the current situation of this technology. When dealing with sounds, the TFM also describes theoretical background information that extends the knowledge about acoustic elements and their structure. The substitution of vehicle propulsion sounds brought about by the increased circulation of EVs instead of internal combustion vehicles (ICE) involves a social adaptation. Therefore, this work seeks to discover what is the perception of people in front of several AVAS sounds of EVs of different brands. By means of a Jury test performed to several students, different sounds are scored to reveal which sounds are more pleasing and which ones give an unsatisfied impression. In the following sections, these same surveyed sounds are analyzed to establish correlations between the obtained results of acoustic perception and the structure of each sound, its frequencies, harmonics, and noises. In this way, we seek to understand which aspects of the AVAS sounds are the ones that cause them to be perceived with more attractive characteristics than others, and which aspects vary depending on the vehicle category for which the sound was designed. Finally, this TFM involves the development and design of a sound model for the SAAV of a specific vehicle. It details what was involved in the production of this propulsion sound and also performs the acoustic analysis of it. This section in addition to the main focus of the work seeks to provide some experience beyond the theoretical and let you know how it would be to carry out a similar project in real lif

    Some acoustic and articulatory correlates of phrasal stress in Spanish

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    All spoken languages show rhythmic patterns. Recent work with a number of different languages (English, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and French) suggests that metrically (hierarchically) assigned stress levels of the utterance show strong correlations with the amount of jaw displacement, and corresponding F1 values. This paper examines some articulatory and acoustic correlates of Spanish rhythm; specifically, we ask if there is a correlation between phrasal stress values metrically assigned to each syllable and acoustic/articulatory values. We used video recordings of three Salvadoran Spanish speakers to measure maximum jaw displacement, mean F0, mean intensity, mean duration, and mid-vowel F1 for each vowel in two Spanish sentences. The results show strong correlations between stress and duration, and between stress and F1, but weak correlations between stress and both mean vowel intensity and maximum jaw displacement. We also found weak correlations between jaw displacement and both mean vowel intensity and F1