705 research outputs found

    Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection: Management Update

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    Purpose of review Until recently, management options in congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection have been either conservative or termination of pregnancy. However, medical therapies aimed at reducing the risk of infection and/or its severity have recently been investigated. Recent findings In a phase 2 open label, nonrandomized trial, valaciclovir (ValACV) was given to women carrying a CMV-infected fetus. ValACV was associated with a greater proportion of asymptomatic neonates when compared with a historical cohort (82 vs. 43%). However, the study design and the small number of treated women limit its applicability. Even though initial observational data suggested that hyperimmune globulin (HIG) therapy in pregnancy was associated with a significantly lower risk of cCMV, its efficacy has not been borne out in a subsequent phase 2 randomized, placebo controlled, double-blind study [cCMV 30% in the HIG group, 44% in the placebo group ( P=0.13)]. Furthermore, 11% of fetuses in the HIG group had transient or permanent abnormalities, compared with 16% in the placebo group. Summary ValACV might have a promising role in the antenatal treatment of cCMV infection, but definitive recommendations require further research. The use of HIG should currently be limited to the research setting. Video abstract http://links.lww.com/COID/A18

    Sparse image reconstruction on the sphere: implications of a new sampling theorem

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    We study the impact of sampling theorems on the fidelity of sparse image reconstruction on the sphere. We discuss how a reduction in the number of samples required to represent all information content of a band-limited signal acts to improve the fidelity of sparse image reconstruction, through both the dimensionality and sparsity of signals. To demonstrate this result we consider a simple inpainting problem on the sphere and consider images sparse in the magnitude of their gradient. We develop a framework for total variation (TV) inpainting on the sphere, including fast methods to render the inpainting problem computationally feasible at high-resolution. Recently a new sampling theorem on the sphere was developed, reducing the required number of samples by a factor of two for equiangular sampling schemes. Through numerical simulations we verify the enhanced fidelity of sparse image reconstruction due to the more efficient sampling of the sphere provided by the new sampling theorem.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Implications for compressed sensing of a new sampling theorem on the sphere

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    A sampling theorem on the sphere has been developed recently, requiring half as many samples as alternative equiangular sampling theorems on the sphere. A reduction by a factor of two in the number of samples required to represent a band-limited signal on the sphere exactly has important implications for compressed sensing, both in terms of the dimensionality and sparsity of signals. We illustrate the impact of this property with an inpainting problem on the sphere, where we show the superior reconstruction performance when adopting the new sampling theorem compared to the alternative.Comment: 1 page, 2 figures, Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations (SPARS) 201

    Non-Abelian statistics as a Berry phase in exactly solvable models

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    We demonstrate how to directly study non-Abelian statistics for a wide class of exactly solvable many-body quantum systems. By employing exact eigenstates to simulate the adiabatic transport of a model's quasiparticles, the resulting Berry phase provides a direct demonstration of their non-Abelian statistics. We apply this technique to Kitaev's honeycomb lattice model and explicitly demonstrate the existence of non-Abelian Ising anyons confirming the previous conjectures. Finally, we present the manipulations needed to transport and detect the statistics of these quasiparticles in the laboratory. Various physically realistic system sizes are considered and exact predictions for such experiments are provided.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. To appear in New Journal of Physic

    Interacting non-Abelian anyons as Majorana fermions in the honeycomb lattice model

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    We study the collective states of interacting non-Abelian anyons that emerge in Kitaev's honeycomb lattice model. Vortex-vortex interactions are shown to lead to the lifting of the topological degeneracy and the energy is discovered to exhibit oscillations that are consistent with Majorana fermions being localized at vortex cores. We show how to construct states corresponding to the fusion channel degrees of freedom and obtain the energy gaps characterizing the stability of the topological low energy spectrum. To study the collective behavior of many vortices, we introduce an effective lattice model of Majorana fermions. We find necessary conditions for it to approximate the spectrum of the honeycomb lattice model and show that bi-partite interactions are responsible for the degeneracy lifting also in many vortex systems.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, published versio

    Harmonic analysis of spherical sampling in diffusion MRI

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    In the last decade diffusion MRI has become a powerful tool to non-invasively study white-matter integrity in the brain. Recently many research groups have focused their attention on multi-shell spherical acquisitions with the aim of effectively mapping the diffusion signal with a lower number of q-space samples, hence enabling a crucial reduction of acquisition time. One of the quantities commonly studied in this context is the so-called orientation distribution function (ODF). In this setting, the spherical harmonic (SH) transform has gained a great deal of popularity thanks to its ability to perform convolution operations efficiently and accurately, such as the Funk-Radon transform notably required for ODF computation from q-space data. However, if the q-space signal is described with an unsuitable angular resolution at any b-value probed, aliasing (or interpolation) artifacts are unavoidably created. So far this aspect has been tackled empirically and, to our knowledge, no study has addressed this problem in a quantitative approach. The aim of the present work is to study more theoretically the efficiency of multi-shell spherical sampling in diffusion MRI, in order to gain understanding in HYDI-like approaches, possibly paving the way to further optimization strategies.Comment: 1 page, 2 figures, 19th Annual Meeting of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicin

    New procedures for testing whether stock price processes are martingales

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    We propose procedures for testing whether stock price processes are martingales based on limit order type betting strategies. We first show that the null hypothesis of martingale property of a stock price process can be tested based on the capital process of a betting strategy. In particular with high frequency Markov type strategies we find that martingale null hypotheses are rejected for many stock price processes

    Tomograms and other transforms. A unified view

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    A general framework is presented which unifies the treatment of wavelet-like, quasidistribution, and tomographic transforms. Explicit formulas relating the three types of transforms are obtained. The case of transforms associated to the symplectic and affine groups is treated in some detail. Special emphasis is given to the properties of the scale-time and scale-frequency tomograms. Tomograms are interpreted as a tool to sample the signal space by a family of curves or as the matrix element of a projector.Comment: 19 pages latex, submitted to J. Phys. A: Math and Ge

    Suppression of 1/f noise in one-qubit systems

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    We investigate the generation of quantum operations for one-qubit systems under classical noise with 1/f^\alpha power spectrum, where 2>\alpha > 0. We present an efficient way to approximate the noise with a discrete multi-state Markovian fluctuator. With this method, the average temporal evolution of the qubit density matrix under 1/f^\alpha noise can be feasibly determined from recently derived deterministic master equations. We obtain qubit operations such as quantum memory and the NOT}gate to high fidelity by a gradient based optimization algorithm. For the NOT gate, the computed fidelities are qualitatively similar to those obtained earlier for random telegraph noise. In the case of quantum memory however, we observe a nonmonotonic dependency of the fidelity on the operation time, yielding a natural access rate of the memory.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure